Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I know this is off-topic but, that's why we have the off-topic forum right?
Anyways I started using EpicBot, but every time it goes to bank, it banks my hatchet!
Anyone know a way to fix this?
Help would be appreciated
Last edited by Cyclopsicle (Jul 13 2011 9:11:43 am)
Uhhh, just wear your hatchet?
Epic bot? 1. use RSBot and 2.Use AIO woodcutter
EDIT: Pardon me, its now called powerbot...
Last edited by ElJaso (Jul 13 2011 10:49:10 am)
Uhhh, just wear your hatchet?
I can't not high enough attack -_-"
Last edited by Cyclopsicle (Jul 13 2011 10:53:34 am)
Solution: Get a higher Attack Level
Hope this helps
My attack is 17. And I'm a magethingy
I use bots, but not this way. I use other people's bots. They drop their items, I pick em up and make them into something. The fishing bots are great for this. I'm level 68 (I think) and I've never ever used a bot. And I never will. HARD WORK FTW!
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
I use bots, but not this way. I use other people's bots. They drop their items, I pick em up and make them into something. The fishing bots are great for this. I'm level 68 (I think) and I've never ever used a bot. And I never will. HARD WORK FTW!
Contradictory much?
Different55 wrote:I use bots, but not this way. I use other people's bots. They drop their items, I pick em up and make them into something. The fishing bots are great for this. I'm level 68 (I think) and I've never ever used a bot. And I never will. HARD WORK FTW!
Contradictory much?
I think he means that fishing bots drop what they catch so their inventory doesn't fill up forcing them to stop. He comes along and cooks what they drop for free experience.
OHH thanks
Yeah. I bring fire runes, a pick axe, an axe, and a tinderbox and I can make urns and cook for hours and level up very quickly. Just make a new one when the old one fills up.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Bots ftl! Shame on you guys for cheating in an MMO.
Anyway, I've been a member a lot and I'm lvl 90 combat. What are your usernames?
Noone liked my idea of AIO Chopper >_<
Runescape is where I first got my username. It's still Different55.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Mah username is vlo1120 and the name of the J-KAA is kaathehunter
Wow. You people are noobs. I've never botted on my main and it's probably better than all your peoples.
I've never botted on my main
actually, I've never botted. Ever. On any game.
Last edited by Different55 (Jul 13 2011 2:53:28 pm)
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
I bot all the time :3 jk ive only botted like twice and it was for like chicken killing n crap
I've only botted once, but thats it. I got Wc to lv 50. Only lv 50.
Also, Why is leveling up so hard for meh? D:
I dont bot on my serious accounts.
But I do have a few side accounts that I bot on, when I dont feel like doing actual work.
I played RuneScape up until February and got to level 138 with 2450 total level, never once used a bot. Not sure why you'd want to - what's the point in playing a game if you just bot everything?
If you really feel you must bot, solution to your problem: Get attack up. Take it from someone with almost maxed stats - 'pures' (mages/strength pures etc) are almost completely worthless.
I still login once every week or so to see what's going on. You should add me - username is "Cowman" .
Last edited by Thy Cowman (Jul 14 2011 12:44:04 am)
I hate bots, honestly. It remover the fun from the game, I'm combat 122 and never used bots, meh, my brother could be called a bot. :pp
I was just poor at rs since a few weeks, till I got Vesta's longsword (45 mil) ^^.
I don't play it very often, but my brother does.
I've got a PK account with 94 str and 94 mage. Imma keep my main secret ;p < to noobish, maybe, or to good (:<
Last edited by Wezza (Jul 14 2011 2:59:06 am)
I use bots, but not this way. I use other people's bots. They drop their items, I pick em up and make them into something. The fishing bots are great for this. I'm level 68 (I think) and I've never ever used a bot. And I never will. HARD WORK FTW!
68 is high? O.o I got 56 in about half an hour on my lvl 15 :O
Anyways, I can't afford bots and I find that hard work is best. And it's fun to mess with cheap bots Anyways, when my main had mems, i got 70 hunter pretty quick without botting. And bots are annoying -.-
RuneScape is where i got my name too. My User on rs is DaPolarBearz but that was taken on EE so :/ Anyways, I'm never on that acc since it's wrecked.
@Wezza: I HAD a nice pking account but...
The first one I accidentally leveled def afking somewhere. It's now my main.
The other one was hacked.
@Cowman: Added
My main is actually fairly low combat compared to it's other levels. For example, it's got something like 94 Herblore and 99 Cooking, but 78 Attack. I like being the medic.
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