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#1 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

The future

What do you think the future will have in store for us?

Personally, I think it's nice to dream about the future, but it's all horribly unrealistic. What WILL the future hold?

Video contains inappropriate language.

Both of these videos over exaggerate. I don't think the future will be full of idiots, and I don't think the future is as brilliant as we may think. The exact contents are beyond me.

What about you? What do you think the future has in store for us, say, 50 years from now?

Last edited by Tako (Aug 6 2011 9:39:21 pm)

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#2 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,063

Re: The future

Global warming

Last edited by Breadfinn (Aug 6 2011 9:43:30 pm)



#3 Before February 2015


Re: The future

Showing a 1 hour long video about scientific advancements next to what appears to be a 3 minute long satirical short.   //

Those advancements in physics in Michio Kaku are not that far away. For example:

We HAVE changes lead atoms to gold atoms.

We HAVE teleported photons.

We HAVE the capability to change somatic cells (normal body cells) into stem cells (called induced pluripotent stem cells).

We HAVE the capability to record video feed from a person's eyes.

We HAVE the capability to possibly detect other dimensions.

We HAVE mapped out the entire human genome.

We HAVE made recombinant DNA.

We HAVE the capability to destroy ourselves though global warming, nuclear war, and biological war (viruses), and petroleum based pollution.

Etc, Etc, Etc.

We are discovering and inventing new thing faster than we ever have. Why can't we go farther? Several things today were once thought of as "impossible".

As for that 3 minute video, the human race is getting weaker when it comes to genetics. In evolution (a.k.a. Survival of the Fittest) those organisms with the best genetic traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. Those with negative traits will ultimately die and not be able to reproduce.

Through modern medicine humans with such negative have been able to reproduce and successfully. Therefore, they have been able to pass on their negative traits
to their offspring. Since these negative traits build up in the world's population of people, the human race is becoming more susceptible to disease and disorders.

Anyways, I am not saying that we should kill handicapped people, I am just saying the the human population is in fact becoming genetically "weaker".   The video was simply comically showing how the polygenic trait of intelligence is affected by this "Artificial Selection" and our modern culture (environment). After all, our traits are determined by both our genetic makeup and environment.

As for global warming,

Andrew Slack wrote:

I continue to be frustrated by the way we as a society are missing the point around this Climate Crisis. The majority of people still think that
caring about the environment is a "do gooder" thing to do. Save the polar bears. Save the trees. Save the beaches. What about save our grandchildren? Somehow we continue
to hear about the Climate Crisis as if its threats are limited to forests and polar bears when in fact they extend to human rights. Poised to trigger wars over water,
the drowning of island nations, the genocide of refugees, a collapse in the global economy, dramatic increases in hunger, natural disasters, poverty, disease, and other
horrors beyond imagination, the Climate Crisis is a villain that we cannot afford to ignore any longer.

Our biggest challenge is that most of our world remains uninspired to join in. I believe that we can be the heroes we've dreamt of being since we were little. And I believe
as these heroes for our world, we've got to have the courage to inspire.

Additionally, you may want to watch this:

Once you are watching 1 degree, keep on going until you get to 6 degrees.

and this:


On a final note, all of the technological advances are great, but first we must be able to survive the consequences of our misdoing.

Last edited by Pike270 (Aug 7 2011 4:28:41 pm)

#4 Before February 2015

From: Colorado, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,559

Re: The future

Pike270 wrote:

As for that 3 minute video, the human race is getting weaker when it comes to genetics. In evolution (a.k.a. Survival of the Fittest) those organisms with the best genetic traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. Those with negative traits will ultimately die and not be able to reproduce.

Through modern medicine humans with such negative have been able to reproduce and successfully. Therefore, they have been able to pass on their negative traits
to their offspring. Since these negative traits build up in the world's population of people, the human race is becoming more susceptible to disease and disorders.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks about this stuff.

