Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Yes I'm talking about 2012 >_>
It seems to me this is more and more probable each passing month. There's no stopping those hurricanes, they just keep coming. And the stock market falling AGAIN?! Gee guys, this can't be a coincidence that it's all happening in a consecutive line O:
2012 is still just a theory, but only for people who believe it is. I'll be hosting a "Day-Before-We-Die End-Of-The-World" party if it really does happen. SCREW THE AUTHORITIES.
With 2012 being a possibility I'm going to start writing my first book, "Kingdom of Weather" (redundancy follows this post)
What'll you all be doing if doomsday occurs? ;D
Hmm ... I think 2012 is jut a BIG BIG BIG fake !
Because I shearch on Google how many time that will be
And in 2000,2004,2008,2012
You didn't see all 4 years is the End of worlds
And i'm always wait the end of worl
Look at the pattern: 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012. They are all the same pattern, which is +4 years. This probably means that people will start thinking that 2016 is the end of the world. -.-
God forbid that the people got tired of making dates 100s of years ahead of their time, coincidentally landing on the year 2012.
EDIT: Someone deleted their post, making it look like me double-posting.
Last edited by SmittyW. (Aug 31 2011 1:50:51 pm)
Look at the pattern: 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012. They are all the same pattern, which is +4 years. This probably means that people will start thinking that 2016 is the end of the world. -.-
what's with everyone hating the summer olympics
They made a miscalculation, the world will 'end' in 2208.
Know ye that He has slept death's dream for ages unnumbered; He who has slumbered long before the birth of Man; He who is dead yet waits dreaming: SHALL RISE, and His time draws near. The worm shall not corrupt the corrupted; time is naught to His continuation; the aeons shall not lay waste that which is not of earth's flesh.
In R'Lyeh He dwells, bound in timeless sleep by Those who would hold back the darkness of Outer Hells and stem the fate of Man. Yet the darkness shall prevail, the destiny of Man is sealed and graven.
The stars shall mark the time of His coming, and when the spheres intersect: HE SHALL RISE. Great Cthulhu shall return, and armed with vengeful talons He shall smite the Elder Lords and rend the soul of Man. The earth shall know the night without cease.
His minions dwell amongst you, Beware O Man, they come in servile stealth; like thieves in the night. They heed not Man and his frail gods, blind in the will of their master.
Great Cthulhu sleeps in His house and shapes the dream of what shall me, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.
My brother Ibn Ghazi saw with the lidless eyes the end of Man's time, yet Their curse denied him the revelation. Ever condemned he suffers the endless torments of the Vaults of Zin. His mouth is sealed up, his tongue severed - nought shall he speak or bewail his tortures - he is headless, the slave of the Shoggoth until the Great Old Ones fall.
Yog-Sothoth knoweth the Gate through which the Old Ones shall return. When the stars have faded and the moon shines no more, when only dark suns rise and set: Great Cthulhu shall awaken and call from the deep with the voice of a thousand thunders, and the Gate shall be cast open: THEY SHALL RETURN.
Lament thy fate O Man, for the earth shall be void and cast for eternity into the abyss of perdition.
The Seal They have set against Him shall not prevail forever. The folly of mankind shall shatter the Seal: HE SHALL RISE.
Man in his unseeing ignorance shall assault the skein which binds his immortality (and know not who guides his hand); he shall rupture the air and oceans with fire, and cover the firmament with the venomous shroud of ancient Cthulhu's shadow.
I, Alhazred, have heard His cry, my eyes have beheld the forbidden Signs, I fear the voice of the night wind - I fear for man.
Ph'hglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl fhtagn
He shall return.
The stars.
Watch the stars.
*Start laughing*
Hahahahaha Hahaha !
Death ! Kill ! Kill ! Humans ! Putrid souls ! Ïa ïa Cthulhu Fhtagn !
The stars.
Trolls be in da place, mon !
They made a miscalculation, the world will 'end' in 2208.
How will it 'end' exactly?
Anyways, as the bible states, no one but the father (god)knows when the world will end. it could be 2012, it could be tomorrow, heck, it could even be today. But we will never know until it comes. You have nothing to fear. We are in the hurricane season so that explains the hurricanes. And the stock market falling again, meh, I guess it will happen. All this stuff can be explained. These are not signs of the apocalypse.
Red wrote:They made a miscalculation, the world will 'end' in 2208.
How will it 'end' exactly?
Environmental disasters.
LOLOLOL people actually still believe that slow thing?
Ok look. Heres what I think.
First: the Mayans had the worst number system, probably ever. Their numbers skipped around from 1-600 etc. How can we trust them..
Second: what did we expect? That their calender go on forever? yeah RIGHT!
