Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#501 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Obviously, I did not read all 500 replies. But I did read the first page and I noticed how great the "Swear Word Punishment" sounds. The owner would not lose 2 cents (Haha, 2 cents // every time someone registers for chat, and it would also benefit those people who are under-age and would like the chance to talk.
The points idea sounds nice. But if you accumulate 90 points, you would have to wait around 3 months to be able to do things. Once people reach 100, they should be stuck at 100, since they will not learn (And obviously got many warnings). The time it should take to take off 1 point should be 6 hours. That way you will lose 4 points a day. That would be a bit more quicker, and allow people to re-chat, god, etc.
The Mods/Admins should get a specific color for their glow. For example: Mods = Red, Admins = Green (And if you ever add "Donators" you should give them a specific glow too, even though on Kongregate you donate with Kreds and get Gems. But for glow you should probably make it a Pay-Pal pay of like 1-5 dollars, depending on what you add for "Donators" (Weird.. donator isn't a word according to the spell-check)).

-Thank you for your attention

#502 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

i have asked my mom many times if she could give me chat her answer would be ok thats fine with me but when i told her it was 1cent she then thought it was a scam and wouldn't let me have it:( and i know it isnt because ive been playing this game for ever!!!!!!!!!! and it makes me really mad:(

Last edited by Grinch (Dec 1 2011 4:08:41 pm)

#503 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

my mom is also conserned about the 1 cent and she wants to know is you can dissable the chat but still have kick

#504 Before February 2015

Fabulous Member
From: The island with those Brits
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 6,310

Re: Let's fix Parental Control


Last edited by Metatron (Dec 16 2011 1:42:55 pm)


Thank you eleizibeth ^


I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them



#505 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,709

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I agree with you... But Why Do You Always Talk Like This?



#506 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Hey chris im 19 and i still dont have chat or beta or anything that needs gems but still its fun playing this and it realy calms me down to play it i even found out how to make music using money insted of buying the notes you should come to it its called "Music with money" PLAY NOW!

#507 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

*Off-Topic:* Are you really even 19 year old? By the looks of it you act like if you were a 10 year old. And i think this is the wrong place to be putting this.

#508 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

i agree.. people could just show what you had written and probably have a more likely chance of being allowed to get chat

#509 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

also i would maybe add a kick point thing.   for example kicked for spamming would take 25 points.

#510 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Maybe you could have the owner of the level decide if that certain person can have chat in their level.

#511 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I am 12 years old and think the people abusing the chat by using offensive language should be targeted instead of just making it impossible for people like me to get chat I think that having chat mods/points is a great idea and look at it this way I can chat using forums and they are HUGE but kept under great control! Why not also monitor chat! Forums is just another method of chat so why can I use forums but not chat!

#512 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

well..... obviously im not going through all 21 pages to see if someone has said this soooooooooooooo, here it goes

ther could be a "mute" and "mute all" button for "those" people

there could also be a new chat command like /votemute or something fun like that, so it could have the other players vote for that person to be muted on that server-level-thingy.

#513 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

That could work but I doubt it would be put into place.

#514 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Just look at their email? Connect with the email services so you can see their real age?

#515 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

well, after the new quick chat came out, i though of an idea. instead of banning people who are using inappropriate words, you can make a dictionary of words that can be allowed in chat, so those who dont have verification can chat because they can only use the words that you have allowed. of course, that would be hundreds or even thousands of words, but u can slowly add them. just first add the main words and conjunctions so we can form simple sentences. if you used a word not verified in the dictionary, then your message wont come out. of course, that would have to make us spell words correctly everytime, but i think its better than no chat at all.

#516 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

absd wrote:

well, after the new quick chat came out, i though of an idea. instead of banning people who are using inappropriate words, you can make a dictionary of words that can be allowed in chat, so those who dont have verification can chat because they can only use the words that you have allowed. of course, that would be hundreds or even thousands of words, but u can slowly add them. just first add the main words and conjunctions so we can form simple sentences. if you used a word not verified in the dictionary, then your message wont come out. of course, that would have to make us spell words correctly everytime, but i think its better than no chat at all.

It would take forever to make it, plus what you said of talking correctly everytime, though you gave me an idea, I think it isn't what you said, so here it is.
They could expand the quick chat box (like here) and the users who haven't verified with the 1 cent could just use the quick chat, while the ones who verified could use the quick chat, but also write what you want to say.

#517 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

NikK wrote:
absd wrote:

well, after the new quick chat came out, i though of an idea. instead of banning people who are using inappropriate words, you can make a dictionary of words that can be allowed in chat, so those who dont have verification can chat because they can only use the words that you have allowed. of course, that would be hundreds or even thousands of words, but u can slowly add them. just first add the main words and conjunctions so we can form simple sentences. if you used a word not verified in the dictionary, then your message wont come out. of course, that would have to make us spell words correctly everytime, but i think its better than no chat at all.

