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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#601 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

i dont realy think this is a good idea but it might be... ok.. maby you could make a day its free if you press a "get now" then they would get it forever.. but the trick is.. you dont tell anyone you dont give any hints and after that one day you do it a month then a year! ( like i said it might not be good)

#602 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Some of the things people write on EE is really bad, and I do not want kids to be subject to that. Cuss words and inappropriate words are dangerous, as they can mess up a person's mind and make them think that they are okay to use. The only problem with the current chat is that mostly only adults can use it, and those are the people who swear, use inappropriate words and make fun of others. I certainly have never seen 6 year olds swearing, or 8 year olds talking about the human body. Maybe the real way to change chat is to make it harder for adults and children alike to get it.

But the swear words and other inappropriate words are censored in chat already, right? That will help a lot in keeping most of the bad stuff out of chat.

Actually, I might have a solution. This was on one of the other games that had a chat, but I forget what it was...

First, only people who have been registered as having been on EE for over a month would be able to have chat. No guests would be allowed to chat, but they WOULD be able to use the quick chat. If a person uses profanity, the computer would * it out and register it as a swear word. The person would then recieve a warning. If they used profanity again, they would get another warning. If they used it once more, they would not be able to use chat for the rest of the day. If someone was bad enough to get banned from chat 3 days out of a week, they would be kicked from having chat permanently.

As for the 4 rules, I know this does not pass all of them. But you would have to have an email to even get an account, which is not very easy to create unless you are at least 13 or older. I doubt any person under 8 would even be able to create an email without the help of a parent.

#603 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control


#604 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I have few ideas.
Make chat for all people.
If someone swore, he will not be able to talk for an hour or being kicked automatically.
If someone spammed, he will not be able to talk for an hour, or being ignored (not showing his conversation in chat).
If someone broke rule 1 and 2 more than 10 times, week ban.

Still open the parental control
If someone swore, owner/ permitted editor can choose to kick or block him to chat.
If someone spam, same.
If someone broke rule1 and 2 more than 10 times, lose ability to chat forever.

Disable chat
If we really need this chat, just go to a stupid tinychat.

#605 Before February 2015

St Cool

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ABC Boy wrote:

Disable chat
If we really need this chat, just go to a stupid tinychat.

Hahahaha, obviously you have never tried making a joint level without the use of chat.

#606 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Yeah, i didn't
If those losers really keep trolling in ee, Chris might do it. you know how evil he is.
Make beta -> Anti-cheat -> Make big spender, diamond -> Ban public ee account -> Disable more than one user joining level -> Interesting glitch fix -> And now even decide to end magic -> Remove energy
All to make users angry.

#607 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'm not sure if these has been suggested, but here it goes.
1. You have an option to turn off chat. You put in a 4 digit pin, and then chat is disabled until you enter the correct pin. You can pay 1 cent to override this.
2. You press a button to disable chat, then you pay 1 cent to re-enable it.
3. You press a button, chat disabled for a year. You pay 1 cent to override.

#608 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

No overrides! It might make those people just keep paying.

#609 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

RDash wrote:

I quickly drew up an example of what I had in mind:

I for one do NOT like this, I could never in a million years figure this out, I've always done very poorly in math back when I was in school... *sigh* I think my own idea of photo verification is a much better approach.

Very simple:
EE generates a random set of numbers that you are required to write on paper along with your username, with your face clearly visible in the picture. If you look of-age, then a Mod can manually approve you and set you up with no censors at all. If you look younger than you actually are, then you can show a Government ID in the picture, with your Date of Birth and matching photo. Don't forget about the age laws around the world, for example: 16 in the UK. Don't be unfair to them and force the person to be 18. I for one am 23, but I'd still prefer to go with the age laws. Also, if the parents do want an under-aged person to have uncensored chat, then they have to be present in the photo, with their own generated numbers and words "I agree" written. Make sure "UNCENSORED CHAT" is displayed in big bold letters for anyone to eye, so the child cannot get away with saying to their parents to simply write down a number.

I am aware of the limitation for this because mod's not having the time, but I would gladly donate my own time to help out if this would ever be put into place. Not that I care about being a Mod, I would just like to see a removal of this useless censorship system which seems to be getting worse as days go by... I mean really, provide approved adults censorship-free gaming, and have everyone else censored.

Last edited by linkz0rs (Jul 1 2012 9:48:48 pm)

#610 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

^ Good idea, but it might to too complicated....

#611 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think i have a solution to this. It sounds very very crazy but hear me out.

Sign up for the game through a email system. Confirm your age. An email will be sent for a version of the game for younger kids. The kids will need an email address though. // You need a password to access the version for kids. Which is why, an adult's email address will be needed as well WITH the password. They will have a chat specifically for younger kids. The game will sense when a person is swearing, and they will be warned, and if continue to do so, they'll be banned from chat for a day. If they continue to do so after the ban, they will be perma-banned. The game will be able to sense IP Addresses, so that nobody can create multiple accounts. If you need to create another account, email Chris about it. He'll check if your IP address is banned, and if not, he'll give you another account to use.

