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#1 Before February 2015


Fruitmonster's rant.

NOTE: Please lock, and graveyard this topic. I'm just blowing off some steam.

I hate young people, the ones on EE are the only exception, everyone else needs to grow the phoque up and just stop using the phoquing word gay to mean stupid, lame, uncool, etc. It means either: A male who likes males or happy. Not STUPID. It's not cool, in fact your pretty low and pathetic. So damn pathetic, your lower than a bottom feeder.

My new rule for ALL of my current and future levels, is that if I catch you saying the word gay that doesn't mean homosexual or happy you WILL be kicked and WILL be perma-listed on my *personal* troll list. Also, those who abuse my rule will be perma-listed. (I will ask for proof and if you cannot quote, screen cap, or notify me with in 24 hours then you aren't trustworthy.

I do not tolerate people's inconsiderate behavior over such things. This is everyone's one warning.


*Rage plays*

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Agreed. I have alot of friends at school who are gay/homosexual and they take great offense when people use gay to mean stupid or ignorant.

I hate it when people go walking around my school saying stuff like "Look at this boy he is gay as hell. (Of   course they use other unmentionable words)

And it's like they don't even understand what they're saying. Sometimes it bugs me that I'm in high school and some of my peers don't even realize that gay is not a negative term. I feel like yelling at them all to grow up.

#3 Before February 2015

From: Dream Realm
Joined: 2015-10-31
Posts: 1,765

Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

[rant]^Agreed I guess everybody's school has too many ignorant people who use the word gay too much and cuss a lot. I mean isn't your vocabulary better than those words. You don't have to use gay and cussing in all your sentences.
Oh look fruitmonster got me ranting[/rant]

I'm in love with a dragon <3



#4 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Languages evolve.   Get over it.

#5 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

It's not proper language. If people don't understand what something means they should not use it in any random context just to seem smart or cool.

#6 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

This kinda reminds me when they called my friend a gay fa***t. Sometimes people are so immature. But your always going to see people around you saying stuff like that. Just ignore them, or say something nice instead. Ignoring them is the best way to do it. //

#7 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Failgirl101 wrote:

It's not proper language. If people don't understand what something means they should not use it in any random context just to seem smart or cool.

Oh dear.   I think I've had this conversation before, was it with you?   I wonder.

For a start, don't assume these people don't understand the definition of the word they're using.   It's equally improper to assume they're doing it to seem smart/cool, or even that they're using it randomly.

It's not proper language?   Says who?   You?   I quite like the 4th definition in the Oxford dictionary as it seems to cover some of the usages you dislike.   Regardless of whether it's actually proper language, you don't get to mindlessly complain about it purely because you don't like it without actually thinking.   If you expect a language to evolve, which it's likely going to, words and their definitions need to come and go.   Again, get over it.

Although, if you actually took the time/mental effort to read a few definitions, you'd see that you're all quite confused.   Our OP, for example, says to not use gay to mean "stupid, lame, uncool, etc", but if you actually look up the definition of uncool, you may find a not so surprising overlap with our 4th definition of gay.

#8 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

[Harry Potter] Being afraid for the word itself makes the thing even more scary. (or something)[/Harry Potter] It seems that the word "gay" is a taboo. Which I hardly understand, because for some reason people started using the word gay in a bad sentence, there must've been a reason for that. With this I do not say that it is a bad thing (being gay).

Last edited by Wezza (Sep 7 2011 11:15:11 am)

#9 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

If I consider gays to be stupid, lame or uncool, why can't I say gay and mean stupid, lame and uncool?

#10 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Yeah that's okay. A lot of people find it offensive if I call them gay. But no one finds it offensive if they call Americans obese, lazy, fat, fatass, tubbies, pigs, slobs. No, that is totally fine.

The video made me lol.

Last edited by Shy Guy (Sep 7 2011 3:49:26 pm)

#11 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Because if someone is gay the term gay is something for them to be proud of. I'm not saying you have to be gay, but is someone else is gay I don't see why we shouldn't be more accepting of that. I don't see any reason to hate gay people, they are just normal people like everyone else.

My point being that gay is not a negative term, and should not be used in a negative way whether you like gay people of not. There is nothing wrong with being gay, and so by using it in a negative fashion you are saying that being gay is a bad thing, or all gay people are bad which is not true.

Gay is not a term to be used negatively, even if you don't agree with the definition of being gay that is no reason to make fun of them.

#12 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Failgirl101 wrote:

Because if someone is gay the term gay is something for them to be proud of.

If you didn't earn it, I see little reason to be proud of it.

Failgirl101 wrote:

I'm not saying you have to be gay, but is someone else is gay I don't see why we shouldn't be more accepting of that. I don't see any reason to hate gay people, they are just normal people like everyone else.

The OP didn't specify that people were using the word to refer to gay people.

Failgirl101 wrote:

My point being that gay is not a negative term, and should not be used in a negative way whether you like gay people of not.

Again, not being used to refer to gay people in any way.   Also, gay sure can be a negative term, just like the Oxford dictionary tells us.

Failgirl101 wrote:

There is nothing wrong with being gay, and so by using it in a negative fashion you are saying that being gay is a bad thing, or all gay people are bad which is not true.

This may have applied when people were originally using gay to refer to gay people in a negative way, but that is not now.   Right now, it has nothing to do with gay people under certain definitions.   You know, language evolves and all that.

Failgirl101 wrote:

Gay is not a term to be used negatively, even if you don't agree with the definition of being gay that is no reason to make fun of them.

I'm gonna have to refer you back to the Oxford dictionary, once again.

#13 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

I don't care what the oxford dictionary says about the word Gay.

