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#1 Before February 2015


Create your own pokemon card!

Well this is another pokemon based topic im making hope you enjoy!

Do you like pokemon? do you want pokemon cards? are your freinds stupid enough to think there real? well if you think so go to to make ur own pokemon card it can be anything i made an rpg pokemon card xD so imma put step by step instruction below

1. pick the name of your pokemon/item

2.pick the type of ur pokemon/item

3.find an image on google or on your computer (click browse) if you dont have any on your computer use google images. To do google images..well imma put an example [Insert name here] then press enter, find the image you want and right click it and click save as.... then write the title of the picture then go back to and click browse then find the picture and their you go :3

4.pick what serie card you want (if you want a lv.x card click diamond and pearl then go to lvl and click X)

5. Write an attack and an attack description like flip a coin if heads this attack does __ more damage

6. same thing for attack number 2

8. write like a fact or a description of this pokemon

9. write the illustrator (if you want)

10. print it (to learn how to print it write click ''How to Print'' on the top left of the page

11. Enjoy!

Have fun making your own pokemon cards and if you want why dont you guys share them on this topic i would really like to see what goes on in other peoples pokemon minds :3

~Drag 1smile1

btw i use windows so it might not work if you use firefox or google chrome but i really dont know

Last edited by Drag532 (Sep 22 2012 5:33:13 pm)

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Create your own pokemon card!

I've created tons of these cards, but I'm too lazy to list all of them. Here's my best one
Yes. I realize there's no energy.
I forgot to add Weakness and Resistance, and when I went and fixed it the energy disappeared and I couldn't fix it. The Pokedex entry was cut off for an unknown reason. I couldn't fix that either.

Last edited by Krazyman50 (Sep 22 2012 7:37:28 pm)

#3 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-06-23
Posts: 1,190

Re: Create your own pokemon card!


#4 Before February 2015


Re: Create your own pokemon card!

KRAZYMAN50 wrote:

I've created tons of these cards, but I'm too lazy to list all of them. Here's my best one
Yes. I realize there's no energy.
I forgot to add Weakness and Resistance, and when I went and fixed it the energy disappeared and I couldn't fix it. The Pokedex entry was cut off for an unknown reason. I couldn't fix that either.

how do you put the card on here lol this might be weird coming from the maker of this topic

#5 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,063

Re: Create your own pokemon card!




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