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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#551 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

in EE theres games of ''Chat RPG'' to enter one the creator ban me why no i have Chat.. and my parents dont buy me chat why cant no have a visa card
Oh and a thing hey Chris u can add the Add friend button? is the neccesary thing in EE Thanks //
too some times i think persons sometimes to ban me say me Tsk tsk tsk i dont know why!
I continuing playing this game

Dragonix exit!..

#552 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Dragonix01 wrote:

in EE theres games of ''Chat RPG'' to enter one the creator ban me why no i have Chat.. and my parents dont buy me chat why cant no have a visa card
Oh and a thing hey Chris u can add the Add friend button? is the neccesary thing in EE Thanks //
too some times i think persons sometimes to ban me say me Tsk tsk tsk i dont know why!
I continuing playing this game

Dragonix exit!..

The person that made that level would only want chatters so they ban non-chatters. Also, Chris doesn't read the the forums.

#553 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chris wrote:

I am aware that kids are exposed to swearing and abuse all over, I just don't want this to be the case in Everybody Edits.

well the people who play on the shared accounts are always swearing to everyone. :/

#554 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chris wrote:

I am aware that kids are exposed to swearing and abuse all over, I just don't want this to be the case in Everybody Edits.

Haunter wrote:
well the people who play on the shared accounts are always swearing to everyone.


Last edited by mcrmcrmcr (Mar 28 2012 5:39:34 pm)

#555 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

My acc older acc was banned forever i think becos the warning dont go away

#556 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

please put the friend button to add persons and..

I am sad by people ban me by noes have a chat

#557 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

skullz16 wrote:
Mewtwolegend wrote:
Zakros wrote:

I personally agree that you don't believe in some people and that they need to pay for chat. But you probably have to think of people who doesn't deal with USA Money. Me, for example. I'm 15, and It doesn't seem that I don't use USA Money or whatever it needs to talk.
Also, the 1 Cent Feature is leading people to make hacks and search the web for Free Shared Accounts. And as my experience, even my little brother is doing so and I'm doing my best to keep an eye at him and stop him from using Shared accounts. This is honestly redicilous. 1 Cent won't change anything and even in other MMORPG games, you don't find that feature much. I believe that you should *Ask* for the Birth day when registring, If the player is under 13 Years old, do not allow chat for him until he upgrades and becomes a Beta tester. Or, if the player is more than 13 years old, I suggest you send him a Confirmation message and allow him/her to chat just by clicking the Confirmation link. This is how things work on ALL the MMO Games over the web.
I hope you finally understand.
We all have the right to chat as you know. And chatting was never disabled for anyone on real life. It's our right, so don't disable it on games.
Thanks for reading.

Personally i agree:)

I agree except for the part where it says that beta get chat. What if a parent wants their child to have beta but not chat. Beta and chat are completely different things. Being beta doesn't give you permission to chat. Your parents decide that.

I also disagree when you say it should be like all mmo games and they should ask your age. People can lie you know, they do it all the time. I think the best way to do it is to make a censoring system. 10 is the time when you become responsible for your actions and can be arrested so you should be allowed from 10 not 13 and below 10 get canned chat ("ready-made" phrases). Chris could add more phrases for people without chat.

oops i didnt notice the beta part

#558 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I was reading a few and got an Idea.

add the friends feature and make it so you can chat with your friends all the time, weather you have chat or not, or if they have it or not.

and if they are not your friend... well that's no different from now.

#559 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Send a E-mail to the parent every 2 days. Set up a system that will send a E-mail to parents every 2 days if the chat has been enabled and have the parent control a code. If you don't feel good about every 2 days go with every day. My mom wont let me because she thinks her credit card number will get stolen so does jack (living with us). :rolleyes: From, helloall/helloalls

#560 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'm 13 and my parents bought me chat if I would tell no personal info such as phone numbers and adress. I'm making friend right now. I agree with all of you above! (Took me about an hour to read it all!:P)

#561 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

So everybody just to say, I think to heck with parent controls. period. //

#562 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Wait, didn't you add a profanity filter? //

#563 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

normaluser wrote:

Wait, didn't you add a profanity filter? //

There is a profanity filter...But its possible to avoid it.

