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Ok, so I live in Maryland, as you can see, and I got the hardest hit of the hurricane. Everywhere exept my area had a watch, we had a warning. D: It started raining in the morning and wouldn't stop. As time went by, the rain got harder and harder, while most of the time, I was out of the house. I had my B-day party, made 2 hours earlier, because of the hurricane hitting at the original time. The party ended, and the rain got even harder. My huge front yard was flooded, with a giant pond in it, very windy and rainy. I went to EE, my level, and suddenly lost power while talking to some of my friends. The power didn't usually come right back on. I had to sleep in the basement. It sucked because my sister was snoring so loudly. So I went back upstairs and tried to sleep there, yet it was 3 in the morning. I then, decided to go upstairs more, to my room. I had about 3 and a half hours of sleep, and the next day didn't turn out well. The power was still out and I was litterly going insane... From lack of internet. 1xd1 So now, the power has been out for 3 days and i'm currently at the library using the computers there. I'm telling you all who heard I got hit i'm alright! Yet insane...
And did anyone else get hit by the hurricane? Just wondering...
By the time Irene reached us it was nothing more than a tropical storm.
Since I don't live there I never got hit by a hurricane, but a cyclone happened exactly in the state where I live around 7 years ago.
But 3-4 years ago my city got hit by a big flood, with landslides, guys drowning and whatnot.
My house wasn't affected much, but it got a little flooded.
Last edited by 0176 (Aug 29 2011 8:56:26 am)
It rained a bit where i am, my pond rose by an inch...
Good luck with getting back to normal and whatnot
The most we got from it was a strong and warm breeze. We're inland.
I saw the flooding on the Weather Channel, it looks terrible. O.o
All we here got was a little wind and rain, nothing serious. But I am glad to hear you are ok I was a little worried the other day when you went offline and didn't come back. I hope you get your power back soon and all goes well.
It rained a bit where i am, my pond rose by an inch...
Good luck with getting back to normal and whatnot
The hurricane didn't come to England...
I had my B-day party, made 2 hours earlier, because of the hurricane hitting at the original time.
a hurricane on your birthday /+ party? eeeeeeeh... unlucky buddy...
treejoe4 wrote:It rained a bit where i am, my pond rose by an inch...
Good luck with getting back to normal and whatnot
The hurricane didn't come to England...
I know but it was raining
DK Levels wrote:treejoe4 wrote:It rained a bit where i am, my pond rose by an inch...
Good luck with getting back to normal and whatnot
The hurricane didn't come to England...
I know but it was raining
Probably just our weather being crap as usual
Last edited by BillyP (Aug 29 2011 10:13:14 am)
My hurricane experience went okay. We were prepared for power outages. It started with light rains and stopping like summer rains. Then at night it got harder and windier. At 8:00 P.M the power went out so I decided bed time. In the morning our dad started up our generator and we had power until the real power came on.
The Fin I mean End.
I'm in love with a dragon <3
Not good.
I live near the ocean in New Jersey. My basement flooded, and my backyard was under three feet of water. Just remember, now, I can no longer go in the basement.
That's when we got a tornado warning! Isn't that just great! (During a tornado you want to be in a basement)
treejoe4 wrote:DK Levels wrote:The hurricane didn't come to England...
I know but it was raining
Probably just our weather being crap as usual
^ That..
It always rains in the UK.. xD 3 days of sun, 3 days of rain, usually.
Yup, I've heard the weather there really sucks...XD
Come to America! Home of epic people, like Chuck Norris!
Last edited by xputnameherex (Aug 29 2011 12:06:12 pm)
I dont really like America...
The weather here is like what echo said, but sometimes its really rubbish.
I didn't experience the Hurricane myself, but Jaxcheese was in it. He made a song about it.
It can viewed here:
I think its cool since I usually just get sun and clouds.
yea i live im FL (florida, for all of u not smart people) and we only usually get rain here. i have a huge pool of water in my pack and front yard, and theres river-like things on each side
It rained for about 5 minutes today. Does that count as the horrible aftermath of Irene?
My relatives in New England had some bad storms. I wasn't there, so I couldn't tell you how bad they were, but they cancelled the church service.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
I got kinda hit by Irene. It rained all day but didn't flood. It knocked down a bush and that's about it. It was rather weak for me.
i was in the eye of the storm
Last edited by catking00 (Aug 30 2011 6:44:03 am)
I was on the very edge of the storm. I had cloud cover that was created by Irene which stretched all the way from the east coast to where I live. I also got a bit of wind
By me I got lots of wind and rain and my power went out for 5-6 hours. I'm north of my state and by the south of my state there was total destruction.
aka towwl
meh, it didnt hit my state, just cloudy and a little windy
Player Since 2011. I used to make bots and stuff.
Hope everythings ok now D: ^^ like ee beast since we live in the same county and stuff basicly, it didnt hit us really. It just passed us o_O
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