IMO, there's a reason things are the way they are (species-wise). Giraffes that have short necks (This is just my example, not sure if it was true at one time at all) could've died off because they couldn't reach the trees for food. As a result, giraffes now have long necks. Natural selection. Unfortunately, this process isn't happening with humans, and we're becoming a species filled with all of the failed genes that would have us killed if we didn't have medicine to keep us alive, as you have said. People don't realize that natural selection happens (well, should happen) with humans. "Lol jad humans rn't animals lol ur crazy". Yeah, we are.


I hate tall signatures.


#5 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: The future

Thing is, about the hour long video, he's telling us that there is a rate of advancement, and that there is a steady slope of our progression. I have a problem with this.

First, he is neglecting the problems we have now. We can't just ignore problems and make more cool stuff.

Like I've said before (to Peter), "bug fixes are always more important than adding new blocks or features". Take that into reality. Fix the society we live in before adding to it. Of course, it's impossible to "fix" to society, so we'll just have to get it into the best shape as possible (starting with the American education system...).

Second, he's ignoring the consequences of advancing in technology and computers.

This is extremely controversial. I don't think it's wise to become too attached to computers. People revolve their lives around technology. You know, there's a saying: "People were meant to be loved, things were meant to be used. The reason the world is in chaos, is because people are being used, and things are being loved". Is that true? Does society love technology? Of course. God forbid someone take your iPod, your laptop, or your TV. How would you live without them? You'd sue!

My point being, computers are not a way of life, but something that helps you live life. But that's just my opinion, I can guarantee that a few people think differently.

Last edited by Tako (Aug 6 2011 11:41:55 pm)

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#6 Before February 2015


Re: The future

You are right Tako. While technological advancements bring more power, they also bring more responsibility. We seem to be bellow par in terms of that. I present to you some of my thoughts about this.

The people came to watch Michio Kaku talk about new technologies being developed and their positive consequences. If Kaku were to speak the entirety of his opinions, his speech would be too long.

As Andrew Slack described (forum post #3) many humans do not focus enough on important topics such as climate change. Instead we push the problems away from our minds and instead "troll/hate" people such as Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black.

While culture (ranging from ancient myths and dances to modern memes and fads) itself is not bad companies have taken advantage of it to make people (especially young children) to become more materialistic (and therefore possibly buy their product). While advertisements say you must have "this" to be better people prefer to take that advise instead of actually researching certain products. Read the example below:

A study has shown that there is a particular soda/pop/soft drink/Coke (depending where you live) tastes better than Coke and cost the same as Coke. Why don't people buy this other soda? Answer: Advertising.

This is what is known as mental pollution.

There is also the question of where will we get these resources to build these amazing contraptions. The population is growing and certain important materials are becoming rarer and rarer. These include but are not limited to : fresh water, fossil fuels, and certain metals.
There are already predictions of wars for fresh water.

Finally, almost all of these devised have a computer chip. If there is such a reliance on computers then they will have to be protected. Imagine if a High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse were to e set off. BOOM! All of you pokemonz and your Proz stair levelz are gone. All of those hours of "hard work" gone. But that is not all if the refrigerators stop at the grocery stores where are you going to get food and clean water from once the water sanitation plants and refrigeration units shut off. It would be even worse if you live in a highly populated area. Imagine gunfights over a loaf of bread. No one can help you since most aircraft wouldn't work. Many farms will have their crops raided. Chaos EVERYWHERE.

For more information see this:

That concludes my thoughts. Please respond with your own thoughts and ideas.

Last edited by Pike270 (Aug 7 2011 12:44:05 am)

#7 Before February 2015


Re: The future

Eventually the human race will destroy itself, in 10 years or 100 years i dont know. When this happens the earth will go on. I kinda hope a emp goes off, it would destroy the modern world but cause the earth to become a much better place which is cleaner and healthier. We can never really have all the technology we desire because that will be kept away from us. Everything peaceful is prevented from happening by the 'man'.

#8 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: The future

@Pike: It's an electronic world nowadays.

It scares me how so few people realize the direction the world is going. It's just going to get worse and worse until someone actually does something about it and we change.

