Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Aliens DO exist. It's been proven.
Well, not that they DO exist, but at least that they DID exist.
Other dimensions? I don't understand. What exactly is a dimension anyway? I mean, as a noun, and not like two-dimensional vs. three dimensional.
Being religious, I'd say there aren't aliens. BUT, I'll put that behind me and ask another question:
If we have no solid proof then how do we know? We shouldn't assume that aliens exist based off 'signs' or what sounds 'reasonable'.
Understand, too, that life requires a very specific habitat, no matter what the creature.
Well, not that they DO exist, but at least that they DID exist.
Well, not that they DO exist, but at least that they DID exist.
I believe that some sort of life must exist on some planet other than Earth. And also: the absence of evidence of the existence of something IS NOT evidence that is does not exist. Just because we've never really encountered aliens doesn't mean they don't exist.
as for dimensions there is no real way to prove it but why not ? there are some many other crazy things i would not doubt if there were other dimensions
Aliens-I also do not doubt if these were real also . astronomers have recently found an earth like planet which they believe can hold water which is a main source of life. and studies on mars have shown that live may have been there. not the alien that you would think but a bacteria
Understand, too, that life requires a very specific habitat, no matter what the creature.
But I'm sure not every form of life needs the same habitat as us.
I think the odds are overwhelmingly high that there is life on other planets. Our current technology can barely even leave our solar system. The universe spans for light years all around us. To say that there's no life on any other planet in the universe is not only absurd, it's also very arrogant. We're the only living beings in the universe? As if.
As for other dimensions, I believe that there could be parallel dimensions, alternate realities, etc., but we won't ever know for sure. I highly doubt there will ever be technology that allows us to see other dimensions if they exist.
simonbob13 wrote:Well, not that they DO exist, but at least that they DID exist.
That guy that just said no wrote:No.
I'd be very interested to hear where you learned that aliens were proven to have existed.
I know, I know. It's not a real image, but still. … life-mars/
Try that for size. And, look up the article. A ton of websites and channels have made articles about this.
Hm, it also says that the bacteria was said to be Republican . . .
I can almost guarantee(almost, because I have no proof) that there is life somewhere else in the universe.
The Earth is like 0.0000000001 of an atom compared to our solar system alone. Our solar system is like 0.0000000001 of an atom compared to the milky way. The milky way is like 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...(you get the point)1 of an atom compared to the universe.
If you don't know how small an atom is(what???), you can fit billions of them in the period at the end of this sentence.
To put it into better perspective, 1 light year is almost 10 trillion kilometres(10,000,000,000,000).
The Milky Way Galaxy is 100,000 light years in diameter. The nearest Galaxy(Andromeda Galaxy) is 2.5 million light years away. There are more than 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe.
In every galaxy, there can be anywhere from approximately 10 million stars, or 10 million solar systems like the one Earth is in, to 1 trillion stars, or 1 trillion solar systems like our own.
Who know how many planets are in all those solar systems.
Now you tell me that every single one of those planets has no life whatsoever on it. You would have to be crazy.
simonbob13 wrote:simonbob13 wrote:Well, not that they DO exist, but at least that they DID exist.
That guy that just said no wrote:No.
I'd be very interested to hear where you learned that aliens were proven to have existed.
It has in fact been proven that life used to exist on Mars, but only as bacteria. And there used to be/still is water deep underground. They are still trying to find out if there is water deep underground on mars, because they also have proven that there used to be bodies of water on the surface. Technology has advanced much more since then.
Last edited by Greenzoid2 (Jun 10 2011 11:03:53 pm)
Try that for size. And, look up the article. A ton of websites and channels have made articles about this.
So far as I can tell, that article only offers some evidence for life, not actual proof. I want you to provide me with proof.
And there used to be/still is water deep underground. They are still trying to find out if there is water deep underground on mars, because they also have proven that there used to be bodies of water on the surface.
Water is nice and all that, but it doesn't mean there's life or ever was.
Last edited by Twipply (Jun 11 2011 8:28:45 am)
Way to take that out of context, Twipply.
Today, I was just watching an alien movie called "Independance day" I still believe aliens exist. They dony have to be huge-headed creatures. They can be microorganisms for all we know. But nobody knows for sure.
