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#1 Before February 2015


what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

i am just curios. I, woke up one morning trying to go back to sleep, and I opened my eyes a little. I looked at my LARGE flatscreen,and I peeked over to it, and I saw a light shadow of a human. Tell me what yours was, or is.

#2 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

Haha.. I used to live in a haunted house.. I can even prove it ^-^

But people who don't believe in ghosts. well never believe in ghosts.

Here are few

1.Baby's cry and scream from upstarts. (home alone)

2.Hoover turned it self on one night

3.Toys got threw down the stairs

4. Once we empty are attic with all are junk.. A few weeks later with out going in the attic or putting stuff in the attic, it was full of junk again..

Right okay, I completey understand that this sounds fake and not real.. But I'm not lying ^-^

And that's why we moved house.

#3 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

With some friends, saw two red flashes and then a shadow shaped like a man it ran behind a tree we were looking into a graveyard.

#4 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

i can believe most of it, but that last one paused me, thinking.... That is is probibly real

#5 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

Well... I can't say I believe in ghosts, but I can't say I don't believe in them either.
Since energy can't really be created or destroyed, where do you think our energy goes after we die?
Perhaps it goes into a form of a spirit, I don't know.

As for me, well, I don't remember having any paranormal experiences. I remember seeing a face on my bedroom door at night once but I tend to hallucinate when I'm about half-asleep. Sometimes. //

#6 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

When i was a kid around 8 i would see blue lights and sometimes i heard voices that made my run a mile. I also had lots of scary dreams i am unsure of.

Also once at around 1am the stereo started playing il divo music randomley which scared me A LOT.

Last edited by treejoe4 (Jul 17 2011 10:33:01 am)

#7 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

One night, I woke up, looked out the window, and saw Abraham Lincoln dancing on my patio.

Yes, that is just me mocking most of your experiences. Guise, it's probably nothing scary.

Echo! wrote:

Haha.. I used to live in a haunted house.. I can even prove it ^-^

But people who don't believe in ghosts. well never believe in ghosts.

Here are few

1.Baby's cry and scream from upstarts. (home alone)

2.Hoover turned it self on one night

3.Toys got threw down the stairs

4. Once we empty are attic with all are junk.. A few weeks later with out going in the attic or putting stuff in the attic, it was full of junk again..

Right okay, I completey understand that this sounds fake and not real.. But I'm not lying ^-^

And that's why we moved house.

I'll bet, an old homeless lady with a baby had no where to stay so she started to live in your attic. These things happen.

katz wrote:

With some friends, saw two red flashes and then a shadow shaped like a man it ran behind a tree we were looking into a graveyard.

Derp, probably your imagination, or you're making this up, I'm the Ghost Expert here (or at least expert at knowing whether people are being idiots or not) and if you really want it to sound like you saw a ghost, you wouldn't say two red flashes, because human ghosts don't have red eyes, those are just those demon-bull-spirit things people say they see, with the red eyes.

And besides, it may have just been some guy in the dark, with bright red glass eyes.

treejoe4 wrote:

When i was a kid around 8 i would see blue lights and sometimes i heard voices that made my run a mile. I also had lots of scary dreams i am unsure of.

Also once at around 1am the stereo started playing il divo music randomley which scared me A LOT.

1. blue lights = derp, you hallucinated, congrats
2. scary dreams? may be connected to the hallucinations.
3. music playing on the stereo, whoopy, there's something wrong with it and it randomly turned on. I mean, why would a ghost play music? just to make you know it's there? wat, was music playing when this person died?

Last edited by MaxDG/MXIII (Jul 17 2011 12:39:18 pm)

#8 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

Meh, I was gonna watch a movie with my dad and I was gonna turn on the lamp to find the remote, but after I turned it on it rolled off, I tried it again and it happened again, and when my dad got it to stay, it turned off when I found the remote. We watched the movie. When the credits started, the lamp turned back on. Lamp preblems.

#9 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

I was eating dinner and me and my bro heard a whispering voice say, "I killed Thomas -------" (I didn't say last name cuz it's my last name) I thought the voice was talking about my dad but it was talking about my grandpa. Sure enough, my grandpa had a stroke and died the next day.

Last edited by Polar (Jul 17 2011 1:07:49 pm)

#10 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

Polar wrote:

I wake up in the middle of the night cuz I fell off my bed. I looked up and saw an old lady that was sorta transparent, a grayish tint of skin with a green weirdo dress on. I started rising like 2 feet of the ground and I was so freaked out. What do I do when I'm scared? I insult someone. I looked at the ghostish lady and she was smiling and I was like, "Get a new dress. The one your in looks like sh*t." Her eyes kinda flashed reddish and she dropped me, walked over, and backhanded me across the face. I now have 4 scars from her nails //

Highlight when your done:I'm lying. The most paranormal thing that happened to me was a deep voice behind me said, "Hello." And I turned around and he blew on me and the air was cold. Then he disappeared. My explanation: Since i was like 7 I guess I fainted after he said hello, and before I fainted there was a breeze. Who knows, maybe ghosts are real. I am a skeptist.