I think this would be a good system to use.

Last edited by GutsehMan (Jul 3 2012 12:01:07 pm)

#612 Before February 2015

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I have an idea.

You must have a picture of one of your parent(s) holding something saying "I approve of <username> having chat. My PSCC's my password will be <password>."

The "SCC" (Safe Child Chat)   is a page that can only be visited by a parent, using passwords. You can ban your kid from chat for a certain amount of minutes/hours/days/months/years, see the kid's chat log, or change the password.

If you are a parent, you can just show a picture of yourself saying "My EE username is <EE username> and I want chat." and there's simply no SCC. The picture will have to be from an I.P. the account was logged onto for at least 20 minutes to prevent just getting your friend(s)'s parent to take the picture. (excludes being idle)

It is (almost) impossible to abuse, as the one already is easily abuse-able.

Last edited by Number1KirbyFan (Jul 3 2012 3:24:29 pm)


#613 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I have an idea: screw parental control! Just have an agreement before people can chat.
Yes, kids will bypass it. But it will be their own fault. All other MMOs I know work this way, and I never see 11 year olds swear their **** off.
Well, maybe some from the ghetto or something, but this game's chat is next to harmless.

#614 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Number1KirbyFan wrote:

I have an idea.

You must have a picture of one of your parent(s) holding something saying "I approve of <username> having chat. My PSCC's my password will be <password>."

The "SCC" (Safe Child Chat)   is a page that can only be visited by a parent, using passwords. You can ban your kid from chat for a certain amount of minutes/hours/days/months/years, see the kid's chat log, or change the password.

If you are a parent, you can just show a picture of yourself saying "My EE username is <EE username> and I want chat." and there's simply no SCC. The picture will have to be from an I.P. the account was logged onto for at least 20 minutes to prevent just getting your friend(s)'s parent to take the picture. (excludes being idle)

It is (almost) impossible to abuse, as the one already is easily abuse-able.

Not good idea.
1. maybe some people don't have a camera, even their parent approve, they can't get chat.
2. maybe some children will cheat. They might tell their parents to hold a blank paper/board. then edit it with photoshop. That may ruin the system.
3. maybe some children will peek their parents SCC Password. then re-enable it if parents disable it.
4. maybe the developers won't be free enough to check the pictures that often.

You said it is (almost) impossible to abuse, but what about the 2nd and 3rd?
Your idea is worse then the one we having now. since it don't even cost...

Last edited by ABC Boy (Jul 4 2012 1:31:21 am)

#615 Before February 2015

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ABC Boy wrote:
Number1KirbyFan wrote:

I have an idea.


Not good idea.
1. maybe some people don't have a camera, even their parent approve, they can't get chat.
2. maybe some children will cheat. They might tell their parents to hold a blank paper/board. then edit it with photoshop. That may ruin the system.
3. maybe some children will peek their parents SCC Password. then re-enable it if parents disable it.
4. maybe the developers won't be free enough to check the pictures that often.

You said it is (almost) impossible to abuse, but what about the 2nd and 3rd?
Your idea is worse then the one we having now. since it don't even cost...

1. I think most computers have webcams.
2. They'd have to be pointing towards the webcam/screen. The parent should be able to notice what's going on on the screen if they had to point towards it...
3. Huh? Why would the child wanna re-enable it? It seems more like the child would want to DISABLE it...
4. True, but we could get more active ones.


#616 Before February 2015

Loffer Logge

Re: Let's fix Parental Control


1. No, they don't.
2. What if they used a camera or turned their webcam?   Also, someone could just make lots of pictures of different adults holding up blank pieces of paper, which someone could edit in text with photoshop.
3. He meant re-enable chat.
4. Chris wants a system that doesn't need extra mod involvement.

#617 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Number1KirbyFan wrote:
ABC Boy wrote:
Number1KirbyFan wrote:

I have an idea.


Not good idea.

1. I think most computers have webcams.
2. They'd have to be pointing towards the webcam/screen. The parent should be able to notice what's going on on the screen if they had to point towards it...
3. Huh? Why would the child wanna re-enable it? It seems more like the child would want to DISABLE it...
4. True, but we could get more active ones.

1. What about those poor(I mean, not rich enough to buy webcam) people? Racism?
2. No. really. maybe their children suddenly took a photo when their mum is taking clothes to somewhere. Their mum might not know what is their kids doing.
3. What Loffer said.
4 What Loffer said.

#618 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

What about Mobile phone verification?
The kids have to put the mobile phone number of their parents
Then the verification message is sent and then parents have to type that verification to get chat for their kids

#619 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Not-a-good idea.

Children can get their own phones and put number of theirs, also there might be a guy sharing a phone number and that guy will type the verification code for other people.

#620 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ABC Boy wrote:
Number1KirbyFan wrote:
ABC Boy wrote:

Not good idea.

1. I think most computers have webcams.
2. They'd have to be pointing towards the webcam/screen. The parent should be able to notice what's going on on the screen if they had to point towards it...
3. Huh? Why would the child wanna re-enable it? It seems more like the child would want to DISABLE it...
4. True, but we could get more active ones.

