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#1 Before February 2015, last edited by Different55 (2018-03-27 02:01:55)

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

See ya.

no no no no no no no no no there's a reason I didn't participate in that "What's the cringiest thing you've ever done" topic and this is it no no no no no no no no no no

I'm gonna keep myself so safe

V'z bss gb fpbhg pnzc sbe n jrrx, fb V jba'g or ba ng nyy. Pbzcyrgryl phg bss sebz gur bhgfvqr jbeyq. Vg'f tbaan or terng ('prcg 4 gru shq bsp.) phm qng shq o anmgl. yvrx fefyl anmgl. V VF YVXR FB CHZCRQ V QHA TVIR N PENC NOBHG TENZZE!!!!bar!!!ryrira1. Fb. Olr. Jura V trg onpx V'yy xabj ubj gb funcr zrgny naq pneir jbbq. V nyernql xabj ubj gb znxr onfxrgf, gbjref(yvxr ovt barf), svaq zl jnl jvgu n znc, eha sbe zl yvsr, naq ubj gb trg pnhtug va n gbeanqb ophm fefyl gung Xafnf jrngue vf yvrx gbgnyl xenml. Vg'f yvxr envavat sbe 10 zva gura vg fgbcf naq h ybbx bhgfvq naq gura lbh pnag p n fvatyr pybhq yvrx naljre? Lru, vf yvrx qng. V'yy or yvivat va n pnainf, frzv-creznarag grag naq hfvat gbaf bs oht fcenl orpnhfr gubfr gvpxf ner nofbyhgryl njshy gurer. Naq gura vg trgf fb qnat ubg gurer vgf yvxr bzt V'z zrygvat naq gura lbh ybbx ng lbhe unaq jurer lbhe pnagrra jnf (ophm vs h qha unir n pnagrra va he unaq h e fefyl fybj naq zvtug rira qvr) naq he unaq zrygrq bss. Jryy, V'ir fcnzzrq rabhtu naq qrfpevorq ubj V jvyy or yvivat rabhtu sbe abj. Olr!

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#2 Before February 2015


Re: See ya.

Blah, outdoors... Hehe. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun. //

I don't feel too comfortable about raids while you're gone, though. D:

Anyway, I hope you have a great week! I look forward to seeing you again in a week, though I don't know you all that well yet. //

#3 Before February 2015

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,511

Re: See ya.

When I first read this, I thought you said space camp and the rest of the post made no sense.
I was at my grandma's last week, 6 whole days without internet. It wasn't too bad, I guess. Try to enjoy yourself!

proc's discorb UnGdm07.gif stylish themes for forums/the game UnGdm07.gif
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danke bluecloud thank u raphe   Gq8tv9Z.gif [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
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#4 Before February 2015


Re: See ya.

Dang I stopped reading that at the 4th sentence O.O

Wooted by:

#5 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: See ya.

// I've got tonight to be here and watch for trolls, but when I leave opera gets upset and stops autoreloading. I'm gonna have a heck of a time getting through a week of unread posts.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#6 Before February 2015

From: Colorado, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,559

Re: See ya.

Have a good time at camp! Lrn2outdoors or your trip will be wasted pFhcd.png

Also, what will we do about the goatse while you're gone?


I hate tall signatures.


#7 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: See ya.

JadElClemens wrote:

Have a good time at camp! Lrn2outdoors or your trip will be wasted pFhcd.png

I've been going on 1 campout every month for the past few years. I've started most of the fires on those and when we did a wilderness survival campout (we had to build our own shelters out of sticks and leaves and grass) my shelter was the best and I did not get wet at all when it rained all night // The other kids weren't so lucky // the water went right through the shelter. I can survive in a canvas tent with horrible food and a few hundred other people for a few days. BTW, this week I will be losing the game a lot. Lot's of people play the game at scout camp. Last year a scoutmaster yelled out "I LOST THE GAME" after everyone got quiet but wasn't asleep yet. // It swept around the Apache campsite.

JadElClemens wrote:

Also, what will we do about the goatse while you're gone?

Zalgryth wrote:

I don't feel too comfortable about raids while you're gone, though. D:

C'mon it's not like I'm the only one here. I've only deleted a few topics from all these raids and made a couple bans. I haven't really done anything at all except stay online a really long time and that won't stop them if they feel like spamming.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#8 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: See ya.

Maybe you'll learn how to hack there and you can get into Alpha when you get back. //


#9 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: See ya.

I hope you don't get mauled by a bear and end up in the hospital for several weeks with very painful concussions !

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#10 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: See ya.

It's impossible without hacking one of the admin's computers. And I can't do that without getting them to download a program to control their computer. And if they DO download it then I would be opening the doors for any other hackers and I wouldn't do that to them. The IP thing doesn't work unless I lived next door, had the same Internet Service Provider, and maybe the same OS.

On-topic: Are there any other Boy Scouts here on the forums?

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#11 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: See ya.

Lol, I was joking.

And I used to do Boy Scouts. I'm not much of am outdoorsy person, though.


