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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#426 Before February 2015

Fabulous Member
From: The island with those Brits
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 6,310

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

^ I agree


Thank you eleizibeth ^


I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them



#427 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think everyone should have chat. There should be a hide chat button

#428 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 687

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Tony wrote:

genuis idea: allow someone with a face book account (and allow someone to connect a facebook account to a non facebook account) to have chat. if the facebook account is deleted or he has no facebook account, he must spend 1 cent for chat.

1) it must not be possible to keep it secret from parents.
parents will find out about a facebook account eventually, and then will delete it if they do not like chatting.
2) it must rely on a secure method of verifying age.
you have to be 13 to make a facebook account, and if somebody lies, someone (like a parent) can delete the account.
3)cheating must be impossible.
if someone makes an account and states his age as under 13, the child can not sign up again for a month, and the impatient child will likely give up.
4) it   must work with both the free and beta versions.
making a facebook account is free.
5) most appropriate people must be able to acquire chat.
if someone does not want to make a facebook account, he can pay 1$ USD, then have it secretly refunded ( if they know it will be refunded, they might think it is still a scam).
6) it must not be possible for a person to spam chat to everyone.
a facebook account can only work for 1 EE account, and takes one week for the paypal refund to occur.

Just want to say, my class is all 11 year olds and most of them have FaceBooks, including me, and my parents don't mind since I mainly use it to play the games.

Chris doesn't really listen to his fans. Actually, I think he does, but he still has life to live... I hope Peter can fix chat.

if a girl does not have yuri then she is lost

but that same girl can be lost in the yuri


#429 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

You should add a smart word filter so if some one says: u r a effin (you know the word) idiot it would come out as u r a // //

another idea is if you say swear you are automatically booted from the room and if its your first time your banned from EE for 3 days your second time your banned for a week and the third you are banned forever from EE and your IP address is recorded and your internet connection from that computer that you used so you cannot try to do it from another computer.

I you take my idea into thought //

#430 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

You should add a smart word filter so if some one says: u r a effin (you know the word) idiot it would come out as: u r a // //

another idea is if you swear you are automatically booted from the room and if its your first time your banned from EE for 3 days your second time your banned for a week and the third you are banned forever from EE and your IP address is recorded and your internet connection from that computer that you used so you cannot try to make a new account and if you do make a new account then your internet connection is blocked forever and you can never play EE again using any computer that's using that connection

I you take my idea into thought //

#431 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

The site I am affiliated with has a chat that is only available after a certain amount of time being on the site. So we could have an energy earned chat or the 1 cent verification. The earning will have to take a long time which would thwart of trolls.
Also the chat has a list of rules monitored by two mods
"1. Don't break rules and Don't get warned. First warning could get you banned for life. Bad behaviour is not tolerated.

2. No Spamming. Do not flood the chat with emoticons or links.

3. Do NOT speak in all caps.

4. Use clean language. A word filter is in place, but attempts to bypass this filter may result in a ban.

5. Treat others with respect. Intent to annoy others may result in a ban.

6. Do not ask others for personal information. There is no reason to ask that here."
I'm not saying we need to have a million mods but if you catch a person breaking a rule you screen cap it and send it to a mod so they can do something about it.

#432 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

About the chat thing, could you please please please please please please please please please make it buyable by 1 gem or a pay by phone feature? My parents don trust paypal but they can be stuffed paying by phoneee.

#433 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

in my amusement i will be happy to have a suggestion they send a email to the users mum and the mum clicks a link to pay for it and it comes up saying a type of servery and t the end you have to pay for it all i wan to say is   [youtube][/youtube]

#434 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'm 13 years old, I'm brazilian and 1cent is very cheap but my parents dont have Paypal, i'm very responsible... i just wanna chat with my friends, there's nothing we can do ? D: (sorry for my eng, i think you guys can understand me).

#435 Before February 2015

poke edits

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

could there just be the same thing but no credit card beause i dont have one i my mother wont use her credits card for the second time because i got beta

#436 Before February 2015

From: Hungary
Joined: 2015-06-12
Posts: 305

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

No one wil listen to this, guys, better just close this topic. This is pointless!


#437 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Gustaavo45 wrote:

I'm 13 years old, I'm brazilian and 1cent is very cheap but my parents dont have Paypal, i'm very responsible... i just wanna chat with my friends, there's nothing we can do ? D: (sorry for my eng, i think you guys can understand me).

You don't need a PayPal account to use PayPal.   Just put in the card info.