1. What about those poor(I mean, not rich enough to buy webcam) people? Racism?
2. No. really. maybe their children suddenly took a photo when their mum is taking clothes to somewhere. Their mum might not know what is their kids doing.
3. What Loffer said.
4 What Loffer said.

1. Racism? What?
2. The pic would be blurry. The parent wouldn't be holding paper directly at the screen.
3 and 4, however, are true. (Only because someone else said them)

You just hate on everyone. It's annoying. STOP.

Last edited by matt7777 (Jul 8 2012 11:00:00 pm)

#621 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

matt7777 wrote:
ABC Boy wrote:
Number1KirbyFan wrote:



1. Racism? What?
2. The pic would be blurry. The parent wouldn't be holding paper directly at the screen.
3 and 4, however, are true. (Only because someone else said them)

You just hate on everyone. It's annoying. STOP.

1 You mean your racism? Some people like ME really don't have a webcam/camera.
2 the parent don't need to hold a paper. they can hold clothes, a board or even a Toilet roll!

#622 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ABC Boy wrote:
matt7777 wrote:
ABC Boy wrote:


1. Racism? What?
2. The pic would be blurry. The parent wouldn't be holding paper directly at the screen.
3 and 4, however, are true. (Only because someone else said them)

You just hate on everyone. It's annoying. STOP.

1 You mean your racism? Some people like ME really don't have a webcam/camera.
2 the parent don't need to hold a paper. they can hold clothes, a board or even a Toilet roll!

1. I still don't understand. Do you mean Chris wouldn't activate chat on an account because of racism? I doubt that would possibly happen...
2. It just seems that would take quite a bit of photoshop editing. The child will most likely make it look unrealistic. (Though the child could just photoshop a picture of an adult)

#623 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

matt7777 wrote:


1. I still don't understand. Do you mean Chris wouldn't activate chat on an account because of racism? I doubt that would possibly happen...
2. It just seems that would take quite a bit of photoshop editing. The child will most likely make it look unrealistic. (Though the child could just photoshop a picture of an adult)

1. Chris is a racist, putting everything that need people to play EE more often / pay for EE / "Donate so we can eat!" excuse.
So people who is busy(or lazy) / poor must leave this stupid game.

2. There is a type of child called genius (or just a bit smart) might make it realistic.

#624 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ABC Boy wrote:
matt7777 wrote:


1. I still don't understand. Do you mean Chris wouldn't activate chat on an account because of racism? I doubt that would possibly happen...
2. It just seems that would take quite a bit of photoshop editing. The child will most likely make it look unrealistic. (Though the child could just photoshop a picture of an adult)

1. Chris is a racist, putting everything that need people to play EE more often / pay for EE / "Donate so we can eat!" excuse.
So people who is busy(or lazy) / poor must leave this stupid game.

2. There is a type of child called genius (or just a bit smart) might make it realistic.

1. Wow really? Are you kidding? I cannot grasp why you thought that was even correct. You are also being racist yourself by saying "Donate so we can eat!". WOW. I would report you, but it doesn't seem like a legit report reason. (Although I think you can report racism, I won't risk it) I really don't know what to say. I can't really say anything else...

Ohh BTW, chat isn't a neseccary feature, and only costs one cent. People who can't afford that (or Beta/Big Spender) probably don't have a computer. So that's not racist, it's a way to donate to the development of features. (To make the users happy) Also, people with less money isn't a "race", which makes your post furtherly uneducated.

EDIT2: I also indicated another lovely piece of racism in your post. You say that people of other races can't afford $10. WOW. Are you serious? That's SO racist. I would -rep you if I had reputation enabled. This is just so wrong. This has gotten out of hand. Think before you post. Let me repeat myself: WOW.

2. True, but wouldn't a kid that smart see that he/she doesn't need to go in such trouble to get chat in a flash game? Possible but seems kind of... weird.

Last edited by matt7777 (Jul 12 2012 7:26:27 pm)

#625 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chris wrote:

So, naturally a lot of people are sad/mad about the new limitation to the chat. So here is your chance to help change it.

What you need to do is describe an alternative system that is at least as secure and easy to use as the current system. Basically the system must satisfy the following requirements.

1: It may not be possible for a child to keep this feature secret from their parents.
2: It must rely on a secure method of verifying age as people lie when simply asked.
3: It may not be possible for a child to cheat. Simple quizzes etc are not secure.
4: It must work in the free game as well, as I am merging them back together shortly.

In short the goal is to ensure that children must explicitly ask their parents for permission and that the parents have to make a conscious decision to allow chat for their child even though it's not appropriate for children.

Examples of systems that do not satisfy the above goals.
A: Password based system where parents can disable a chat and set a password to re-enable it.
- This solution does not satisfy point 1 and 2.
(More to come here I expect)

[Edit:] A secure method that does not require credit card would be amazing!

I'm not sure if anyone has realized this, but there is NO WAY any other system could meet these 4 goals. Sorry, but no way.

Chris 142393302928403

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