Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015


How did you find your username?

Well. I got mine from Xbox live. For some reason I wanted the GT of Aunt Jemima. and it was taken and it recommended me ThuggishPrune. And I stuck with it. I love it <3

(You can send me a Friend request thing on XL But I don't play anymore.)

Last edited by ThuggishPrune (Jul 20 2011 12:16:05 am)

#2 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,576

Re: How did you find your username?

I joined Runescape when I was in first grade, and the first word that popped into my head was the word different. That was taken, so I took my fave number (5) and repeated it. Tada.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#3 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

I wanted to call me Reaper, but it was already taken.
I went mad, and you can imagine the rest

#4 Before February 2015

From: Earth
Joined: 2015-05-19
Posts: 186

Re: How did you find your username?

Well, this is a long story. Ready?

When I was in 6 or 7th grade, I was playing runescape, and when I signed up for RS, I picked "Sonicyo" but it was taken, so then after minutes of thinking for a name.. I finally guessed! "Sonicya" So on many sites, I'm "Sonicya" or "Sonicya100" or "sonicya200", etc.

Then, I found a site called EverybodyEdits, and I got tired of the name "Sonicya" because people thought I was a girl, to them that name sounded like "Sonya" and the name "Sonicya" was getting dull..

So I thought.. And I finally came up with a new name! "Drsonic" and also, I have one more new name... It's "Noncryptic" That's a good name to. // That reminds me.. I should make a EE account on this forum and on the game before anyone takes that name. >.>


Snap: CrypticPi
Instagram: Noncryptic


#5 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

I was on youtube and it wouldnt let me have the name treejoe, i can remember why. So i just pressed the number 4 and ive stuck with it ever since. But later i realised my favourite number is 5 so i kinda failed there //

#6 Before February 2015

Official Caroler
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,868

Re: How did you find your username?

I was trying out for a long lost crew, when i was just a little nub. And i made fire, and they caled my pyromaniac


#7 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

I was never good with coming up with usernames. 'Nuff said.

#8 Before February 2015

From: Maryland, U.S.A.
Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 1,721

Re: How did you find your username?

My username is named after:
My cat, Stubby.



#9 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?


Last edited by EE_Scythe (Jul 20 2011 7:39:09 am)

#10 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

I love cats,so I was goining to put cats....but...I then thought katz looked way more cooler

#11 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

Just came up with it

I dont like   mine that much.

#12 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

Im much taller than all my friends, but SofusTheTall sounded wierd

#13 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

Hello,my username is actually really awkward.

Its really complicated...

My last name: Pavlovic , I just switched v with w .

But i still love my username! Because its unique ^_^

#14 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

i just thought of mine at random...

#15 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

Last year I had an account named "monstar". In January,I decided to go back to the forums. I tried logging in with "monstar"but forgot my pass. For some reason it wouldn't let me choose a new pass. So I used my ign "Monstar"and my now favorite number "43". Bam.

BTW mods/admins,you can delete "monstar".

#16 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

I got my username combined from a software and a random letter/number (not going to tell you what they are //
First time I used it on Kongregate. Since then, I use it everywhere in the internet. (sometimes i use ld4h or ld5h)

#17 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

Mine makes sense. My first name is "Max". My second and last name's initials are "DG".

And my birthday is October 13. 10 13. my username on Everybodyedits is MaxDG1013, here it's MaxDG/MXIII (MXIII is the roman numerals for 1013) because.. Hrm.. It looked cool xD

Though, I've been using the username MaxDG1013 on nearly every website I go to.

#18 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

I just made mine up^^ but I feel a bit like changing username : p

Last edited by Oturan (Jul 21 2011 9:22:52 am)

#19 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

Sabrina and Lillian are my two cats, and I'm sure a few people on here know since I've posted on forum topics like this before.
Before I used Sabrillian, though, I liked using the username Perrywinkle and Mio. I don't even remember how I got Perrywinkle for a username, and Mio was taken from a WoW character I had called Sio. //

#20 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

4 or 5 years ago, I had a website with games on it. It was a Hungarian website called 'Jó Játékok' ('Good Games' in English). That's where the name 'jojatekok' came from.

#21 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

I made a pure on RuneScape named Dark Bow X L (You'd have to play to understand), and one day one of my friends told me to change my name to DaPolarBearz, so I did. I liked the name, and I tried it on EE but it was taken so I shortened it to Polar. Boom.

#22 Before February 2015

DK Levels

Re: How did you find your username?

My initials, followed by 'levels' after it //

#23 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

my friend made it 4 me... i came over to his house and he had a game called guitar hero and he thought the guitar looked like a scythe... then he showed me this game called club penguin and he was like lets make ur username scythe! then he told me that i needed to have a big number after my name... so we chose 5665... then he made my username sythe5665... he spelled scythe wrong but i thought it looked better that way... i used that name for all my usernames... even my youtube username is sythe5665!... thats how i got the username sythe5665

Last edited by Sythe5665 (Jul 21 2011 1:19:45 pm)

#24 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: How did you find your username?

When I was in 3rd grade my friends and I liked drawing smiley faces on erasers and giving them names. My friend named one of his "Bobithan". I didn't start using it on this internet until I started using Flipnote Hatena.

aka towwl


#25 Before February 2015


Re: How did you find your username?

Back in 2002, I fished a lot for bass.

The "5098" part was the middle section of a phone number for a local pizza shop, but now it has more significance as my employee number.

Combine them together at 22:00, and you get "bass5098"

Boring story, eh?

ThuggishPrune 1423643247318185

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