#12 Before February 2015


Re: See ya.

If you see bigfoot crossing the road, Speed up and hit it.

#13 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: See ya.

i used to be in boy scouts, but then i realized that my scoutmaster was real creepy. i would have stayed if boy scouts went camping with girl scouts.


#14 Before February 2015


Re: See ya.


Diff gone = PARTY //

Have fun, and yes if you do see bigfoot dont hold back!

#15 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: See ya.

Nah if I see him I'll make a rope trap and have me some breakfast.

I'm leaving now, bye!

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#16 Before February 2015


Re: See ya.

DIFFERENT55, you SSOOOO sounded like this really funny magicain from "no sleevs magic" I love camping //

#17 Before February 2015


Re: See ya.

Good Luck...You're gonna need it. Lol just kidding.
Have fun in camp //

#18 Before February 2015


Re: See ya.

Have fun! don't miss me to much //

#19 Before February 2015


Re: See ya.

Different55 wrote:

... is liek totaly krazy. It's like raining ...

Woot, you said my nickname ^.^
Have fun...

#20 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: See ya.

I'm back. It stormed almost every night. If you're afraid of lightning don't go to Naish because the tents don't block any sound and the entire camp is like an echo chamber. First night, there was an enormous boom. Sounded like someone dropped a bomb on the camp, honestly. You could hear it echoing from one side of the camp to the other. It'd come from the original source, then echo from the opposite direction. And it bounced back with about a half a second between booms.


They are getting smarter and bolder and they love starburst and beef jerky. Not really chocolate, just beef jerky. And starburst. A kid in another tent had some of each in his tent. He got visited by about 10-20 raccoons. One sniffed the back of his head, one licked his leg where he had some jerky in his pocket, and between all of them they stole half a pack of starburst. Unwrapped them and took individual ones, not the whole pack. They also stole some oreos.

I scared the crap out of two kids. [Kid #1] and [Kid #3]. [Kid #1], we were playing cards with a few other boys from the troop in his tent. I left the tent and said I was going to brb. I sneak around, crawl under the side of the tent, reach up, and said his name in mah bestest voice. He jumped a good 2'6" and bolted out the tent.

[kid #3], I got last night. He and [kid #2] were talking in their tent (me and [kid #2] had planned this out) and I crept under the side, reach up, and pin him to the cot. He would've jumped if I'd let him. Unfortunately, he knew it was coming, so he just got up and hit me with the broom we use to sweep the spiders out. XD
Last night I hardly got any sleep because the storm conditions were right for tornadoes (they always are, it seems -.-') so the camp staff wakes everyone up, (2 to a camp site) and gets everyone in their camp's tornado safe room. The safe room is concrete, has 2 rooms, one with toilets and a sink and one empty one for people. It's built into the side of the hill and has a generator to produce electricity. The generator is very loud and the concrete (surprise) isn't soft enough to sleep on. Didn't stop me, though // I can sleep through anything. Even an airhorn.
I don't usually dream, but another kid has crazy dreams. I was in metalworking this year, and I make a really awesome crowbar/backscratcher/spatula/window-smashe-I-mean-spare-set-of-keys. He dreams that night, and I'm on raccoon patrol and my little crowbar can shoot lightning and I can enslave, capture, kill, or teleport raccoons. [a kid from my metalworking class] died fighting a swarm of raccoons, though. He was happy to hear that at metalworking //
We're playing BS (AKA Baloney Snot). Dylon puts down 2 aces, so John has us all check our cards to see if he's BS'ing or not. [kid #5] says he has 2, and I decide that I'll BS and say I have one. So, John calls BS because 2+1+2=5?4. He gets the two aces Dylon put down and the huge stack of cards. In about 10 seconds he figures out I BS'd about my cards. XD Nobody saw that coming because no one's ever done that before. Now nobody trusts anything I saw when it comes to BS.

Another trick I'll use is:
I keep track of the game while pretending to not be paying attention. I've already skipped ahead so I know which card I'll have to put down. I move the cards I want to play to the top of the deck, and set the deck on the table. When my turn comes around, I say "X Y"
X=Number of cards I'm putting down
Y=Any card that is not the one I'm supposed to be putting down. This makes it seem like I'm lost.
Then when they tell me what I'm really supposed to put down (which is what I put down all along) then I pick up the cards, put them on the top of the deck, and take em right back off and say "X Z"
X=# of cards
Z=what I'm supposed to put down
They see that they are the same cards, BS it, and they get the pile.

I might post more stories later.

EDIT: 5500th post.

Last edited by Different55 (Jun 18 2011 9:16:34 pm)

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#21 Before February 2015

Wolf exile1

Re: See ya.

Different55 wrote:

I'm back. It stormed almost every night. If you're afraid of lightning don't go to Naish because the tents don't block any sound and the entire camp is like an echo chamber. First night, there was an enormous boom. Sounded like someone dropped a bomb on the camp, honestly. You could hear it echoing from one side of the camp to the other. It'd come from the original source, then echo from the opposite direction. And it bounced back with about a half a second between booms.


