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I got a perfect grade point average. The best mark in every subject What about you?
There are different grade systems in different countries, so it would be fine if we could keep this in numbers.
For example: Your grade system has A+, A, B, C, D, E then A+ is 1, A is 2, and so on.
Some countries have numbers from 1-5 (lowest=best), some have 5-1 (highest=best), so show you grade point average like this:
My grade point average: 2,231 (from 5-1, 5 is best)
Note: it is important that you clearly write the best and the worst mark you can get!
If you suck at maths, here's how to calculate your grade point average:
First you count how many subjects you have. Then you count the numbers of your grades. (For example: You have a 3 at English, you count three, you have a 4 at maths, you count 4 to the total) Then you divide your number by your number of subjects. Tada! You have your grade point average.
Gold means the person has a perfect GPA
The list of grade point averages:
Name Grade Point Average Grade System
MadReaper 1,0 1 is best, 5 is worst
Oturan 4,7 5 is best, 1 is worst
D-rock2308 3,67 4 is best, 1 is worst
32OrtonEdge32dh 2,5 4 is best, 0 is worst
Wocco 5,2 9 is best, 0 is worst
EEGuy 1,0 1 is best, 6 is worst
Zoey2070 4,0 4 is best, 0 is worst
Failgirl101 93,0 100 is best, 0 is worst
JadElClemens 1,0 1 is best, 6 is worst
Sorry, if I don't always use perfect grammar, I'm only 13 and english isn't my native language:rolleyes:
Last edited by MadReaper (Jul 6 2011 1:17:09 am)
Here in the Netherlands we have actually 1-10 with 10 being an A+.
I have tomorrow a test deciding if I will pass this year.
Let's see if my Minimum effort, maximum results work
It works for me xD
I never learn more than 30 mins for a test.
Sometimes i learn nothing...
I never got something worse than a 2 (2nd best mark)
In Sweden we have G, VG and MVG. With G being the lowest, there's also IG, but that's mostly for people who skipped classes, who doesn't have anything to grade. So It's a bit hard puting my average grade points in numbers. But if I will just meassure it according to my grades, it should lie around 4.7, with 5 being the highest
Last edited by Oturan (Jul 4 2011 6:39:33 am)
AND you're using commas (,) where there should be periods (.).
Yeah, I am in the green tone
In Sweden we have G, VG and MVG. With G being the lowest, there's also IG, but that's mostly for people who skipped classes, who doesn't have anything to grade. So It's a bit hard puting my average grade points in numbers. But if I will just meassure it according to my grades, it should lie around 4.7, with 5 being the highest
I usually get 3.67/4.0.
4 being the best of course
1, Grade System 1-6, 1 is best. I got 1 in every subject except History, which I got a 2.
^ Grade point average?
I'll ad D-rock to the list.
What do you mean you're only 13 and can't use perfect and proper grammer? I'm 13 and if you see my posts, maybe only 1 or 2 has a spelling mistake.
^English isn't my native language, I can't always use perfect English if I want to describe something.
Yeah meant best
^ Now it gets hard, what's better, 4,7 with 5 best, or 3,67 with 4 best?
I think I'll just make a list instead of a ranking. And at top is the best, but it's not 100% correct.
Okey sorry for confusing you^^
3.889/4.0 in the US.
That'll be around 3.95 after my next/last year in high school.
Last edited by Thallium (Jul 4 2011 1:54:02 pm)
This year, that ended...about a month ago, I got 3.5. And I was in gifted classes, where in America, in high school, you add 0.5 to it. So, would be closer to 4.0 if I did normal classes. (In high school, AP classes or IB classes, the maximum is 4.5)
I live near Los Angeles, California. Our scale is the "4.0" scale meaning the lowest would be "0" and highest "considered" score is "6.0". However the best GPA ever achieved was 5.898 (Dallas, Texas). With all regular classes the best one could get would be a "4.0" By taking advanced classes (AP,IB,H) one could achieve a higher grade. However this is limited by what classes are available to the student. (I am talking about high school).
Anyone here go to a school that uses the "12.0" scale?
Mine is 4.5 ( Max grade. 5 ) (Min grade. 4)
Some of these confuse me.
Simply post GPA best mark you can get and worst mark you can get please.
And I'll make a ranking, I'll just make it that the closer to the best mark you are, the better you are.
Last edited by MadReaper (Jul 5 2011 4:10:48 am)
I don't really pay attention to all this grade point stuff...
My average is 89%/100%
edit: hmm lets see if I can grade point that...
I have 80+ in 3 subjects, and 90+ in social and math, so that'd be 3 As and 2 A+s.(I think?)
If that^ is true, then my GPA is 1.6
Yea we don't really do any grade point system at my high school.
Last edited by Greenzoid2 (Jul 5 2011 4:51:42 am)
^ What's the worst thing you can get?
best is 1?
I have a 4.0 gpa, that's the highest here.
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
Should A's and A+s be the same thing?
If so, I should have a GPA of 4.98. (5 being the best) I counted my one A- as a 4.6.
If not, I have a GPA of 4.75. I counted my A+'s as 5, A's as 4.6, and A-'s as 4.3...
EDIT: and do pass/fail classes count? If so, what numbers do the pass/fails count as?
Last edited by coolio (Jul 5 2011 12:03:37 pm)
^ What's the worst? 1 or 0?
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