Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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1) Freedom
How much should we have, and is it best for our well-being?
Personally, I don't think people should make their own decisions. People are stupid. They don't ask for help, and instead they make stupid decisions. A perfect example would be my next point, but we'll get to that later.
While I do respect that people don't enjoy someone breathing down their neck 24/7, it's for our own good.
I live in a country where it's acceptable to drop out of high school. I live in a country where it's normal to do drugs and lose your virginity in middle school. Why is that? Why are we even given the option?
Seriously people, wise up. Since we can't seem to do this much, we're only asking for either a) a horrible, horrible place to live, or b) a dictatorship/oligarchy.
2) Unhealthy Food & Legal Tobacco
Should it be legal? If yes, should anything be changed? Why or why not?
I'm sure you all know about how obesity and drug abuse shape your nation. I honestly have no idea why these things are legal, and it amuses me in the greatest how people will throw temper tantrums if we were to take them away.
I know they're big companies, but in all honesty, which is better: short-term happiness or long-term well-being? Absolutely nothing good comes from junk-food or cigarettes. They put you at higher health risks, which come back to bite you in the butt by paying for your health problems associated with them. Just make them illegal, you'll thank me in 10 years. Heck, you'll be thanking me in one year.
Living in the #1 fattest state in America, this is a serious problem. It's worse than terrorism. People, literally, killing themselves. Slowly. In the millions.
3) Education
Are there any problems with education? What should be changed in your school?
Don't get me started with my laundry list of issues in my school... oh dear god that list is long.
General american education is just pathetic. We're all treated the same until our ~9th year. How are we treated? Barbarically. Teacher talks, we regurgitate what we just heard on a sheet of paper. Failure to do so and you hear the exact same thing multiple times.
The ideal education system is one that actually focuses on what you enjoy, while remaining educative at the same time. For example, math. What if it's my dream to become a hairdresser. What if I pursue that dream, like they constantly tell us to do. You don't need to know 2+2 to be a hairdresser, in all honesty. And here we are, learning math that is so outrageously complicated that people drop out of high school because of.
What happens when you're taught about things you enjoy? Well, to start, you're likely to get a job in a field of career that you enjoy, so you'll be MORE than proficient in that subject. If you're good at your job, you could get payed higher, live a happier life, etc, etc.
BUT NO. Here we are, being forced to learn things that are completely irrelevant to our futures.
Old news.
4) Government
I don't know enough about government to pose a real argument, but from what I can tell they're doing a crappy job in America, probably because of this freedom we're so obsessed with.
And, of course, not having education as a priority means you're raising a bunch of "not-as-smart-as-they-could-be" people which grow up to be, who? The people who run this country.
Complain, er, I mean discuss below about any of these issues, or something else you find important.
Last edited by Tako (Sep 20 2011 8:03:05 pm)
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
1.) I think we should have freedom, but for it to actually even be real freedom, people must be educated well enough to make good, informed, decisions.
2.) Unhealthy food, yes, but there should be restrictions to prevent people from not knowing it is unhealthy, and that laws should be put in place to make healthier food easily available to low income families that otherwise have almost no choice. As for tobacco, no, as it is as bad as many illegal drugs in addition to being more addictive than most of them. Clearly, provided with good enough education, people would not sue tobacco, but that not being the case, it should be outlawed.
3.) Yes, there are clearly problems with education. The people in charge of schools have no idea what the teachers actually do, yet tell them how to do their job. This needs to be changed. Many teachers have the ability to actually teach students, but the administration stops them. However, don't complain about the American education system, it is amazing compared to many places. On another note, schools also need to actually get money to run rather than have their money deferred to pay off stuff that could easily be paid off with other methods (*cough* minnesota *cough*).
4.) Well, freedom must exist. Not having freedom only would work if nobody wished to take advantage of others. If that were the case, we would need no government. Your point on education not being prioritized enough is something I greatly agree with. Maybe our debt problems could be solved by paying schools to teach the next generation how to solve it... also, funny thing, smart people tend to do something called founding companies that help the economy. Clearly governments is badly focused, but that does not mean freedom is bad.
Well, removing freedom completely would be a horrible idea.
What I mean is, removing all the stupid options from our lives, like alcohol, junk food, nicotine, etc., and providing better things, like health insurance. There are so many different types of health insurance that it makes me sick just to think about it. But, that's a different topic. You get my point.
