Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Haha. It's not all fun and games like it seems. I still have to take English 3, US History, World History, and Geometry online. Let's just say blowing off freshman year was NOT a good idea.
You're a sophomore? Or a junior?
Junior. Hence English 3. Junior being the third year of high school.
I was thinking that, but I figured it could have been a mistake like your three free periods a day. Or maybe you are more advanced, or I don't know.
Is Trig after Alg2?
I'm a good student I just can't stand the idiots at school which is why I take my classes online. The order I know is; Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Cal, Calculus.
Seems like Calculus courses. Also urdoinitrong.
I'm pretty sure there is a Calculus 2.
A new school year means, interviews, training, and work, for me.
in my country, a school year ends in november or december and starts in january or february...
32OrtonEdge32dh wrote:...THERE'S MORE THAN ONE?!
I pressed it.
Pretty awesome, aye?
I started 11th grade Monday.
My schedule:
Pd. 1: Pre-calculus Honors
Pd. 2: Human Anatomy & Physiology
Pd. 3: Personal Finance
Pd. 4: Diagnostic Medicine
Pd. 5: Psychology
Pd. 6: English 11 HonorsShould be a fun year
*isn't the only junior* yay?
TakoMan02 wrote:I started 11th grade Monday.
My schedule:
Pd. 1: Pre-calculus Honors
Pd. 2: Human Anatomy & Physiology
Pd. 3: Personal Finance
Pd. 4: Diagnostic Medicine
Pd. 5: Psychology
Pd. 6: English 11 HonorsShould be a fun year
*isn't the only junior* yay?
I guess I could be part Junior I take what you call English 11 Honors, but at a semi-higher level, IB 11 English
(it's like university level)
In my school it goes:
Algebra 1, Geometry, (if you got a bad grade in geometry, then survey of algebra and geometry), Consumer Math OR Albegra 2 (If you got a bad grad in algebra 2, then Intermediate algbera), Pre Calculus with triginometry OR Statistics, Calculus AB, CAlculus BC.
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