They are getting smarter and bolder and they love starburst and beef jerky. Not really chocolate, just beef jerky. And starburst. A kid in another tent had some of each in his tent. He got visited by about 10-20 raccoons. One sniffed the back of his head, one licked his leg where he had some jerky in his pocket, and between all of them they stole half a pack of starburst. Unwrapped them and took individual ones, not the whole pack. They also stole some oreos.

I scared the crap out of two kids. [Kid #1] and [Kid #3]. [Kid #1], we were playing cards with a few other boys from the troop in his tent. I left the tent and said I was going to brb. I sneak around, crawl under the side of the tent, reach up, and said his name in mah bestest voice. He jumped a good 2'6" and bolted out the tent.

[kid #3], I got last night. He and [kid #2] were talking in their tent (me and [kid #2] had planned this out) and I crept under the side, reach up, and pin him to the cot. He would've jumped if I'd let him. Unfortunately, he knew it was coming, so he just got up and hit me with the broom we use to sweep the spiders out. XD
Last night I hardly got any sleep because the storm conditions were right for tornadoes (they always are, it seems -.-') so the camp staff wakes everyone up, (2 to a camp site) and gets everyone in their camp's tornado safe room. The safe room is concrete, has 2 rooms, one with toilets and a sink and one empty one for people. It's built into the side of the hill and has a generator to produce electricity. The generator is very loud and the concrete (surprise) isn't soft enough to sleep on. Didn't stop me, though // I can sleep through anything. Even an airhorn.
I don't usually dream, but another kid has crazy dreams. I was in metalworking this year, and I make a really awesome crowbar/backscratcher/spatula/window-smashe-I-mean-spare-set-of-keys. He dreams that night, and I'm on raccoon patrol and my little crowbar can shoot lightning and I can enslave, capture, kill, or teleport raccoons. [a kid from my metalworking class] died fighting a swarm of raccoons, though. He was happy to hear that at metalworking //
We're playing BS (AKA Baloney Snot). Dylon puts down 2 aces, so John has us all check our cards to see if he's BS'ing or not. [kid #5] says he has 2, and I decide that I'll BS and say I have one. So, John calls BS because 2+1+2=5?4. He gets the two aces Dylon put down and the huge stack of cards. In about 10 seconds he figures out I BS'd about my cards. XD Nobody saw that coming because no one's ever done that before. Now nobody trusts anything I saw when it comes to BS.

Another trick I'll use is:
I keep track of the game while pretending to not be paying attention. I've already skipped ahead so I know which card I'll have to put down. I move the cards I want to play to the top of the deck, and set the deck on the table. When my turn comes around, I say "X Y"
X=Number of cards I'm putting down
Y=Any card that is not the one I'm supposed to be putting down. This makes it seem like I'm lost.
Then when they tell me what I'm really supposed to put down (which is what I put down all along) then I pick up the cards, put them on the top of the deck, and take em right back off and say "X Z"
X=# of cards
Z=what I'm supposed to put down
They see that they are the same cards, BS it, and they get the pile.

I might post more stories later.

EDIT: 5500th post.

haha! thats awesome! im glad you had a good time. And before i was little we went to some lock-in and there was a kid me and another friend planned out a awesome prank! when we decided to go to bed my friend was in the closet turning the lights on and off really fast and the kid got REALLY scared and was paralized 1-2 hours after that we decided to make some noises saying the kid's name really creepy like...and maybe an hour later we were both sitting down by him cracking up...

#22 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: See ya.


2nd to last day:

S: I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to go home. I'm sick of the heat, bugs, storms, latrines, [etc]

Me: Well, I don't know about you guys, but I could totally live here. I'm loving the pranks, rain, raccoons, metalworking, lolz, crazy songs at meals, ridiculous skits afterwards, and the 24/7 Chuck Norris jokes.

I think I won.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#23 Before February 2015

From: Earth
Joined: 2015-05-19
Posts: 186

Re: See ya.

Wolf exile1 wrote:

haha! thats awesome! im glad you had a good time. And before i was little we went to some lock-in and there was a kid me and another friend planned out a awesome prank! when we decided to go to bed my friend was in the closet turning the lights on and off really fast and the kid got REALLY scared and was paralized 1-2 hours after that we decided to make some noises saying the kid's name really creepy like...and maybe an hour later we were both sitting down by him cracking up...

Rofl! Was he really paralyzed? xD

I bet you guys were laughing really good. //

What's a Lock-In?


Snap: CrypticPi
Instagram: Noncryptic


#24 Before February 2015


Re: See ya.

When you get in a building that you can lock yourself in with.
And be on the look out for ticks. The only thing fun about them is grinding them into the ground and seeing small drips of... yeah. Well just make sure you have fun and don't worry about the ticks. //

Last edited by simpleguest (Jun 19 2011 5:16:08 am)

#25 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: See ya.

^I hate ticks, and I only had one that managed to attach itself to my ankle. He wound up stuck to some tape. and btw the week is already over.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto



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