Ok, universe is my "special" subject so I'll tell ya some stuff. This is all based on research. The scientists have made an equation of the chances of how many planets in Milky way there is with INTELLIGENT (about as smart as us) alien life and that is about 300 planets only in Milky way, and there is billions of galaxies (Maybe all visible or not I don't remember sorry.) out there so there should be at least like 20 000 000 000-2 000 000 000 (you may think I have counted wrong but the galaxies life amount may be other than in Milky way) planets in the whole universe with intelligent alien life, so we aren't alone. For sure. And BTW I didn't know you were Swede RPG, cause I am too! (Why am I speaking English to you right now then!? LoL! Probably to get you others to understand...)
Last edited by IC-1101_98 (Jun 12 2011 11:42:34 am)
Ok, universe is my "special" subject so I'll tell ya some stuff. This is all based on research. The scientists have made an equation of the chances of how many planets in Milky way there is with INTELLIGENT (about as smart as us) alien life and that is about 300 planets only in Milky way, and there is billions of galaxies (Maybe all visible or not I don't remember sorry.) out there so there should be at least like 20 000 000 000-2 000 000 000 (you may think I have counted wrong but the galaxies life amount may be other than in Milky way) planets in the whole universe with intelligent alien life, so we aren't alone. For sure. And BTW I didn't know you were Swede RPG, cause I am too! (Why am I speaking English to you right now then!? LoL! Probably to get you others to understand...)
Did you happen to mean the Drake equation? I don't think it's entirely accurate, you know.
Still waiting for some proof that aliens existed from simonbob13.
Did you happen to mean the Drake equation? I don't think it's entirely accurate, you know.
Still waiting for some proof that aliens existed from simonbob13.
Well, here's your proof, Twipply. Over a decade ago(I forgot to state that explicitly in my post, but that's what I implied when I said "Technology has advanced much more since then).
August 7th, 1996, scientists confirmed that there used to be life on mars, but in microscopic form.
Last edited by Greenzoid2 (Jun 13 2011 5:26:40 pm)
There is most definitely other life and other dimensions.
LIFE: microorganisms, bacteria, SPACE MONKEYS.
dimensions: Ever heard of lines and shapes, not actual things?
Well, here's your proof, Twipply. Over a decade ago(I forgot to state that explicitly in my post, but that's what I implied when I said "Technology has advanced much more since then).
August 7th, 1996, scientists confirmed that there used to be life on mars, but in microscopic form.
That's nice and all, but proof that life has existed on Mars? No. Unless you can point out where it says life definitely existed there, I'm still going to want some real, conclusive proof.
If you look at the Wikipedia article on the matter, you'll find that it states life on Mars is still an "open question" in the first paragraph. It also mentions that meteorite of yours and more like it.
Okay, so parallel universes ARE real. Yes, I know you may be thinking I'm crazy but Michio Kaku, a scientist, was talking about that this morning on the History channel. He said that they exist but aren't able to be seen. Meaning that they are so close to ours that we can't see them, yet. He also said that you might not be there, or what you do is the exact opposite.
Okay, so parallel universes ARE real. Yes, I know you may be thinking I'm crazy but Michio Kaku, a scientist, was talking about that this morning on the History channel. He said that they exist but aren't able to be seen. Meaning that they are so close to ours that we can't see them, yet. He also said that you might not be there, or what you do is the exact opposite.
I think that scientist you mentioned has been criticised a fair bit for some unreliable physics, so I wouldn't totally believe what he said. Whether he's an amazing physicist or not, I don't think he should be automatically believed just because he was on the History channel.
Greenzoid2 wrote:Well, here's your proof, Twipply. Over a decade ago(I forgot to state that explicitly in my post, but that's what I implied when I said "Technology has advanced much more since then).
August 7th, 1996, scientists confirmed that there used to be life on mars, but in microscopic form.
That's nice and all, but proof that life has existed on Mars? No. Unless you can point out where it says life definitely existed there, I'm still going to want some real, conclusive proof.
If you look at the Wikipedia article on the matter, you'll find that it states life on Mars is still an "open question" in the first paragraph. It also mentions that meteorite of yours and more like it.
Well I guess I was wrong there, but I'd like to clear something up.
Are you implying that you think that aliens don't exist, or just trying to prove that we have no proof yet?
I think that scientist you mentioned has been criticised a fair bit for some unreliable physics, so I wouldn't totally believe what he said. Whether he's an amazing physicist or not, I don't think he should be automatically believed just because he was on the History channel.
It doesn't matter, if he's been criticized for 'unreliable physics' Plus, it wasn't just Michio who was talking about the parallel universes.
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