Reduce freedom = remove stupid things like fire in the presence of a toddler, and replace it with good things like celery.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
True, I'm glad you aren't a totalitarian...
But yes, stupid options at least definitely need to be regulated, and some, like nicotine, outlawed. Of course, with many of these, even if the government tries to stop them, it won't actually do much. As I said, however, the most important thing is to educate people so that they will make the best choices on their own, such that freedom is not taken away yet people don't choose the stupid options.
+rep for great discussion
At first I thought I was blunt for saying education is the most important thing in the world, but only now am I realizing that it really is. Our school hold great potential, it's best to utilize every last bit I suppose.
I wonder how long it'll take for Congress to realize this. I'll give 'em 10 years.
Hm... let's look at some very successful countries. I pick... Finland.
The Finnish education system is an egalitarian Nordic system, with no tuition fees and with free meals served to full-time students.
Free tuition. REALLY.
Interesting system for the meals, although irrelevant. I suppose it means they don't have any problems with money.
After their nine-year basic education in a comprehensive school, students at the age of 16 may choose to continue their secondary education in either an academic track (lukio) or a vocational track (ammattikoulu), both of which usually take three years. Tertiary education is divided into university and polytechnic (ammattikorkeakoulu, often translated into English as "university of applied sciences") systems.
I really like this. 9 years of basic education, that's pretty much what we have now. I had 9 years as well if you count K-8, and of course high-school is completely different.
But what's interesting is what comes after your 9th year. You choose (OMNIGOSH, YOU MAKE DECISIONS) an academic track or a vocational track. Too bad we can't provide those. They pretty much combine your vocation and your academics together. Academics more important than vocation, of course; yet another brilliant move by our amazing country.
Then last but not least is your university and polytechnic schools.
Not too horribly different from us, but still different nevertheless.
On a semi-irrelevant note, I feel like I should share something that happened yesterday.
People swear in high school, that's pretty much guaranteed. But in the classroom?
Here this kid is, probably 14 (yes I have classes with freshmen), cursing his little booty off the entire class to all of his friends.
But that wasn't what I got upset about. Like I said, I hear trash-talk pretty much all the time. I got offended when he said
"You Jew. No, you're not a Jew, you're a Muslim. I need to call you something even worse than a Jew."
when there was a Muslin female sitting just a couple feet away. Of course, he probably didn't realize this.
I've never heard a more close-minded, racist, stereotypical statement like that in my life. I just sat there, basically staring at him for about 5 minutes in awe of his audacity. Not to mention this was his disturbing idea of a joke. He didn't hate the person he was talking to. They were friends.
He then continued talking about having sex and other things I'd rather not mention, by which point I pretty much just tuned him out.
So this is what freshmen have amounted to? Pathetic, useless, garbage. It makes me sick, it really does. I'm concerned deeply for schools these days, I really am.
Last edited by Tako (Sep 20 2011 7:47:03 pm)
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
This is probably the most intelligent topic I've seen all week.
1. Yes, the freedom is way too much now. Us americans are going to need a little discipline. Our society is not intelligent as it used to be, just look at Obama. Are you serious, a black president? And I thought George Bush was stupid. The only reason that Obama was chosen president was that he was black. Are you freaking kidding me? The fate of the country depends on the man who you think will be a great president because he is Black. I'm not saying that black people should not be presidents, but you can't just choose a president just because of his race. What happened to this country. This country is run by old people on life support. And greedy bastards, just take Chris for example. Chris would be a perfect example of the government. He offers a good thing. There is a lot of problems. He doesn't do crap after that. He just leaves other people to deal with it. HE THEN STRIPS PEOPLE OF THEIR MONEY AND RIP THEM OFF. He completely ruins his game, and people dislike him. CHRIS BENJAMINSEN IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF AMERICA'S GOVERNMENT. Why do you think we are in a bad economy. Just unplug their beepers and we can fill some newbies in.
2. You're fat. Who cares. Here, I'll just feed you some more fat and junk. I'm not sure what's in it, I'm not even sure if it is even good for you. But it's edible, and you can have it for a price. No, not money price. Health price. Did you know that 1 out of 3 American's are obese? So? That's what people think of it. So? I don't care. Not my problem. Gee, you are so nice. Tobacco is a hefty price. I don't even know what's so great about it. It was fine before, but now some **** actual chemicals and cleaning supplies and thought it would turn out great. Slap a price tag on it, and there is your top killer. Marijuana is actually healthier to smoke. And it's illegal. WTF.