1. Hmm, let me guess, after that the old lady showed you her baby, the one that was crying in Echo's "haunted" house, then she started juggling with TV remotes, right?

2.Aww, how cute, your father thought your room was awfully warm, opened the window, and said "hello" to you weirdly, to make himself seem like a ghost.

I've noticed, there sure is A LOT of people out there having these experiences, especially because only TWO PEOPLE (other than me) who came to this thread DIDN'T have the experiences.

Not that I don't believe in ghosts, it's just you're all being stupid.

Last edited by MaxDG/MXIII (Jul 17 2011 1:54:24 pm)

#11 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

My friend's house is haunted supposedly. Though I don't believe in the paranormal (God, etc), I like getting freaked out by ghosts so I fool myself in my head //
Anywho, I've been at my friends house in his room (which is the third floor up) when the light in the staircase started turning on and off. We were home alone, but you could hear the pull cord being tugged at the bottom of the steps.

Other things he's also seen:
-Figures moving out of the corner of his eye, usually between rooms in the corridors.
-People who used to lodge there said they'd hear a girl laughing on the first floor landing.
-A girl sitting at the top of the stairs.

His mum was quite ill (unfortunately she passed away recently), and once they came home and all the books downstairs were off the shelf and on the floor... she wasn't in any state to move, let alone trash the place.

I'd hate to live there //

#12 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

Toby wrote:

My friend's house is haunted supposedly. Though I don't believe in the paranormal (God, etc), I like getting freaked out by ghosts so I fool myself in my head //
Anywho, I've been at my friends house in his room (which is the third floor up) when the light in the staircase started turning on and off. We were home alone, but you could hear the pull cord being tugged at the bottom of the steps.

Other things he's also seen:
-Figures moving out of the corner of his eye, usually between rooms in the corridors.
-People who used to lodge there said they'd hear a girl laughing on the first floor landing.
-A girl sitting at the top of the stairs.

His mum was quite ill (unfortunately she passed away recently), and once they came home and all the books downstairs were off the shelf and on the floor... she wasn't in any state to move, let alone trash the place.

I'd hate to live there //

1. Rats tugging on the pull cord.
2. figures? maybe the girl? who says it's a ghost? maybe a freeloader. maybe your friend is playing a trick on you.
3.girl laughing, probably laughing at how you think she's a ghost.
4. she's just sitting. I see nothing wrong with that.
5. the little girl trashed the place. again, not a ghost, just some homeless girl who decided to sneak her way in.

#13 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

I always have these little minor experiences. Usually breathing noises or a figure in the corner of my eye.

This is the most paranormal experience I have though:
(Copied/pasted from a Topic I made a while ago)
One night, my mom was out doing something that I forget, and I wanted to watch the Simpsons. I'm not allowed to watch the simpsons without my dad and sister and since my mom wanted us to be reading in bed before she got back, me and my sister had to get ready for bed before watching some Simpsons. So we go upstairs where our bedrooms are and the bathroom we use for getting ready for bed and waking up in the morning. While I was waiting for my sister to get out of the bathroom that we share, I went into the computer room (aka "office") to watch a slideshow of old pictures from when I was about 5 or 6. I heard my sister going down stairs and I saw her going down but just the top of her head looking back at me. And no, I didn't see half of her head rolling down the stairs. It would be impossible to see here whole body from the angle I was at. I went into the bathroom because I thought she was downstairs waiting for me but when I went into the bathroom, she was brushing her teeth!

Last edited by Bobithan (Jul 17 2011 1:38:09 pm)

aka towwl


#14 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

Bobithan wrote:

I always have these little minor experiences. Usually breathing noises or a figure in the corner of my eye.

This is the most paranormal experience I have though:
(Copied/pasted from a Topic I made a while ago)
One night, my mom was out doing something that I forget, and I wanted to watch the Simpsons. I'm not allowed to watch the simpsons without my dad and sister and since my mom wanted us to be reading in bed before she got back, me and my sister had to get ready for bed before watching some Simpsons. So we go upstairs where our bedrooms are and the bathroom we use for getting ready for bed and waking u in the morning. While I was waiting for my sister to get out of the bathroom that we share, I went into the computer room (aka "office") to watch a slideshow of old pictures from when I was about 5 or 6. I heared my sister going down stairs and I saw her going down but just the top of her head looking back at me. And no, I didn't see half of here head rolling down the stairs. It would be impossible to see here whole body from the angle I was at. I went into the bathroom because I thought she was downstairs waiting for me but when I went into the bathroom, she was brushing her teeth!

1. figure in corner of eye? breathing noises? congratz, you have a stalker.

2.WAT. That's the stupidest made up story I've ever heard. Have fun with you anti-psychotic meds.

#15 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

MaxDG/MXIII wrote:
Bobithan wrote:

I always have these little minor experiences. Usually breathing noises or a figure in the corner of my eye.