Call me crazy, but a dictatorship with a really smart leader isn't sounding too bad. Some people really just need to be pushed in the right direction, what better way? For so long we've tried the "gentle hand" of advertising to the public: "Hey, get your act together!", but it obviously hasn't phased us. All these campaigns about recycling and using less fuel, it's gotten nowhere. If society refuses to change for the better, you just need to force them to.

Yes. That's what the world needs. A dictator. Someone very smart and wise.

Kind of like a slap on the cheek for society. Ultimately, it's what we both need and deserve.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#9 Before February 2015


Re: The future

Anarchy in the US.

#10 Before February 2015


Re: The future

The world has gotten a lot more eco friendly in some areas of the world, some northen european countries are excellent at it

#11 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: The future

I could go on a long rant, but you guys have said a lot of what I would say anyway. For the record, I live in the US.

Global warming is being ignored.

Overpopulation is an inevitable and looming threat.

People are stupid.

The middle class is disappearing. CEOs hoard their money without penalty.

The political system is a mess. Politicians care about themselves more than the people they serve. Unfortunately, politicians hold the most power over most of the US's problems. The US is not a democracy. 536 people hold the power to make decisions that affect over 3 million people. Furthermore, these 536 people are inconsiderate bigwigs who care nothing about America. Politicians do not live in the real world, yet they are in charge of making the decisions that affect it.

And that's the present. Unless there's some of sort of revolution, the future looks bleak.

Yeah, I'm kind of a downer. //


#12 Before February 2015


Re: The future

The future?

my reply


#13 Before February 2015


Re: The future

Eventually MEDS countries will start to lose population numbers, this is happening in Germany as more and more old people are there as health care keeps improving

#14 Before February 2015


Re: The future

Supadorf24 wrote:

People are stupid.

Yeah, I agree the most with this. :rolleyes:

Stupid people leads to stupid decisions which leads to unfortunate situations. Comes to think how a good education with a stable foundation can greatly impact your surroundings.

Last edited by Sabrillian (Aug 7 2011 11:08:39 am)

#15 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: The future

Sabrillian wrote:
Supadorf24 wrote:

People are stupid.

Yeah, I agree the most with this. :rolleyes:

Stupid people leads to stupid decisions which leads to unfortunate situations. Comes to think how a good education with a stable foundation can greatly impact your surroundings.


People are stupid, they won't fix the education.

Lack of fixing the education leads to more stupid people, and more problems evolve from that.

Really. Congress needs to grow a brain, and do it fast.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#16 Before February 2015


Re: The future

If you guys want to be up with current events relating to Science I suggest checking out your favorite fields of study here:   (Personaly I like to hang around the marine biology part // )

Do you know why us Americans have gotten stuck with only two major parties? See the following video. If you like that stuff watch all of his videos.


Last edited by Pike270 (Aug 7 2011 12:10:55 pm)

#17 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: The future

idk about 2030, but we better have flying cars, self tying laces and hoverboards by 2015.


#18 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: The future

Brawler700 wrote:

idk about 2030, but we better have flying cars, self tying laces and hoverboards by 2015.

Flying machines consume an enormous amount of fuel, and require an experienced pilot.
Self-tying shoelaces would be close to impossible to make, and they're really not needed.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#19 Before February 2015

From: Colorado, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,559

Re: The future

I think, like [someone, probably tako] said, we need to fix our problems before we worry about getting new stuff. We're in deep crap as it is.


I hate tall signatures.


#20 Before February 2015


Re: The future

Pike270 wrote:

Showing a 1 hour long video about scientific advancements next to what appears to be a 3 minute long satirical short.   //

Those advancements in physics in Michio Kaku are not that far away. For example:

We HAVE changes lead atoms to gold atoms.

We HAVE teleported photons.

We HAVE the capability to change somatic cells (normal body cells) into stem cells (called induced pluripotent stem cells).

We HAVE the capability to record video feed from a person's eyes.

We HAVE the capability to possibly detect other dimensions.

We HAVE mapped out the entire human genome.

We HAVE made recombinant DNA.