It would take forever to make it, plus what you said of talking correctly everytime, though you gave me an idea, I think it isn't what you said, so here it is.
They could expand the quick chat box (like here) and the users who haven't verified with the 1 cent could just use the quick chat, while the ones who verified could use the quick chat, but also write what you want to say.

But where will more than 1000 words fit? and it would take very long to find the word that you want to say sometimes.

#518 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Would be better when the parents finish to sign everything to buy chat to put this: ''Are you sure? it is recomended to be 13 or older.''     But children younger than 13 years can use chat because it says it is RECOMEMDED to be 13 or older. (i think)

Sry for double post but the post that i did before is to respond absd as well

Last edited by Cooldragon122 (Jan 13 2012 4:57:55 pm)

#519 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

i think the best way to do this is to check the email account.   (already suggested) and if your are 13 and older you get chat for free.   otherwise you pay the 1 cent

#520 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

baxdar wrote:

i think the best way to do this is to check the email account.   (already suggested) and if your are 13 and older you get chat for free.   otherwise you pay the 1 cent

But you need to have more than 13 years to have an email, lol:lol:

#521 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

1: It may not be possible for a child to keep this feature secret from their parents.
2: It must rely on a secure method of verifying age as people lie when simply asked.
3: It may not be possible for a child to cheat. Simple quizzes etc are not secure.
4: It must work in the free game as well, as I am merging them back together shortly.

Well a credit card does not meet all of these requirements because 1. a child could steal their parents' credit card(s). 2. A parent could give their child a credit card. and 3. There 'IS' a chance of a child creating a free phishing website and steal some dumb person's credit card (if they can cheat some quizzes that you might say are too simple they can cheat this too). Remember whatever you do, whatever you try, someone will cheat you, someone will lie.

So, if you just don't want to get into lots of trouble with the parents I suggest a rules thing that the child and/or parent has to agree to to sign up that says that agreeing to it says that the parent agrees that the child might face some chatting that could be inappropriate for their age and that if their child agrees to it then you can't get sued or anything by the parents or anybody related to them.

#522 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

This is the only multiplayer game i know that you cannot communicate with each other... //

It is annoying, beacuse once a person has a chat account they start begging for the code and ruining the code and trapping people....


I think the chat should be released to everyone, but if they swear or spam they can be silenced.

1 time = silenced for 1 minute
2 time = silenced for 10 minutes
3 time = warning
4 time = reported + kicked + can't use chat for a day
5 time = banned for 1 day
6 time = lost the chat
many times = banned

#523 Before February 2015

Master Developer
From: Drama
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 829

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

lol and who should control that?
i dont thinck in every room is a moderator - i like what squad said.
and btw i saw a lot of games where u can chat - with no protection,
i like the quick bar thing, if   it will be bigger it will be great,
and its usless to make anything like that to see parents got a inform about that,
it would never work, why not make the owner(!) can mute - and thats all //


#524 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

A feature I have found very useful in most other games,even games that require you to be 13+,is an option to disable/enable(filter is on by default) the filter.So the younger kids can have the filter on,and the others off.I have rarely seen anyone try to bypass the filter on games with this feature.

#525 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chris wrote:
alex wrote:

As much as I do agree with some form of parental control, the main problem people have is asking their parents for such things. Many people don't like the current system because they don't want to ask their parents for money, not because there parents won't allow chat.

I proposed an alternative which may not quite fit your goals;
Chat is on by default with a notification when you sign on EE the first few times you play the game(once registered) that basically says this game has chat and may not be child safe. Then parents will be able to turn chat off via paying one cent with credit card(or even an auto refund system, it withdraws 1.00 USD, then re credits it so no funds are lost).
This ensures that parents that care if their child chats will not be upset as the chat will now be disable-able, but it won't frustrate children whose parents are generally unattentive, or parents that simply won't pay the 1 cent because it seems suspicious(despite being secure with paypal).

Although I'm pretty sure you'll not use my previous suggestion, at least lower the bold thing saying not to purchase chat for people under 15, as she has stated most people will hear swears frequently in 5th grade(age 10), a more reasonable age to say is under 13.

Thank you and all that
-Alex(AlexR ingame)

I very much agree that a system where children have to ask their parents for their credit card is fare from optimal. It is however the only secure option I have been able to find so far. I have been looking into other age verification systems but so far I have found nothing.

I am aware that kids are exposed to swearing and abuse all over, I just don't want this to be the case in Everybody Edits.

Ohh and, there would be no need to have any form of verification if it was enough to just allow people to turn it off.

If you don't want swearing in your game then add a bleep system, so that when somebody swears it will &%##$@^&%$#&^ out the word.

Chris 142393302928403

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