This is the most paranormal experience I have though:
(Copied/pasted from a Topic I made a while ago)
One night, my mom was out doing something that I forget, and I wanted to watch the Simpsons. I'm not allowed to watch the simpsons without my dad and sister and since my mom wanted us to be reading in bed before she got back, me and my sister had to get ready for bed before watching some Simpsons. So we go upstairs where our bedrooms are and the bathroom we use for getting ready for bed and waking u in the morning. While I was waiting for my sister to get out of the bathroom that we share, I went into the computer room (aka "office") to watch a slideshow of old pictures from when I was about 5 or 6. I heared my sister going down stairs and I saw her going down but just the top of her head looking back at me. And no, I didn't see half of here head rolling down the stairs. It would be impossible to see here whole body from the angle I was at. I went into the bathroom because I thought she was downstairs waiting for me but when I went into the bathroom, she was brushing her teeth!

1. figure in corner of eye? breathing noises? congratz, you have a stalker.

2.WAT. That's the stupidest made up story I've ever heard. Have fun with you anti-psychotic meds.

It's pretty much exactly like the "corner of my eye" thingy. IT could of been just because I was tired and I saw a little black blob (Sister is asian)

aka towwl


#16 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

Bobithan wrote:
MaxDG/MXIII wrote:
Bobithan wrote:

I always have these little minor experiences. Usually breathing noises or a figure in the corner of my eye.

This is the most paranormal experience I have though:
(Copied/pasted from a Topic I made a while ago)
One night, my mom was out doing something that I forget, and I wanted to watch the Simpsons. I'm not allowed to watch the simpsons without my dad and sister and since my mom wanted us to be reading in bed before she got back, me and my sister had to get ready for bed before watching some Simpsons. So we go upstairs where our bedrooms are and the bathroom we use for getting ready for bed and waking u in the morning. While I was waiting for my sister to get out of the bathroom that we share, I went into the computer room (aka "office") to watch a slideshow of old pictures from when I was about 5 or 6. I heared my sister going down stairs and I saw her going down but just the top of her head looking back at me. And no, I didn't see half of here head rolling down the stairs. It would be impossible to see here whole body from the angle I was at. I went into the bathroom because I thought she was downstairs waiting for me but when I went into the bathroom, she was brushing her teeth!

1. figure in corner of eye? breathing noises? congratz, you have a stalker.

2.WAT. That's the stupidest made up story I've ever heard. Have fun with you anti-psychotic meds.

It's pretty much exactly like the "corner of my eye" thingy. IT could of been just because I was tired and I saw a little black blob (Sister is asian)

Wait, you could have seen a black blob, as in your sister? well then, if your sister is asian, it can't be her, I don't follow you -.-

#17 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

MaxDG/MXIII wrote:
Bobithan wrote:
MaxDG/MXIII wrote:

1. figure in corner of eye? breathing noises? congratz, you have a stalker.

2.WAT. That's the stupidest made up story I've ever heard. Have fun with you anti-psychotic meds.

It's pretty much exactly like the "corner of my eye" thingy. IT could of been just because I was tired and I saw a little black blob (Sister is asian)

Wait, you could have seen a black blob, as in your sister? well then, if your sister is asian, it can't be her, I don't follow you -.-

Excuse me *dark blob
Could of been just too high on orange juice :3

aka towwl


#18 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

High on orange juice.

Ok, I believe that, I've been in that situation before.

#19 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

Most paranormal experience.

Probably when i was 5/6...

I was in my room..Alone..

Playing with toys.

Then i heard some noise.

I went to the living room ( We have a heater there ) And all the magnets were knocked down,luckely,i was a kid and i didn't know about ghosts,if i did,i would FREAK out!

[It also happened to my friend once...]

#20 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

One night I woke up with a man standing next to me. He was rotting and he had bones sticking out all over him. He leaned close to me and whispered "I am the ghost of EE past, and I call upon you, epicstonemason, to set EE right"
Then he disappeared   with a puff of smoke and a noise like when you collect a coin in the game.

#21 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

EE was once human? Weird.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#22 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

Ok, I am sure all of you heard of aura's, and many people see them withought knowing it. Treejoe4, That COULD have been an aura, or, ya' know how sometimes you look at a light for a while and you see another color of it when you blink, it would be like an orb, It could have been that.

#23 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

I'm now going to post a link to a website that can explain strange atmospheric phenomena that people believe are the acts of god/devil/ghosts:

This is it.

#24 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

epicstonemason wrote:

One night I woke up with a man standing next to me. He was rotting and he had bones sticking out all over him. He leaned close to me and whispered "I am the ghost of EE past, and I call upon you, epicstonemason, to set EE right"
Then he disappeared   with a puff of smoke and a noise like when you collect a coin in the game.

You're a very weird person, you know.

#25 Before February 2015


Re: what is the most paranormal expeirience you had?

I was just making fun of this topic while calling myself the EE savior at the same time. (I'm trying to avoid this behavior but I couldn't resist!)

tailschao 1423638421323011

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