Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Let me start off by saying that I, like many others here, have been playing since 2010. And I've played without chat and for the most part I've done fine. I have respected the fact that chat should not be for everyone, and I can easily say that I'm not happy about this.
For years, people have had to pay for chat. This is good, because our fanbase isn't exactly a bunch of humble, self-respecting gents and ladies. So yeah, the children and players of EE who don't want all that chat spam have been sitting off to the side in their own little world (in everyone else's).
As we've seen with the invisible portals, we can change things just by enough of us asking. Do we really want doens, possibly hundreds of little children running around chat being little... kids? I'd know how bad it would get, because once upon a time I was a little f*g too. The chat may not have been a work of literature, but a venture into one world showed me that this wasn't exactly an update for the better.
Yep. Fantastic. First message was that, and in a tutorial world where new, possibly young players will come to learn about the game.
So I believe we should send an email to MrShoe, as done before.
Dear MrShoe,
For years, people have had to pay in order to get chat. This is so young children can not be exposed to inappropriate material. Chris made it that way, and wanted it to stay that way until someone came up with a better system. Now, with no warning, we all can suddenly chat again. As seen in this image taken on your tutorial level (, the chat is obviously not child-friendly, and needs to be revoked for those who have not previously payed.
Also, people have been made to pay for chat. And like beta, those who payed for it have gotten that taken away from them with no reimbursement. Although they may still have chat, now that everyone has it, it's a waste of money, which people have little of as is.
So please, either revoke chat for all who didn't pay for it, or at the very least partially reimburse those who spent money on chat.
Thank you for your time,
The EE Community
excellent point. THIS is exactly what I was talking about in my post about everyone getting chat now for free. after what I seen and all the chaos (little kids spamming, cussing, trolling, non-English chatters, make rude comments for no reason trying to be cool) hell I even had my first stalker in my Zombie Tutorial before my hater guestbombed it as usual. she was like OMG DINGO I LOVE U SO MUCH BE MY BOYFRIEND blah blah blah. so as far as im concerned, until something is done about this chatting nonsense if anything IS done, im not gonna go on here so much anymore. sure it seemed awesome at first when you found out chatting was free for everyone now, but after awhile it gets very very annoying seeing all these stupid lil kids chatting nonsense.
I don't see anything wrong with people having chat. Yes I know people spam more, but it gives people who couldn't buy it, a chance to chat. Just about every game nowadays has free chat, why shouldn't EE?
Also stop saying stuff about stupid annoying little kids chatting now. Not every little kid, is stupid or annoying. Some of them can be quite nice. Also now that everyone can chat, you can meet lots of people that you normally couldn't.
Free chat should stay. This is how it was when it first came out.
Last edited by Master1 (Apr 24 2013 8:00:19 pm)
i wanna my 1 cent >:(
I don't see anything wrong with people having chat. Yes I know people spam more, but it gives people who couldn't buy it, a chance to chat. Just about every game nowadays has free chat, why shouldn't EE?
Also stop saying stuff about stupid annoying little kids chatting now. Not every little kid, is stupid or annoying. Some of them can be quite nice. Also now that everyone can chat, you can meet lots of people that you normally couldn't.
Free chat should stay. This is how it was when it first came out.
1. Well I don't have a credit card so I could't buy it, and I didn't exactly have some huge disadvantage. Giving it to the few responsible people who don't have credit cards is no worth the irresponsible children and adults without credit cards...
2. I, unfortuantely, am rather tough on this subject, because several years ago, I was an annoying little 11 year old who thought he was cool but really made so many enemies it stills haunts him to the day. At the time, I was wondering why the heck everyone thought every single child. Well if I was a tw*t, then others probably are too.
I agree
We could add some kind of moderation to the game chat. A log that mods can check through and mute certain abusers, curse filters, automatic something so that this doesn't get worse
I agree
We could add some kind of moderation to the game chat. A log that mods can check through and mute certain abusers, curse filters, automatic something so that this doesn't get worse
Mods don't care lol
But seriously, I love how everyone has chat, but I think those who actually bought it should have some sort of compensation for buying something that is now free.