3. We have no education. The education system is crap. Kids in India have a better education than we do and they even lack proper resources. That is sad. We let our education material go to waste and spend the rest of our lives trying to be famous and do drugs. What's the point of an education? It's important so you don't make a fool of yourself and talk normally and not sound stereotypically like a black person, "Where was he at? I axed you. I is gonna do that shiiii. Steal that ****." Honestly, when you refer to "****," please refer to a person. "Open that ****" sounds slow. "Open the trunk" sounds like what a white person says. "Open that ****" sounds like something a black person says. You can notice the diversity between education. In all of my Honors classes, there is not a single black person. In intensive reading classes, there is a class that is all black. This is a problem. As much as segregation tries to be erased, it is everywhere, no matter what.
4. Government can't do crap. If we're getting black crack heads as our presidents, I would not be surprised.
It's important so you don't make a fool of yourself and talk normally and not sound stereotypically like a black person, "Where was he at? I axed you. I is gonna do that shiiii. Steal that ****." Honestly, when you refer to "****," please refer to a person. "Open that ****" sounds slow. "Open the trunk" sounds like what a white person says. "Open that ****" sounds like something a black person says. You can notice the diversity between education. In all of my Honors classes, there is not a single black person. In intensive reading classes, there is a class that is all black. This is a problem. As much as segregation tries to be erased, it is everywhere, no matter what.
It's all about the strongest, the fastest, the one with the most 'swag', the richest, [insert useless qualities here] all in hopes they'll be a famous football player.
It makes me sick to think about what our school really is. A large amount of idiots congregating together because they're forced to, sit there and distract the teacher the entire class, which henceforth takes away from the few people who actually care about their future education, which I'm already ashamed to have.
It really makes me sick. I know I've said that three times, but it's appalling. I wish I could just replace my principal and show her how to run a school.
This week is Spirit Week. Ha, you must be joking. Pride... in this pathetic excuse for a school.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
Shy Guy wrote:It's important so you don't make a fool of yourself and talk normally and not sound stereotypically like a black person, "Where was he at? I axed you. I is gonna do that shiiii. Steal that ****." Honestly, when you refer to "****," please refer to a person. "Open that ****" sounds slow. "Open the trunk" sounds like what a white person says. "Open that ****" sounds like something a black person says. You can notice the diversity between education. In all of my Honors classes, there is not a single black person. In intensive reading classes, there is a class that is all black. This is a problem. As much as segregation tries to be erased, it is everywhere, no matter what.
It's all about the strongest, the fastest, the one with the most 'swag'
Yes everyone is cussing at each other like " You aint got no 'swag' bro"
, the richest, [insert useless qualities here] all in hopes they'll be a famous football player.
^Again, true
It makes me sick to think about what our school really is. A large amount of idiots congregating together because they're forced to, sit there and distract the teacher the entire class, which henceforth takes away from the few people who actually care about their future education, which I'm already ashamed to have.
It really makes me sick. I know I've said that three times, but it's appalling. I wish I could just replace my principal and show her how to run a school.
This week is Spirit Week. Ha, you must be joking. Pride... in this pathetic excuse for a school.
most mature topic ive seen in a long time.
Player Since 2011. I used to make bots and stuff.
Population, it's all about population, we have too much, it's just sick. All the criminals put for a life sentence or put on death row, just let them drown in the ocean or something, they can't really contribute anymore.
Maybe we should just have survival of the fittest..... all the stupid people can die. Yes I'm harsh but life could be SO much better, and not to sound like a huge jerk, but I'm not sad that plagues happen, or wars happen. Think if war or plagues never happened, we'd all own like, what, 1 square foot of ground? But who knows, we might have smarter people. I dont know, I'm just saying random things. It's just all so much to take in and talk about.
No, I'm not for a holocaust, I'm just saying, I think a lot of our problems come from population. Maybe we should find ways to live in water or space or in colder places and we could expand. I don't know.
Education is terrible. My school does a fine job of teaching stuff, it's just that the kids don't want to learn, and I'm practically like the smartest one there, with my friends. And I'm a sophmore, I mean, I'm taking classes and getting better grades than most of the seniors. Maybe school could be more interesting if you learned what you want when you want.