We HAVE the capability to destroy ourselves though global warming, nuclear war, and biological war (viruses), and petroleum based pollution.

Etc, Etc, Etc.

We are discovering and inventing new thing faster than we ever have. Why can't we go farther? Several things today were once thought of as "impossible".

As for that 3 minute video, the human race is getting weaker when it comes to genetics. In evolution (a.k.a. Survival of the Fittest) those organisms with the best genetic traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. Those with negative traits will ultimately die and not be able to reproduce.

Through modern medicine humans with such negative have been able to reproduce and successfully. Therefore, they have been able to pass on their negative traits
to their offspring. Since these negative traits build up in the world's population of people, the human race is becoming more susceptible to disease and disorders.

Anyways, I am not saying that we should kill handicapped people, I am just saying the the human population is in fact becoming genetically "weaker".   The video was simply comically showing how the polygenic trait of intelligence is affected by this "Artificial Selection" and our modern culture (environment). After all, our traits are determined by both our genetic makeup and environment.

As for global warming,

Andrew Slack wrote:

I continue to be frustrated by the way we as a society are missing the point around this Climate Crisis. The majority of people still think that
caring about the environment is a "do gooder" thing to do. Save the polar bears. Save the trees. Save the beaches. What about save our grandchildren? Somehow we continue
to hear about the Climate Crisis as if its threats are limited to forests and polar bears when in fact they extend to human rights. Poised to trigger wars over water,
the drowning of island nations, the genocide of refugees, a collapse in the global economy, dramatic increases in hunger, natural disasters, poverty, disease, and other
horrors beyond imagination, the Climate Crisis is a villain that we cannot afford to ignore any longer.

Our biggest challenge is that most of our world remains uninspired to join in. I believe that we can be the heroes we've dreamt of being since we were little. And I believe
as these heroes for our world, we've got to have the courage to inspire.

Additionally, you may want to watch this:

Once you are watching 1 degree, keep on going until you get to 6 degrees.

and this:


On a final note, all of the technological advances are great, but first we must be able to survive the consequences of our misdoing.


OnT: errr.... knowing how magnets work. (does anybody see what I did there?)

#21 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: The future

TakoMan02 wrote:
Brawler700 wrote:

idk about 2030, but we better have flying cars, self tying laces and hoverboards by 2015.

Flying machines consume an enormous amount of fuel, and require an experienced pilot.
Self-tying shoelaces would be close to impossible to make, and they're really not needed.

in case you didnt know, thats a reference to back to the future part 2. it was a joke.


#22 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: The future

Brawler700 wrote:
TakoMan02 wrote:
Brawler700 wrote:

idk about 2030, but we better have flying cars, self tying laces and hoverboards by 2015.

Flying machines consume an enormous amount of fuel, and require an experienced pilot.
Self-tying shoelaces would be close to impossible to make, and they're really not needed.

in case you didnt know, thats a reference to back to the future part 2. it was a joke.

I wouldn't get the reference because I've never seen those movies

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#23 Before February 2015

Wolf exile1

Re: The future

TakoMan02 wrote:
Brawler700 wrote:
TakoMan02 wrote:

Flying machines consume an enormous amount of fuel, and require an experienced pilot.
Self-tying shoelaces would be close to impossible to make, and they're really not needed.

in case you didnt know, thats a reference to back to the future part 2. it was a joke.

I wouldn't get the reference because I've never seen those movies

What you just said is impossible.

#24 Before February 2015


Re: The future

Alright then,

#25 Before February 2015


Re: The future

There are already several different types of "jet pack" technology. The reason they aren't widely available at the moment is for the following reasons:

A. Not profitable ( I don't suppose you have $100,000[minimum] laying around?)

B. Lack of efficiency and the obvious chance of vehicle failure mid-flight.

C. Who needs jetpacks when we have cars and airplanes.
Jet packs seem more like a toy to me.


EDIT: I know you are joking, but I would prefer to treat this as a serious topic.

Last edited by Pike270 (Aug 8 2011 3:15:35 pm)


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