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I just wanna know what everyone thinks America should do. Stay or leave? But, if your country is involved what do you think you should do? Continue helping, leave, or just go neutral? :rolleyes:
EDIT: >.< I meant to add what should they do with them in the war on terrorism.
Last edited by FruitMonster2 (Jun 24 2011 6:04:25 pm)
Move the jews to another place. Staying on the "sacred place" will only turn things even worse. Sorry for who is jew but I think this is needed, if you understand my point.
Kill all the chinese people who don't make stuff for us, exspecialy if they don't make chicken.
Stop involving your troops in wars that do not concern you. Too many young men being killed.
i would say make em flog out the enermys from behind. They killed osama bin laden they can do this
They should pull back all their troops from every single country that they have troops in. The USA have started so many unnecessary wars, the latest is the one in Libya. USAs politics for foreign affairs can go to hell, they are just destroying the world and have done so since the second world war ended.
i would say make em flog out the enermys from behind. They killed osama bin laden they can do this
Continue helping
I just wanna know what everyone thinks America should do. Stay or leave? But, if your country is involved what do you think you should do? Continue helping, leave, or just go neutral? :rolleyes:
EDIT: >.< I meant to add what should they do with them in the war on terrorism.
They are not helping anyone, except for their own economic system.
Last edited by TheGreenTroll (Jun 26 2011 8:20:14 am)
Britain have done 2 air strikes am i correct?
In Libya or since the war started in Afghanistan/Iraq 2003(?)?
FruitMonster2 wrote:I just wanna know what everyone thinks America should do. Stay or leave? But, if your country is involved what do you think you should do? Continue helping, leave, or just go neutral? :rolleyes:
EDIT: >.< I meant to add what should they do with them in the war on terrorism.
They are not helping anyone, except for their own economic system.
America? The war in Afghanistan is helping our economic system? Wrong. Please do some research. The war in Afghanistan has cost the U.S. over 200 billion dollars. The war in Iraq cost us 700 billion dollars. And, to add on to all of that, they cost the lives MANY soldiers and civilians.
Here's how many troops died:
And the economic situation in the U.S. is pretty bad. We're making a comeback, but the wars are draining us. I think we should leave. We got bin Laden, that's what we came for. And it turns out he wasn't even in Afghanistan. It's time to get out.
USAs economy sunk rapidly after 9/11, by starting a war in the Middle East, USAs economy became stronger.
And yes, I know that the wars are draining the U.S money, but I didn't mean like that. I meant that you are starting wars just to win the natural resources in the country that you invades. You invaded Iraq for oil and you invaded Libya because of water.
Gaddafi had plans to build a water system that could give water to whole Africa. That would damage US and EU economy heavily since the countries of Africa would be able to produce meat, fruit and vegetables from their own agricultures and they would not have to rely on imported goods (from the US and EU) as they do now. If Africa would start to produce their own goods, and stop import goods from the Western world, the US and EU economy would be shaken by its foundations. That is the real reason for the war in Libya. Gaddafi has not killed his own people, except for rebels. It's the US together with NATO that has killed more than thousand people, many women and children.
Watch this.
USAs economy sunk rapidly after 9/11, by starting a war in the Middle East, USAs economy became stronger.
For a little while, but it went downhill from there.
And yes, I know that the wars are draining the U.S money, but I didn't mean like that. I meant that you are starting wars just to win the natural resources in the country that you invades. You invaded Iraq for oil and you invaded Libya because of water.
Yeah, oil was probably the reason Bush invaded Iraq. I won't argue there. But we haven't invaded Libya. To technically invade Libya, we'd have to put troops on the ground, which we haven't. Talk to NATO. We just took out the military institutes.
Gaddafi had plans to build a water system that could give water to whole Africa. That would damage US and EU economy heavily since the countries of Africa would be able to produce meat, fruit and vegetables from their own agricultures and they would not have to rely on imported goods (from the US and EU) as they do now. If Africa would start to produce their own goods, and stop import goods from the Western world, the US and EU economy would be shaken by its foundations. That is the real reason for the war in Libya. Gaddafi has not killed his own people, except for rebels. It's the US together with NATO that has killed more than thousand people, many women and children.
Once again, NATO started it, not the U.S. And even then we're only in a supporting role, taking out military institutes with Tomahawk missiles.
And as for not killing his own people, except for the rebels:
However, in several public appearances, Gaddafi has threatened to destroy the protest movement, and Al Jazeera and other agencies have reported his government is arming pro-Gaddafi militiamen to kill protesters and defectors against the regime in Tripoli.
