Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I figured as much...but how would you remember these?
well if u had a lucid dream you would obviously remember some part of it to know that you were in control and knew you were dreaming. if u never remember your dreams then who knows you may have had a lucid dream but dont remember it
ooo I sometimes can lucid dream somewhat well but there are sometimes that I can't do it. BTW it won't make you unhappy with reality in-fact you sometimes get most of your dream ideas from reality in some sort of way.
I guess keeping a dream journal can help and re-reading it before going to sleep.
I'm in love with a dragon <3
ooo I sometimes can lucid dream somewhat well but there are sometimes that I can't do it. BTW it won't make you unhappy with reality in-fact you sometimes get most of your dream ideas from reality in some sort of way.
I guess keeping a dream journal can help and re-reading it before going to sleep.
i agree your dreams do come from reality but think of this. if you lucid dream every night about something really epic like lets say for instance, my biggest dream is to be able to fly. if i constantly relive the event in my dream i can get bored of reality in a sense on account of i cant actually fly
I guess this motivates inventors to invent so you would be able to fly. Lucid dreaming is a nice thing to have but I guess you have to learn not to use it ALL the time. Besides sometimes dreams could have lower 5 senses feel than reality.
I'm in love with a dragon <3
true that could motivate others i guess it could be taken both ways. if i can lucid dream regularly i would use it to study for school lol
perhaps it will be me one day on the news with the discovery
im not sure if we do because im in highschool :O but if we do i would try
I'm in high school too!
On Topic: I can lucid dream very easily, but it's hard for me to figure out I'm in a dream because it's almost like reality. There are really obvious things that give it away that I'm in one though but I guess I don't pay much attention. Hope you can figure out how to fly in your dreams I did.
I'm in love with a dragon <3
I think I've had pseudo-lucid dreams before, but I don't think they were real (hence the pseudo-). I was in a dream and underwater (in the dream, of course,) and I was breathing. I thought on it for a while and concluded that it was total crap. I instantly went into this state of extreme happiness and joy, but I was just in a white room that extended very far but the borders were visible. From what I remember, the room was infinite, but I was able to see borders all around. It was very strange. I was instantly shocked into awakenness. I have two potential explanations for this:
1. I was dreaming inside a dream. The "lucid dream" was really inside another dream layer, i.e.
(dream(dream)) -> (dream(pseudo-lucid))
2. I was unable to control my lucid dream.
I'm thinking the former is most likely, but anything is possible. I wasn't intending to incite a lucid dream, it just happened. I wish that I could stay perfectly still and imagine something and just jump into it, but that hasn't been the case so far.
I hate tall signatures.
yes i have flown in my first lucid dream its amazing ive also gone skydiving in real life which is amazing also
sounds interesting JadElClemens
its incredible if you ever get the chance to do it you should take it
before i went to be last night, i Wanted to controll my dreams so bad, i said "I REALLY want to be able to have another lucid dream, just, please?" And last night, i was dreaming, and when i realised i was dreaming, my mom walked in and woke my up so i could get ready for school(6th grade)
oh no that must have been frustrating ! :O
Well, you seem more versed in lucidity than I. Do you know what might have caused my pseudo-lucid dream phenomena? I'm quite confused.
I hate tall signatures.
Well, I don't know exactly what I'd do if I could lucid dream. Most of my past wishes have involved Chloe Moretz, though.
I hate tall signatures.
Well, you seem more versed in lucidity than I. Do you know what might have caused my pseudo-lucid dream phenomena? I'm quite confused.
perhaps when u realized you were in the dream, your brain, so shocked by the experience did not know what to think sending you to the infinite white room. doesn't seem like you had a dream within a dream unless you remember waking up twice. both situations are quite possible.
a3person:i have been bungie jumping as well not from very high or over a bridge or anything though just at our county fair.
No, the shock from even being in the lucid dream or just waking up from it could've awaken me from all dream layers at once, or so fast I couldn't remember waking up more than once.
I mean, it's entirely possible.
I hate tall signatures.
No, the shock from even being in the lucid dream or just waking up from it could've awaken me from all dream layers at once, or so fast I couldn't remember waking up more than once.
I mean, it's entirely possible.
could be but if i recall correctly you realized you were lucid dreaming while underwater. so we must figure out what you did to prolong your dream. it doesnt sound much like you were in multiple layers of dreams. dreams can change instantly. you probably used some kind of technique (without realizing it) to prolong a lucid dream. in most cases, the excitement of realizing you are dreaming would wake you up. but somehow, you managed to hold on but teleported to a different dream. both are plausible explainations
its always been an interest to me. i guess you can say i studied it somewhat i just read a lot of books and things online about them
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