Not forum mods. Game mods. They will care, it's their job. If we don't have any we need them apparently, since people are abusing the chat. I feel that it is the developers' duty to monitor and/or get other people who can monitor their game for bullying/hazing/cursing/explicit things like above.
Not forum mods. Game mods. They will care, it's their job. If we don't have any we need them apparently, since people are abusing the chat. I feel that it is the developers' duty to monitor and/or get other people who can monitor their game for bullying/hazing/cursing/explicit things like above.
I meant the game mods. Since when did they ACTUALLY care about the community? Seriously?
Chimi wrote:I agree
We could add some kind of moderation to the game chat. A log that mods can check through and mute certain abusers, curse filters, automatic something so that this doesn't get worse
Mods don't care lol
But seriously, I love how everyone has chat, but I think those who actually bought it should have some sort of compensation for buying something that is now free.
You shouldn't punish innocent people for what other people do. Instead you should concentrate on punishing or preventing the bad behavior, and possibly even rewarding good behavior??
Maybe if someone does not get reported for day he or she gets extra energy?
Moderators clearly care enough about the game to add many ideas people have asked for for years. They also add many ideas and random stuff to brighten up the game like zombunnies.
In my opinion players should have always had chat in EE. It's just normal for a game. To me the only thing I hate about everyone having chat is the fact that I don't get my 1 cent back. I am actually quite happy that players have finally gotten chat. I think since the plan with signs went well and there wasn't a lot of abuse, I think MrShoe and MrVoid are trusting that chat won't be abused either.
Before you contradict me, remember this is only my opinion.
I don't believe that chat should be taken off for everyday players. I think it is great and should have been done from the start, like tak4n. What I am suggesting is some kind of moderation for it to stop from what is happening in the original post. Block profane words or mute players who say them. This would fix all of the issues of this thread, basically.
Last edited by Chimi (Apr 25 2013 5:32:37 pm)
In the real world, speaking is a right, not a privilege.
Sure, there can be ways of silencing the under-age, the old way of doing this was the Paypal option.
This also restricted people that are of age, or have adult permission, by not having a way to pay.
It is also incredibly stupid, as people are losing money from it, and nobody wants to pay $3 as it was earlier.
However, there is a ToS now, where people can agree they are 13+ and/or have the consent of an adult to speak. This is the way it is on many games, and it is a reasonable way to control the system, without restricting others.
Chat spam isn't the problem of chat being free, it is the problem of the system being too incapable of controlling such, since it CAN be controlled. It is also in the hands of the world-owner.
It's similar to complaining that too many blocks are being placed, and causing you to lag. The world owner can handle it. It's not the fault of the system itself.
It's a controversial issue, and is mostly biased, thus I'm too 'careless' to debate this.
What I am suggestion is some kind of moderation for it to stop from what is happening in the original post. Block profane words or mute players who say them. This would fix all of the issues of this thread, basically.
I agree that moderation could prevent the majority of the issues arising from this.
Muting should also be an option, it is a great action, and I can assume that's what the blacklist was meant to be, before it was discontinued.
I disagree with censorship, I think it's a stupid idea and humanity shouldn't have invented it.
Swear words and harassment doesn't hurt the people, when people apply meaning and concept to it, that is what hurts the people. People don't have to listen to it.
I guess it's not so much controversial as the others, since kids are taught that censorship is necessary. Even with anti-bullying systems, they propose that online harassment is as bad as physical, without looking behind it.
I'm not saying that I like harassment, but I'm saying that not all cases of harassment are true, and by some applicable regulations, even saying swear words in general could be considered harassment. It's stupid.
It would nearly fix all self-proclaimed and biased issues that are listed, but there is still going to be cases where they are unhappy that everything isn't as perfect as they want it to be.
Last edited by ?tilla (Apr 25 2013 1:42:18 am)
*u stinky*
I don't think I should be reimbursed for the 3$ I spent. I got 5$ of gems, and am happy with that.