Libya's human rights record was put in the spotlight in February 2011, due to the government's violent response to pro-democracy protesters, which killed hundreds of demonstrators.
Oh, and I'll watch the video later, dinner's ready.
Okay, let's call it war then, not invasion.
Even if you are in a supporting role, as Sweden, I believe all countries should leave Libya, since Gaddafi hasn't done anything wrong except for launching counterattacks against rebels. Sweden, the US, or NATO has no right at all to launch missiles against military institutes or against any other target.
Hopefully, Obama will be judged as guilty for engaging in the war against Gaddafi.
Gaddafi has done nothing wrong except for killing rebels, that opposed Gaddafi with violance. NATO, Sweden, the US and every other country that has military forces represented in the war against Gaddafi are the bad guys. And I believe it's because the leaders of those countries are afraid of Gaddafis plans to provide water to whole Africa.
This is a debate about the lie(?) that Gaddafi would have killed protesters. The rumours of the execution of protesters came originally from Switzerland, not from Libya, and it was almost only rebels (approximately 250) that had been executed during the protests.
I think we should nuke everyone but Canada 'cuz 'merica, **** yeah! /sarcasm
Lol 10 y/os and politics
No u.
Even if you are in a supporting role, as Sweden, I believe all countries should leave Libya, since Gaddafi hasn't done anything wrong except for launching counterattacks against rebels. Sweden, the US, or NATO has no right at all to launch missiles against military institutes or against any other target.
Hopefully, Obama will be judged as guilty for engaging in the war against Gaddafi.
Gaddafi has done nothing wrong except for killing rebels, that opposed Gaddafi with violance. NATO, Sweden, the US and every other country that has military forces represented in the war against Gaddafi are the bad guys. And I believe it's because the leaders of those countries are afraid of Gaddafis plans to provide water to whole Africa.
This is a debate about the lie(?) that Gaddafi would have killed protesters. The rumours of the execution of protesters came originally from Switzerland, not from Libya, and it was almost only rebels (approximately 250) that had been executed during the protests.
Gaddafi hasn't killed civilians? O rly?
The International Criminal Court just recently convicted Gaddafi of crimes against humanity and issued a warrant for his arrest.
The UN referred the massacres of unarmed civilians to the International Criminal Court. Among the crimes being investigated by the prosecution is whether Gaddafi purchased and authorized the use of Viagra-like drugs among soldiers for the purpose of raping women and instilling fear.
On 27 June 2011, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Gaddafi, accusing him of crimes against humanity and of ordering attacks on civilians in Libya. Arrest warrants were also issued for his son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi and the intelligence chief Abdullah Senussi. The presiding judge Sanji Monageng stated that there were "reasonable grounds to believe" that Gaddafi and Saif al-Islam were "criminally responsible as indirect co-perpetrators" for the murder of civilians. She added that they "conceived and orchestrated a plan to deter and quell by all means the civilian demonstrations" and that Senussi used his position to have attacks carried out. Libyan officials rejected the ICC's authority, saying that the ICC has "no legitimacy whatsoever" and that "all of its activities are directed at African leaders".
And as for some other things he did:
Gaddafi's influential Defense Minister resigned because he did not wish to order to shoot Libyans. Gaddafi reportedly has jailed him.
As of March 2011, as part of the Arab Spring, the 2011 Libyan civil war had become a mass uprising against Gaddafi, costing him control of some parts of the country. Gaddafi's former justice minister, Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, has told the Swedish newspaper Expressen that he has evidence that Gaddafi had personally ordered the Lockerbie bombing of 1988.
On 17 February 2011, major political protests began in Libya against Gaddafi's government. During the following week, these protests gained significantly in momentum and size despite stiff resistance from the Gaddafi regime. By late February, the country appeared to be rapidly descending into chaos as a 'credible' death toll was reported to be approaching 1,000. On 27 February the International Federation for Human Rights concluded: "Gaddafi is implementing a strategy of scorched earth. It is reasonable to fear that he has, in fact, decided to largely eliminate, wherever he still can, Libyan citizens who stood up against his regime and furthermore, to systematically and indiscriminately repress civilians. These acts can be characterized as crimes against humanity, as defined in Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court."