Now I just had a huge rant about random stuff some-what relating to the topic, and I only skimmed over some of people's posts.
P.S. Let the fat smokers die, if they want to kill themselves, they probably aren't smart enough to matter.
Last edited by D-rock2308 (Sep 20 2011 8:34:47 pm)
I assume when referring to drugs, you mean recreational ones. If so, what's your problem with them? Why don't you think I should be allowed to do what I like with my own body? Why does someone else get to tell me what to do when it has nothing to do with anyone else?
This is probably the most intelligent topic I've seen all week.
1. Are you serious, a black president? And I thought George Bush was stupid. The only reason that Obama was chosen president was that he was black. Are you freaking kidding me? The fate of the country depends on the man who you think will be a great president because he is Black. I'm not saying that black people should not be presidents, but you can't just choose a president just because of his race..
I'd just briefly like to comment on this. Sure there were some voting for Obama because he is black, but there were also MANY ( looking at you, Texas ) that voted against him just because he is black, which in the end balances out.
While I'm not an American, I did follow the elections and my vote would also have been for Obama because he had great ideas and he just exudes general confidence. The republicans have just been countering any of Obama's proposals out of spite, as they always do when they don't win the elections. Furthermore, he came in at a terrible time: recession, war, following Bush's footsteps, etc. Despite all that, he did greatly improve the healthcare and insurance issues in America. He does do some things right
1) Freedom
How much should we have, and is it best for our well-being?Personally, I don't think people should make their own decisions. People are stupid. They don't ask for help, and instead they make stupid decisions. A perfect example would be my next point, but we'll get to that later.
While I do respect that people don't enjoy someone breathing down their neck 24/7, it's for our own good.
I live in a country where it's acceptable to drop out of high school. I live in a country where it's normal to do drugs and lose your virginity in middle school. Why is that? Why are we even given the option?
Seriously people, wise up. Since we can't seem to do this much, we're only asking for either a) a horrible, horrible place to live, or b) a dictatorship/oligarchy.
People are stupid indeed. The idea of 'freedom' is weird in America to begin with: many parents blame the government for their children being 'ruined'. I find it hilarious yet tragic how they think sometimes: guns are fine, but one female nipple in sight and all hell breaks loose. They think the government needs to regulate everything so they don't really have any responsibility themselves.
This also applies to the use of sex, drugs and alcohol. There are strict rules about it in America so parents apparently don't feel the need to teach their children proper values themselves. Here in The Netherlands, marijuana is legal, yet we have one of the lowest marijuana use anywhere. And when it is used, it's used in a safe environment and no accidents happen.
Alcohol is legal at the age of 16 here, strong liquor at 18. Once again, very little abuse (although the latest generation think drinking makes you cool and drink till they nearly die sometimes but I'll just let good 'ol Drawin handle them ). The age of consent is also 16 and sex is anything but taboo here, which again, makes the environment better, it is performed with proper protection which results in a very low rate of teen pregnancy, another thing America is suffering from.
It only seems, then, that shifting the responsibility from the government to the parents might actually work. Although, of course, slowly. Otherwise America will run around high/drunk/pregnant for a few years first
The ideal education system is one that actually focuses on what you enjoy, while remaining educative at the same time. For example, math. What if it's my dream to become a hairdresser. What if I pursue that dream, like they constantly tell us to do. You don't need to know 2+2 to be a hairdresser, in all honesty. And here we are, learning math that is so outrageously complicated that people drop out of high school because of.
I completely agree that education should be fun, and the teacher is a MASSIVE part of this. Even now at university level I notice how much motivation I can get for something I don't like (literature classes-_-) from great professors.
While I get what you mean by learning pointless stuff like maths in your example, it does actually help a lot in expanding people's general knowledge. I'm not completely sure how high school works there, but here there are some subjects that are mandatory and some you can pick for yourself, which does help in motivation. However, you still get the basics of most subjects (like maths) so you'll still learn most stuff, too.
Honestly, if you drop out of high school for 1 subject, you don't deserve to graduate either. People often complain too much, just bite down for a semester and never look back. I'm glad I had to do stuff I found useless at the time, they turn out useful sometimes now
No u.