I agree, though. Think of the children. Sure, we have a /mute command now, but they'll still be hearing it.
I don't think I should be reimbursed for the 3$ I spent. I got 5$ of gems, and am happy with that.
I agree, though. Think of the children. Sure, we have a /mute command now, but they'll still be hearing it.
^---- This. Also, I doubt that new players even know of the /mute command, and even if they tried using /help (which they probably ALSO don't know), I doubt /help has been updated in a few weeks.
Signature last updated 7 Feb 2020 2:08 AM PST (-8 UTC)
Basically inactive but I'll come in sometimes and yeah who the funk am I kidding I don't visit here anymore. check out my totally legit avi tho I made it when I was like 14
Best of luck to you all in your lives. Thanks for all the good times.
guys, don't complain about chat, let the parents do it, then hopefully he will be fired by chris when he sees how stupid he is
Last edited by treejoe4 (Apr 25 2013 9:29:32 am)
I was not-chatter, and i agree with you.
I know a friend he buy the chat 2 days after this update and he is now angry...
MrShoe needs to know to listen the players.
PD: Nice thing, MrShoe:
The Everybody Edits team is committed to make Everybody Edits a safe and fun experience for everyone. Therefore public chat is automatically disabled and cannot be enabled without a paid Credit Card transaction. [FAIL]Making it impossible for strangers to talk.[/FAIL] [FAIL]Buying a Builders Club membership does NOT enable chat![/FAIL] [FAIL]We recommend that you do not enable chat for a child![/FAIL]
Obviusly, it dont give chat because you gift it
Last edited by Iam?øser (Apr 25 2013 11:17:41 am)
I know a friend he buy the chat 2 days after this update and he is now angry...
How is this possible!
I don't really think it's the number of immature people, it's just the number of people in general that I find annoying. Being in a full room with 45 people chatting at once is a little hectic.
aka towwl
Lol. Just report these kids. Oh and 45 people chatting is only a problem if nobody can mute the ones he doesnt like :b..
But seriously, I love how everyone has chat, but I think those who actually bought it should have some sort of compensation for buying something that is now free.
Two words that everyone forgets: 50 gems
Use the report command then.
Since there are too many posts to quote here, I'll just respond to the main points...
1. Not all kids are immature. Areyoufrigginkiddingme90%ofthemare. I was one. I know this.
2. People without credit cards couldn't get it. Big deal! I survived the past 3 years without chat, and I'm not dying from lack of chat with random people.
3. Mods would be nice. I'm surprised no one has spoken against this yet, because usually more people are against the idea than for it. Do you all realize that there are hundreds of worlds online at any one time, and hundreds more people playing them? There's no way we'd have enough mods to cover that ground.
4. Okay okay, how about a report button? Then we'd have n00bs reporting 'hi guiz' or 'hey gimme code'. The latter wasn't something you might find appealing but it's not report-worthy. Anytime someone disagreed with someone a report would be made! Plus, in order to find the context of that message to see if it was report worthy, mods would have to read through several lines for every report... My god my eyes would bleed after like 10.
Well, I think I have a great idea for this. For those of you who have been on Newgrounds, you know how epic the report system is. For those who haven't, let me explain. When you report something, it is sent to the mods. If it really is messed up, you get some positive 'report' points on your account for successfully reporting something really bad. If it's not report-worthy, you'll get a lot of points taken away. Once you start to dip into the negatives, you begin to lose your right to report things. After a few bad reports, you can pretty much lose your right to report anything anymore. The only flaw I see with this is that people might spread out their bad messages so they won't be reportable. For example:
justin is a giant
So I'm thinking when you report something, perhaps you can select several lines and perhaps add a short description about why that's report worthy.
all in all....the BEST solution to all this is to make it easier to mute, kick, and report people without typing in commands. make it where you can just simply right-click a username and have options come up. this is how MOST online games with chat are. its really annoying when you get a user with a stupid **** username and they do crap and u wanna kick them but u can't figure the hell out whether those are letters or numbers...
Last edited by CaliDingoX (Apr 25 2013 5:06:59 pm)
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