#564 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think I have a great idea. GEMS TO GET THE CHAT ABILITY.
Not only is it as secure as the 1 cent option, but no >10 year old could get past those %%%%ing surveys (I hate them too). They would need a parent to purchase the gems TO get the chat option, I think it would require maybe 1 or 2 gems...? Even that plan kinda screws me over because my parents won't pay s%%% online for even the ability to chat... And I'm like 14, I hear swear words even in my sleep o_o my parents would enjoy a feature that might not require money, and they don't give a crap if they see cussing on the chat or not... like I said they won't even pay a half-penny online, cause they think it's not safe, ANYWHERE. If this plan fails, it's ok, I need some way else to get the chat option enabled, because how dumb it makes me feel having to freaking DRAW my messages on an edit-friendly board and maybe I'm not allowed to edit (by the way the quickchat options really don't cover many sayings like "what?", "Cool!", and some out-of-the-ordinary-but-commonly-used chats... y'know? If that plan fails then I need a good way to get the chat option (and/or Gems) without paying a single penny onling or doing surveys, downloads, other purchases, or freaking... something else other than Super Rewards or Gambit that meet my other terms. Because that kinda isn't free, EE Y U LIE TO ME THAT REQUIRES SURVEYS -_________- Please take my comment into (at least) consideration. I need some help here e_e.

#565 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

wow my idea is actually in the game
Thank you EE, I love you!!!!!!! Hey just wondering, do I get something for this?
*gives waffle*

Last edited by cooltv27 (Apr 27 2012 4:10:39 pm)

#566 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

if parents are worried why cant there   be a parent email box they can enter their email with their chiildrens email and ee acount pass to verify that they are their parents or guardians and they can turn on off chat when ever they want to by clicking a link from the email and then turning it off or on with a yes or no check box. Or parents enter their email in parents box then click the link and type in their childrens email and ee pass to turn off chat when ever they want and if they lose the email they can just retype their email in the parent   box to get a new one. see no worries... simple as that:)

#567 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

You know, I think that there is an OK solution for free. What if the adult just plugs in a phone number, you text them, and they text you back. I don't think many kids have phones yet. Teens, yes, but they should be OK.

#568 Before February 2015

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,509

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

cooltv27 wrote:

wow my idea is actually in the game
Thank you EE, I love you!!!!!!! Hey just wondering, do I get something for this?
*gives waffle*

It was literally one of the most suggested things ever. i'm not even joking. And, no, you don't, because I pretty much was the one to suggest decorations and I didn't get anything. :C

SWATPRO wrote:

if parents are worried why cant there   be a parent email box they can enter their email with their chiildrens email and ee acount pass to verify that they are their parents or guardians and they can turn on off chat when ever they want to by clicking a link from the email and then turning it off or on with a yes or no check box. Or parents enter their email in parents box then click the link and type in their childrens email and ee pass to turn off chat when ever they want and if they lose the email they can just retype their email in the parent   box to get a new one. see no worries... simple as that:)

Except that's as easy as making two email accounts, which are easy to make because I've got more than I can count.

SonicSuitMario wrote:

You know, I think that there is an OK solution for free. What if the adult just plugs in a phone number, you text them, and they text you back. I don't think many kids have phones yet. Teens, yes, but they should be OK.

Some adults don't have cell phones so that's not feasible, especially when there are kids that are 10, 11, 12 with cellphones.

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#569 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

but why would a kid disobey their parents just to get chat? when their parents find out they would   get screwed so i doubt they would just for that and it does meet the realreason why we dont have free chat access now from parents complaining so they would not after and that basically solves the problem

#570 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

There's a code that every account is given to enable chat. It is given to the parent, and changed every month.
Maybe it could be sent with a letter? lol

#571 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

i just got a good idea that is quite fool proof. you get a parent and a camera and take a picture with both you and one of them holding a sheet that says i give my____ permission to have chat on ee...... then put it on cpu and   email it to chris.....      it would be better than giving a credit card number but only problem is if the photo gets into the wrong hand but i doubt chris would give it away or.... >.>

#572 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

It's always possible that an elder sibling or cousin pretends to be their parent.
Then again who would go through so much work just to get chat on a game? lol

#573 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

yah but a parent would look older than a teen unless they had kids when they were 11 lol which i doubt

#574 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

You can never really tell, the thing is parents could have platsic surgery to look younger, and Chris doesn't want to offend parents by thinking that they're younger, or by not believing that they're the kid's parent(s). They could just naturally look young, or be healthy. The thing is Chris can't know how old they really are, and he wants a fool-proof plan. Also, it could be elder cousins, and it's perfectly possible that the cousins could almost be as old, or older than the kid's parents. You can say "probably" or "it's unlikely," etc., but you can never know the age for sure unless they show an ID, or some way to verify it.

Last edited by GKAbyss (Apr 30 2012 1:23:36 pm)

#575 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think I have a working idea. How about we just blank the profanity words with other things such as stuff like [Censored] or ***** or maybe just a nice greeting like "Hi //"
If not like idea, maybe think about it again, think of all the short-cuts children could use like replacing the "I" in b**** for a "!" or lower case "L", and make the short-cuts turned off. Also, have it to where to chat like this required by a parent e-mail, and there must be a cellular phone activation sent to a parent phone # and if a child curses, the parent gets notified via cellular phone. Please respond whether you dislike or like my idea and i you dislike please give reasons why. Thank you! - Christopher2643

Chris 142393302928403

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