Gaddafi established Revolutionary committees which kept tight control over internal dissent. Reportedly 10 to 20 percent of Libyans worked in surveillance for these committees, a proportion of informants on par with Saddam Hussein's Iraq or Kim Jong-il's North Korea. The surveillance took place in government, in factories, and in the education sector. All dissent was declared illegal by law in 1973. Gaddafi has said that "execution is the fate of anyone who forms a political party". The regime often executed dissidents publicly through public hangings and mutilations and the executions were rebroadcast on state television channels. Engaging in political conversations with foreigners was a crime punishable by three years in prison.
Reports from Libya confirmed the presence of Ukrainian and Serbian mercenaries. A Libyan economist claimed that Serbian pilots were flying the planes that bombed protesting civilians because Libyan pilots refused to do so. Gaddafi also used Serbian fighters when he put down a civilian uprising in the 1990s.
And that's just scratching the surface. There's lots more to read. Link.
Gaddafi aint killing civilians as the NATO. Gaddafi kills the people that wants to kill him, that's what people are doing in civil wars. Why is it Gaddafis fault, why could it not be the rebels fault, or NATOs fault, since they have killed the most.
Gaddafi aint killing civilians as the NATO. Gaddafi kills the people that wants to kill him, that's what people are doing in civil wars. Why is it Gaddafis fault, why could it not be the rebels fault, or NATOs fault, since they have killed the most.
While NATO and the rebel have killed civilians, they haven't killed as many as Gaddafi. I am not arguing which side is right, I'm arguing about your statement that Gaddafi has not killed civilians. He has, and many.
May I remind you that NATO has killed people on both sides? They have been botching up what they're doing. You say that Gaddafi is only killing those that want to kill him? So are the rebels. Gaddafi wants the rebels dead, so they're defending themselves.
Gaddafi explicitly stated that he would kill Libyan dissidents that had escaped from Libya, raising tensions with refugee countries and European governments. He stated in 1985 that he would continue to support the Red Army Faction, the Red Brigades, and the Irish Republican Army as long as European countries supported anti-Gaddafi Libyans. In 1976 after a series of terrorist attacks by the Provisional IRA, Gaddafi announced that "the bombs which are convulsing Britain and breaking its spirit are the bombs of Libyan people. We have sent them to the Irish revolutionaries so that the British will pay the price for their past deeds". In April 1984, Libyan refugees in London protested the execution of two dissidents. Libyan diplomats shot at 11 people and killed Yvonne Fletcher, a British policewoman. The incident led to the cessation of diplomatic relations between the United Kingdom and Libya for over a decade. Gaddafi asserted in June 1984 that he wanted his agents to assassinate dissident refugees even when they were on pilgrimage in the holy city of Mecca. In August 1984, one Libyan plot in Mecca was thwarted by Saudi Arabian police.
According to the Special Court for Sierra Leone, Charles Taylor's orders for "The amputation of the arms and legs of men, women, and children as part of a scorched-earth campaign was designed to take over the region?s rich diamond fields and was backed by Gaddafi, who routinely reviewed their progress and supplied weapons".
From time to time, Gaddafi responded to domestic and external opposition with violence. His revolutionary committees called for the assassination of Libyan dissidents living abroad in April 1980, sending Libyan hit squads abroad to murder them. On 26 April 1980, Gaddafi set a deadline of 11 June 1980 for dissidents to return home or be "in the hands of the revolutionary committees". In 1980, a Libyan agent attempted to assassinate dissident Faisal Zagallai, a graduate student at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. Zagallai survived the attempt on his life, but was left partially blind.
? It is the Libyan people's responsibility to liquidate such scums who are distorting Libya's image abroad. ? - Gaddafi
But there is a different between civilian and civilian. Western media will of course call the rebels for civilians, because western media supports the warfare. Gaddafi has not gone berserkers mode slaughtering his own people, instead he has gone berserkers mode on those whom want Gaddafi dead although Gaddafi has done many great things for the people of Libya.
And you shall not bring up old happenings since the warfare is due to the most recent skirmishes with the rebels.
They should pull back all their troops from every single country that they have troops in. The USA have started so many unnecessary wars, the latest is the one in Libya. USAs politics for foreign affairs can go to hell, they are just destroying the world and have done so since the second world war ended.
I completely agree. My father wants me to join the military, but I told him that's not happening until we straighten up and at least get our acts together. It's pathetic what people will do for money.
Reading one of TGT's posts up there, it sounds as if we're not allowing Africa to actually have agriculture. Wtf? How much more of a selfish jerk can we get? Not allowing people in Africa to grow their own food because we don't have enough money?
I'm curious to see what our next president decides to do with our troops, I hope he/she's better than Obama.
Last edited by Tako (Jul 2 2011 4:38:37 pm)
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
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