Now what I mean by not using is negatively is this:

"That burger is so gay"

Burgers cannot be homosexual or happy so it doesn't make sense. I don't care what the dictionary thinks Gay does not mean stupid ignorant or any other negative term.

Now if you say:

"I hate gay people"

Then it's correct. I don't agree with it, but it uses the proper context. It's using gay in a way that is negative, but not where the term gay is represented in a negative fashion.

Plus using gay with im-proper context makes it a slang word. Slang isn't the evolution of language, it's like the de-evolution.

Last edited by Calicara (Sep 7 2011 4:35:41 pm)

#14 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Failgirl101 wrote:

I don't care what the oxford dictionary says about the word Gay.

Now what I mean by not using is negatively is this:

"That burger is so gay"

Burgers cannot be homosexual or happy so it doesn't make sense. I don't care what the dictionary thinks Gay does not mean stupid ignorant or any other negative term.

Now if you say:

"I hate gay people"

Then it's correct. I don't agree with it, but it uses the proper context. It's using gay in a way that is negative, but not where the term gay is represented in a negative fashion.

Plus using gay with im-proper context makes it a slang word. Slang isn't the evolution of language, it's like the de-evolution.

So you're trying to argue what a word means without caring for common usage, slang or dictionary definitions.   While you fought well for someone so severely handicapped, I'm going to take it upon myself to call an end to this argument.   In the future, please refrain from entering arguments on any topic more advanced than the concept that water is wet.

You are wrong.   I award you no points.

And yes, water is indeed wet.

Last edited by Twipply (Sep 7 2011 4:50:06 pm)

#15 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

I think you should only find it offensive if the word gay is used in context that is being used towards a human being, rather than a thing.

For me it goes like this:

This test is so gay
I do not find it offensive

That guy over there is gay
I do find that offensive

#16 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Twipply there is no right or wrong so don't be an ****.

The dictionary is not always right. There's logic definitions and moral definitions. I don't care about the logical meaning of gay. In this situation screw the dictionary. Gay is not a negative term and should not be used in a negative way, because there is nothing wrong with gay people or the act of being happy. Morally the term gay is a happy positive word and does not mean stupid, ignorant, or wrong.

Last edited by Calicara (Sep 7 2011 5:06:54 pm)

#17 Before February 2015

From: Dream Realm
Joined: 2015-10-31
Posts: 1,765

Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Let's change the subject but stay on topic. All I have to say is Twipply when your in Fruitmonster's level don't use the words he's stating that is probably why he created the topic. When were in your levels your in-charge.

I'm in love with a dragon <3



#18 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

a3person wrote:

Let's change the subject but stay on topic. All I have to say is Twipply when your in Fruitmonster's level don't use the words he's stating that is probably why he created the topic. When were in your levels your in-charge.


FruitMonster2 wrote:

Please lock, and graveyard this topic...

#19 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

FruitMonster2 wrote:

Please lock, and graveyard this topic...

I've never liked that people can say whatever dumb stuff they like, and then just get the thread locked whenever they want.   What if I'm not done telling you how and why you're wrong?

Last edited by Twipply (Sep 7 2011 6:19:30 pm)

#20 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: Fruitmonster's rant.


But really, do you think it's right to immediately place judgement on anyone who uses the word "gay" wrongly? What if they really are a good player?

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#21 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Fruitmonster, that's just low.

I understand what you mean, by should you immediately throw hatred on someone because they misuse a word?   I don't think so.   //

Last edited by Spinza (Sep 7 2011 6:33:07 pm)

#22 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Twipply this is a debate topic. There is no right and you wrong. And FYI you and your dictionary don't know everything.

There are no dumb opinions, and just because you don't like what I'm saying doesn't make me wrong. Stop being such a jerk.

#23 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Failgirl101 wrote:

Twipply this is a debate topic. There is no right and you wrong. And FYI you and your dictionary don't know everything.

There are no dumb opinions, and just because you don't like what I'm saying doesn't make me wrong. Stop being such a jerk.

Sure there's a right and wrong, my argument and yours are fine examples of that.   Opinions can of course be dumb, hopefully you can think of an example for yourself.   As for you being wrong, that's because of what you said going against fact, not because I don't like it.

Me?   Being a jerk?   Please.

#24 Before February 2015


Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

Twipply wrote:
Failgirl101 wrote:

Twipply this is a debate topic. There is no right and you wrong. And FYI you and your dictionary don't know everything.

There are no dumb opinions, and just because you don't like what I'm saying doesn't make me wrong. Stop being such a jerk.

Sure there's a right and wrong, my argument and yours are fine examples of that.   Opinions can of course be dumb, hopefully you can think of an example for yourself.   As for you being wrong, that's because of what you said going against fact, not because I don't like it.

Me?   Being a jerk?   Please.

I supported my argument with facts. This debate was not really a win lose. In the end we both had our own opinions and no one really "won". Opinions are not always dumb. People should be allowed to express themselves in anyway they want.

Knowing things doesn't make up for real life experience Twipply. Reading something in a book and experiencing it in real life are two very different things.

Your dictionary may say that the word Gay can be used in a negative way, but in my opinion I think it's wrong. Books are not all knowing. They contain words, but that doesn't always make them true. Most arguments are based on opinion. And in my opinion gay is not a negative term, and no book is going to make me think otherwise. I have real life experience on this topic and I know what real people think. Because in the end books don't matter, it's the real people that matter.

Last edited by Calicara (Sep 7 2011 7:42:11 pm)

#25 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: Fruitmonster's rant.

This is the most logical battle of opinions and arguing I have seen in a while.

And no swearing.


FruitMonster2 1423643537317895

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