Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Rules are simple, keep it short and funny, no more than one at a time please!
post your favorite, and if possible post in relation to the previous post!
have fun!
heres one to start the fun!
Last edited by Wocco (Jul 5 2011 10:33:28 pm)
I dont really know what a meme is If you tell me, I might be able to post some
But it doesnt have to be pictures right? Because if not then I have one
remember, meme rhymes with cream.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Im not sure if this could be considered a meme, but I will post it anyway.
Swedes are badass because they have to fight polar bears all the time
not exactly short but whatever:
good ones:
Last edited by kingpooultra (Jul 5 2011 10:56:12 pm)
Hm... never seen this girl, it may be you! =O
Mah Queen!
I won't post any here (I'm afraid I'll end up posting twenty and lagging the page up), but my favorite site would have to be graphjam.
3+1chan may have created the memes, but damnit, the few (and they are very few) they caption aren't as good as the ones on memebase.
I hate tall signatures.
Lazy to post one, but my favorite site is also Graph Jam.
I see...
Last edited by EE_Scythe (Jul 6 2011 4:54:38 pm)
Definatly Y U NO
Last edited by Breadfinn (Jul 6 2011 9:41:36 pm)
yo dawg I herd you liek bbcode so i put a bold tag in ur color tag so you can have bbcode in ur bbcode
But I can't believe no one posted...
Last edited by 32OrtonEdge32dh (Jul 7 2011 2:09:36 pm)
On that second bawksy GIF is the best picture of her...
The one with her biting her finger. So sexy.
I hate tall signatures.
[ Started around 1741468950.9038 - Generated in 0.206 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.66 MiB (Peak: 1.87 MiB) ]