I assume when referring to drugs, you mean recreational ones. If so, what's your problem with them? Why don't you think I should be allowed to do what I like with my own body? Why does someone else get to tell me what to do when it has nothing to do with anyone else?
This is exactly what I was talking about in that Fruitmonster's Rant topic.
Cigarettes were my main point. Horrible, horrible things. And for what? Relaxation for about 5 minutes? In exchange for, lung cancer for the rest of your life?
There is no argument, really. There are some things you can debate as being okay or not okay to do, like using 'gay' as 'stupid', but cigarettes are not one of them. Anyone with a teaspoon of intelligence would know not to use them.
However, you still have the right to make your own decisions, stupid as they may be. This is what I don't like. Since people can't make smart decisions, like not smoking, why not just remove the temptation entirely? We'd save lives. Millions of lives. Not to mention the amount of people who's lives we'd improve.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
One of the of the reasons I can't wait till 2012, Obama made USA bullcrap, scratch that, crap.
I'm not proud to be a American now, and Obama might get a second term.
Cigarettes were my main point. Horrible, horrible things. And for what? Relaxation for about 5 minutes? In exchange for, lung cancer for the rest of your life?
There is no argument, really. There are some things you can debate as being okay or not okay to do, like using 'gay' as 'stupid', but cigarettes are not one of them. Anyone with a teaspoon of intelligence would know not to use them.
However, you still have the right to make your own decisions, stupid as they may be. This is what I don't like. Since people can't make smart decisions, like not smoking, why not just remove the temptation entirely? We'd save lives. Millions of lives. Not to mention the amount of people who's lives we'd improve.
Sure, cigarettes might not be the smartest thing to go around smoking, and totally banning them likely would save a lot of lives. However, I'm asking why you get the right to tell me what to do when it concerns only me. If I want to smoke, who are you to stop me? Why does what you think triumph over what I think when it concerns only me?
Im abosolutely sick of the spoilt brats i see today, when i was in primary school no one had any of the stupid gadgets around today. No its uncool not to have one, my brother was called poor for not having the latest phone! They annoy me so much, and the kids at high school are even worse. Its the cool thing to wear clothes like a chav and have nike on everything! Kids and teens in britain are to prone to getting the latest thing and following idiot celebrities.
And from what i have seen about education, in Y7, 8 and 9 lots of kids are idiots who dont pay attention. But when they start getting their GSCEs they grow up a little. In Y11 all the teens who wasted away Y10 have started to pay attention now. Eductaion isnt bad where i am.
And the goverment is full of corrupted evil people, who will do anything for cash.
And population, in countries like Britain and USA population is rising at the moment, but it will eveltually fall. More and more people are living longer, and there are less kidsa around. Eventually countries like thesee will have a fall in population as there is less kids being born, this is happening in Germany.
But unfortunatley in third world countries the populations are rising stupidly high and they will face big problems.]
Last edited by treejoe4 (Sep 21 2011 9:20:16 am)
Erm, why do you want to talk about the issues in society on a game forum that was aimed for kids? Just asking out of curiosity...
But okay Ill join
Personally, I don't think people should make their own decisions.
If people shouldn't make decisions for themselves, how is putting them in the hands of someone else who supposedly cannot make decisions for themselves either, gonna help?
People are stupid. They don't ask for help, and instead they make stupid decisions.
How so? Please expand because I don't get what you mean by 'people'. There are a lot of types of 'people' and 'people' can refer to anyone in the entire world... If that's what you mean... What would being 'smart' be?
'Freedom' is actually a good thing, while I agree with you, that people shouldn't make their own choices sometimes, having freedom is important too.
No freedom can literally drive people insane.
Absolutely nothing good comes from junk-food or cigarettes.
In a short run. No. But you do have to realise, Junk food is kinda actually beneficial, it does give energy thoughout the day,more than carbahydrates, which is kinda important for your body, and while it can still destory you, it won't do it instantly.
Don't actually let people trick you into thinking Junk food is all that bad, some of the stuff you call 'Healthy' can sometimes be worse for you than Junk food. For example... Citrus fruit juice can corrode your teeth at a faster rate than the average sugar rate they put in a chocolate bar.
As for legal tobacco... yeah I agree. Only point I have about it, is it does help relieve stress, which can make you ill... but so can the actual tobacco itself so it kinda cancels out?