#438 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 823

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I guess you can use some kind of a pic based system for it.
-First give them a picture(e.g walkman, or some kind of object that they may only know if they are old) and ask them that object's name. Don't forget to vary the object so much and people shouldn't get the same image again soon.
-Secondly maybe you can give them a music of an old band, and ask which group it is played by. That group should be famous and pretty well known.. Actually this one isn't a really good idea though ... Maybe you can ask them to complete a song's lyrics.
-Third thing is to ask about news in the world... Like ask them "[wh question] did [input event] happen in [input country]. They can exploit this by searching but still it may elect some people.
-4th(bored of writing why didn't i use numbers instead *dumb*) give them a really easy math question.But it should require skills and knowledge. Math questions isn't a good idea actually because of every country might have a diffrent road of learn.
-5th To be or not to be... Give them a phrase from a book and ask the book's name, or just tell them to write a summary, which would be checked by some people, and make sure it isnt copy pasted or something so similar to it. Maybe just make them fill some spaces in a classic's name and also maybe the writer's name(e.g For ___ The Bell ____   by ____ Hemingway)
-6th If possible, maybe a video chat or just some kind of chatting where they will try to proof they are old enough.

I will continue later // it is 5 am here and need to sleep maybe. Bye


#439 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

IDK if it is possible/will work, but you could have anyone who makes an account provide two emails, one of them is the account email/etc, and the other is the parent's email. This is the flawed part but ill try to think of something better: if possible, you could have something test/figure out how long ago the email was created(i really doubt this is possible :/) to to confirm it as a possible parent's email address.
Next, have a bot(or whatever) send emails to the parent's email at random times for a month asking if the parent wants to enable the chat, even if the parent has already replied (because some kids could have access to their parents' email account(s), this way, if the child/son/daughter/kid, etc has access to the account, they wont be able to say yes and delete future messages so the parents won't see it/know about it.
When i think of some way to improve this ill make a new post here.(or edit this one if there aren't any new posts)

Last edited by GKAbyss (Aug 26 2011 8:48:17 pm)

#440 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

that might not work becuase if they ask their friend (probably not) it may not work :/

#441 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

how hard is it to put an option in where it gives the parents the option to turn the chat on or off? with setting a password to lock it and possibly no one being able to change that pass or the option for one exact year un til the child of course turns of age.

To start off everyone should start off with a default password... one of course you should make, send it to the "parents email" cause ima guess possibly the kids do noit have emails and if so im sure most kids these days are playing rated r games... your not going to make everyone happy but of course, you can ban the people that do use verbal language...

its not hard to think it through at all...

#442 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

One time when I was 11 I played Club Penguin. I swore my butt off till I was perma-banned, but then I was able to get un-banned by pretending to be my mom. The admins never knew the wiser. Kids are pretty smart these days, whos to say they don't pretend to be their own parents just to have chat. It would never work.

Last edited by Calicara (Sep 2 2011 10:25:16 pm)

#443 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'm not the smartest guy but I'll try to think of something.

I've noticed a lot of cussing in chat, an anti-cuss system is a GREAT   idea but people will find many ways to bypass it. Alex I love your idea of point system but I personally think its to detailed to implement in game, maybe eventually but we kind of need a solution NOW. My idea as far as parental control goes.

Implement a way to turn off chat, a passcode protected button for caring parents to press to disable chat. and protect with code. Simple-yes -easy to bypass- sadly yes. Many parents are to busy or simply dont care enough to look in to what there child is doing. Maybe a system like this.

I'm not to sure what your report systems are in-game but maybe you could do some thing where all players have chat and if anyone cusses, is racial, or is being a jerk, or trolling, players can report them say what lvl there in and there name then mods can look over chat and if its true the players energy is disabled for a day and chat for a day. If offense is repeated then a week of no energy and a week of no chat. Yes I know its kind of cruel but we NEED to get rid of the jerks in every body edits I DONT UNDERSTAND why people must abuse this great game and its players. By the way if the report is fake then the liar is docked the same way

Please respond I want to know what you guys think!

I know it will be hard to please all and you dont have enough mods/admin to do your job, but hopefully this will get all figured out. XD

Last edited by Fangfallen (Sep 4 2011 11:36:24 pm)

#444 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

What's the point of needing verification for chat if people can just use blocks to make words?Plus(if they're are really,really good at EE art),they could do even worse things.

#445 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Wow, this thread is still here. Something has changed yet?

#446 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I hate to say this, but the entire pay 1 cent for chat system is the reason why shared accounts exist in EE.

#447 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chris, can't you create a regular expression to make sure no bad words are added?

#448 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chris, fix it soon, Mom thinks it's a scam and won't buy it.
If this isn't fixed by November I'll quit EE. //

#449 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'd rather keep it the way it is TBH

#450 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Myles7 wrote:

I hate to say this, but the entire pay 1 cent for chat system is the reason why shared accounts exist in EE.

wat, how can that be the reason?

Last edited by Betaguy (Sep 10 2011 10:28:04 am)

Chris 142393302928403

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