Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Also, low number of users means hackers mostly leave us alone. Hackers want to affect as many people as possible. They aren't going to be doing that hacking opera. Just a second I have a widget that tells me the security of all top browsers. (BTW Opera widgets are now separate from opera! You don't need opera to be open to open the widget ) Stay Secure says that Opera and FF both have 0 security holes, safari has one, and IE has 8.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
^ Still says that
BTW I found another way to open a link in another tab with Opera mouse gestures.
Hove your mouse pointer over a link, hold right mouse button and move the cursor down a bit, then release right mouse button.
There are many more mouse gesture, hold right mouse button and a help window will appear
All browser Sucks! I Use IE!
Because I use IE to download Opera and Firefox...
Last edited by Aoitenshi (Jun 27 2011 10:31:46 am)
IE isn't as bad as everybody says, but it's still not the best browser.
And it has 8 security holes.
BTW.. IE isn't a browser?
No, IE is not a browser. It's a badly coded tool used to download a browser.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
BTW How many holes does GC have?
Last edited by coolgamer22 (Jun 27 2011 1:16:01 pm)
Try ctrl+crap+click
Last edited by I am the one and only!! (Jun 27 2011 1:19:06 pm)
BTW How many holes does GC have?
Doesn't say. I've had this widget for a while. Since before chrome existed so it doesn't say.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
I use Opera Mini on my iPod Touch. It's way faster than Safari.
[ Started around 1741376833.644 - Generated in 0.063 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.45 MiB (Peak: 1.58 MiB) ]