Third: The world has ALWAYS had bad natural disasters. Just until very recently (in the cosmic scale) People haven't been able to know about it. It was a short while ago that news reporters came along with their cameras and broadcasted disasters to the rest of the world. And even when they HAVE, people have thought the world was going to end 41 times in the last 100 years. Thats almost half!!!
FOURTH: The Mayans said there is going to be a "great change" the end of the world crap is Hollywood.
LOLOLOL people actually still believe that slow thing?
Watch the stars.
Don't you hear the voices ?
The voices !
The stars !
Trolls be in da place, mon !
do you guys even know how they say the worlds gonna end?
they say the magnetic fields are gonna change
Last edited by skullz17 (Aug 31 2011 12:18:12 pm)
thx for sig bobithan
Well it most likely won't happen in your lifetime.
And that's just one of the millions of ways that the world could end.
Solar apocalypse, snowball Earth 2, Meteor apocalypse, Global Warming, Technological enslavement.(Technology takes over),Nano-technological apocalypse, WWIII, nuclear war, volcanic apocalypse, ect.
Last edited by Monstar43 (Aug 31 2011 12:33:11 pm)
"It shall come like a thief in the night." ~The Bible.
No one knows when it shall come.
We can only wait, it will very likely be millions of years from now, as God's seventh day of rest has not ended.
I doubt an apocalypse will happen anytime soon. "In about 5.5 billion years time (long after life has already been wiped out on this planet by the heating of the sun boiling the oceans, incinerating everything and stripping the atmosphere) the sun will reach a point where it has used up most of it's hydrogen and it's reduced mass will mean there isn't enough gravity to hold itself in any more, expanding out to a size hundreds of times bigger than it currently is. This new massive size will easily consume closer planets, including earth, destroying them in it's 100 million Celsius helium nuclear furnace. So, something for us all to look forward too =]"
*u stinky*
Erm... I don't really know, or care if 2012 is true or not...
Guess we'll have to find out next year ;D
Well, it's no doubt that it's a significant day in history, no matter what happens.
You can't possibly just sit there in your chair like you do everyday. You can refuse the logic, but you still can't treat it like a normal day, because it is it's intentions to be the end of the world.
Also, according to scripture, the Earth is a temporary place where humans will basically destroy themselves. I don't care what you believe in, that's fact. If you just look at the way our society has become over the decades, it's just downhill. Not to be pessimistic or anything, it's just unreasonable to assume that humans will be this great civilization and walk among the stars as though we were gods. We will become extinct eventually.
Will it be 2012? I doubt it, but anything is possible.
Well, wait a second. I referred to the Bible up there, so I might as well keep my opinions non-hypocritical. The Bible also says (Mark 12:21) that we will not know the day nor hour in which the end of the world will happen. That, however, varies from religious to non-religious folk, but my assumption that humans will indeed become extinct like the Bible foretells is fact to me.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
I'm guessing people will just go and destroy stuff when noone's looking to prove they're right.
I'm guessing people will just go and destroy stuff when noone's looking to prove they're right.
Lol. Stupidity at it's greatest.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
For things going downhill, I blame Obama. Think about it, stuff got even worse in 2008. And guess who got elected then...?
As for 2012, no, I do not believe in it. Remember 2000? Remember "Reaping Day"? The world's been around a long time, and it will be around much longer than our lifetime. So what if 2012 is the end of the Mayan calender? They might have just ran out of material, or just decided to end there. People don't go around saying, "MY 2011 CALENDER IS ENDING IN JANUARY 2012!! IT'S THE END OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD~" Why should the Mayan calender be any different?
Last edited by DryKirby64 (Aug 31 2011 6:29:51 pm)
if a girl does not have yuri then she is lost
but that same girl can be lost in the yuri
You know what? I blame Obama. Think about it, stuff got even worse in 2008. And guess who got elected then...?
I find that racist. Why does everyone blame the black guy? :/
I don't live in the US, but I know more has been accomplished ever since Obama became president. :/
Sure, but a lot of bad things happened when he became president. Not trying to be racist here, but think about it: Stock market crash, Hurricane Irene, debts for US become even larger, some other stuff... You know what, I'm not even going to talk about this. 2012 is a myth. Those are my final words.
Last edited by DryKirby64 (Aug 31 2011 6:32:47 pm)
if a girl does not have yuri then she is lost
but that same girl can be lost in the yuri
DryKirby64 wrote:You know what? I blame Obama. Think about it, stuff got even worse in 2008. And guess who got elected then...?
I find that racist. Why does everyone blame the black guy? :/
I don't live in the US, but I know more has been accomplished ever since Obama became president. :/
How the hell is that racist! He does not like obama as a president, did he say he hates because hes black. People are to quick to call racisim just because they dont like a black person for whatever reason. And obama hasnt accomplished a lot.
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