Living in the #1 fattest state in America, this is a serious problem. It's worse than terrorism. People, literally, killing themselves. Slowly. In the millions.
That's just your area, there are more like it, but they are destroying themselves because they've made that choice for them, why should we help people who don't want our help? I don't get this...
Off topic Example : A girl in my English class refused to do the work because she 'couldn't be bothered', so my English teacher tried to help her by writing her an introduction... So there. Boom her grade just went up without her doing anything. This isn't fair...
If they want to ruin themselves and have their minds made up about that, I will happily let them go on with life while I spend mine worrying about myself, I will help if someone actually wants it...
For example, math. What if it's my dream to become a hairdresser. What if I pursue that dream, like they constantly tell us to do. You don't need to know 2+2 to be a hairdresser, in all honesty.
lol. You do realise even a Hairdresser needs to know Math? They pay you... how are you going to give them their change? I see what you mean though.
Every job will include something you have learned in school.
I really know nothing about your American system of learning, but general knowledge is a really good thing to have when getting any jobs.
Teacher talks, we regurgitate what we just heard on a sheet of paper.
This is actually pretty useful, JS. Writing stuff down helps stick any information in your memory, more than if you just sat there and listened...
I am sure that maybe you are exaggerating a little bit, all classes do some form of discussion and Question and answer, which are pretty helpful too...
What happens when you're taught about things you enjoy? Well, to start, you're likely to get a job in a field of career that you enjoy.
Thing is.
I will name myself as an Example because I think I am a good one.
Here, in Secondary school, you do get to choose a few subjects you would like to complete as your GSCE at the age of 13/14.
After that you go to College, at the age of 16/17 to start to do your A levels in which you can take any 5-3 subjects you like.
A levels count more than anything for Universities.
And I am currently in Year 11, about to go into College, we need to start applying now. And I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what my dream career field would be.
How do you expect, Kids, younger than me, to choose what career they want to focus on?
As we grow, we change... Therefore I think learning basic education such as Math, Science and English is much more beneficial.
As for government.
I'm only 15... I don't really care...
As long as you don't ruin the country I'm fine?
Gosh that took a while to type...
But again, I don't get it, why do you like discussing things so much?
People have to realise that for things like ciggerates, the benifits outweigh the risks for them. Some people NEED to smoke otherwise they will end up killing someone.
About the cigarettes:
Smoking is a social thing and it's just stupid. There are no benefits for them, just risks. To the people saying it relaxes them: of course, because you're addicted and you're getting a fix. There are tons of other ways to relax.
If I see a girl and she smokes, it's a no-go right away, it's such a massive turn-off. To me, smoking just sends out a message saying "I'm a stupid sheep". It's mostly the less intelligent people that seem to be smokers, just so sad and pointless...
Gosh that took a while to type...
But again, I don't get it, why do you like discussing things so much?
He likes to mass debate. Sorry, had to say that
No u.
Whatv about people who have mental issues?
Whatv about people who have mental issues?
What about them? Be a bit more specific
No u.
He likes to mass debate. Sorry, had to say that
Whatv about people who have mental issues?
I think he was referring to smokers.
There are plenty of better ways to deal with mental illness than smoking... Smoking might actually make it worse, addiction + mental issues don't mix well...
I was saying that they need it to calm down, life can be more stressfull for them. Some people want to risk their health to relax.
People may not be addicted as some people have very good self control, i see nothing wrong with someone who is suffereing from some sort of sevre mental issue having a cigerrate once a week. You do make a good point about addiction and mental health.
Why dont human beings just go and get a electric ciggerate!
Last edited by treejoe4 (Sep 21 2011 11:51:11 am)
I was saying that they need it to calm down, life can be more stressfull for them. Some people want to risk their health to relax.
People may not be addicted as some people have very good self control, i see nothing wrong with someone who is suffereing from some sort of sevre mental issue having a cigerrate once a week. You do make a good point about addiction and mental health.
Why dont human beings just go and get a electric ciggerate!
If it's a serious issue they'll have pills prescribed which don't kill people around you. Otherwise, marijuana cigarettes, because that actually has a relaxing effect to it.
No u.
Well its fine if they do it by themeselves then, and marijuna has had some psychotic effects after long term and addictive use.
I was told that the only reason that we have cigarettes is that the government mooches off of the payment and spends it on their fatasses.
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