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#1 Before February 2015

From: Maryland, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 1,721

My Hurricane Irene experience...

Ok, so I live in Maryland, as you can see, and I got the hardest hit of the hurricane.     Everywhere exept my area had a watch, we had a warning. D:     It started raining in the morning and wouldn't stop.     As time went by, the rain got harder and harder, while most of the time, I was out of the house.     I had my B-day party, made 2 hours earlier, because of the hurricane hitting at the original time.     The party ended, and the rain got even harder.     My huge front yard was flooded, with a giant pond in it, very windy and rainy. I went to EE, my level, and suddenly lost power while talking to some of my friends.     The power didn't usually come right back on.     I had to sleep in the basement.     It sucked because my sister was snoring so loudly.     So I went back upstairs and tried to sleep there, yet it was 3 in the morning.     I then, decided to go upstairs more, to my room.     I had about 3 and a half hours of sleep, and the next day didn't turn out well.     The power was still out and I was litterly going insane...     From lack of internet. 1xd1     So now, the power has been out for 3 days and i'm currently at the library using the computers there.     I'm telling you all who heard I got hit i'm alright!     Yet insane...

And did anyone else get hit by the hurricane?     Just wondering...



#2 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

By the time Irene reached us it was nothing more than a tropical storm.


#3 Before February 2015

From: Brazil
Joined: 2021-09-05
Posts: 3,174

Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

Since I don't live there I never got hit by a hurricane, but a cyclone happened exactly in the state where I live around 7 years ago.

But 3-4 years ago my city got hit by a big flood, with landslides, guys drowning and whatnot.
My house wasn't affected much, but it got a little flooded.

Last edited by 0176 (Aug 29 2011 8:56:26 am)


#4 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

It rained a bit where i am, my pond rose by an inch...

Good luck with getting back to normal and whatnot

#5 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

The most we got from it was a strong and warm breeze. We're inland. //

I saw the flooding on the Weather Channel, it looks terrible. O.o

#6 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

All we here got was a little wind and rain, nothing serious. But I am glad to hear you are ok I was a little worried the other day when you went offline and didn't come back. I hope you get your power back soon and all goes well. //

#7 Before February 2015

DK Levels

Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

treejoe4 wrote:

It rained a bit where i am, my pond rose by an inch...

Good luck with getting back to normal and whatnot

The hurricane didn't come to England...

#8 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

Stubby wrote:

I had my B-day party, made 2 hours earlier, because of the hurricane hitting at the original time.

a hurricane on your birthday /+ party? eeeeeeeh... unlucky buddy...

#9 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

DK Levels wrote:
treejoe4 wrote:

It rained a bit where i am, my pond rose by an inch...

Good luck with getting back to normal and whatnot

The hurricane didn't come to England...

I know but it was raining

#10 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

treejoe4 wrote:
DK Levels wrote:
treejoe4 wrote:

It rained a bit where i am, my pond rose by an inch...

Good luck with getting back to normal and whatnot

The hurricane didn't come to England...

I know but it was raining

Probably just our weather being crap as usual //

Last edited by BillyP (Aug 29 2011 10:13:14 am)

#11 Before February 2015

From: Dream Realm
Joined: 2015-10-31
Posts: 1,765

Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

My hurricane experience went okay. We were prepared for power outages. It started with light rains and stopping like summer rains. Then at night it got harder and windier. At 8:00 P.M the power went out so I decided bed time. In the morning our dad started up our generator and we had power until the real power came on.
The Fin I mean End.

I'm in love with a dragon <3



#12 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

Not good.

I live near the ocean in New Jersey. My basement flooded, and my backyard was under three feet of water. Just remember, now, I can no longer go in the basement.

That's when we got a tornado warning! Isn't that just great! (During a tornado you want to be in a basement)

#13 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

BillyP wrote:
treejoe4 wrote:
DK Levels wrote:

The hurricane didn't come to England...

I know but it was raining

Probably just our weather being crap as usual //

^ That..

It always rains in the UK.. xD 3 days of sun, 3 days of rain, usually.

#14 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

Yup, I've heard the weather there really sucks...XD

Come to America! Home of epic people, like Chuck Norris!

Last edited by xputnameherex (Aug 29 2011 12:06:12 pm)

#15 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

I dont really like America...
The weather here is like what echo said, but sometimes its really rubbish.

#16 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

I didn't experience the Hurricane myself, but Jaxcheese was in it. He made a song about it.
It can viewed here:


I think its cool since I usually just get sun and clouds.

#17 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

yea i live im FL (florida, for all of u not smart people) and we only usually get rain here. i have a huge pool of water in my pack and front yard, and theres river-like things on each side

#18 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

It rained for about 5 minutes today. Does that count as the horrible aftermath of Irene?

My relatives in New England had some bad storms. I wasn't there, so I couldn't tell you how bad they were, but they cancelled the church service.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#19 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

I got kinda hit by Irene. It rained all day but didn't flood. It knocked down a bush and that's about it. It was rather weak for me.

#20 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

i was in the eye of the storm

Last edited by catking00 (Aug 30 2011 6:44:03 am)

#21 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

I was on the very edge of the storm. I had cloud cover that was created by Irene which stretched all the way from the east coast to where I live. I also got a bit of wind //

#22 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

By me I got lots of wind and rain and my power went out for 5-6 hours. I'm north of my state and by the south of my state there was total destruction.

aka towwl


#23 Before February 2015

From: United States
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,269

Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

meh, it didnt hit my state, just cloudy and a little windy

Player Since 2011. I used to make bots and stuff.


#24 Before February 2015


Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

Hope everythings ok now D: ^^ like ee beast since we live in the same county and stuff basicly, it didnt hit us really. It just passed us o_O

#25 Before February 2015

From: Maryland, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 1,721

Re: My Hurricane Irene experience...

Good news guys! (OUR POWER FINALLY CAME BACK ON!!!     IT'S BEEN 71 HOURS!!!     I'm suprized i'm not dead... xD)




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