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#351 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

mrlindobiel wrote:

please do fix the chat // also put a filter on the chat to disable swearing like for an example most of the games i have played uses a filter to find a word like the F word and replace it with **** or yadda or something else it would be good if you do that so everybody edits can be more social instead of play play pay pay. the chat enable would ask for the DD/MM/YY of the player and a terms and rules and they would have to agree to it also if a player swears once its a 5 minute ban to not chat player swears twice 20mins ban player swears 3 times its a ban for a hour 4th its ban for 24hours. it would be nice if this would happen x)

it happened so that you don't have chat and don't know that we have this already.

#352 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

mrlindobiel wrote:

please do fix the chat // also put a filter on the chat to disable swearing like for an example most of the games i have played uses a filter to find a word like the F word and replace it with **** or yadda or something else it would be good if you do that so everybody edits can be more social instead of play play pay pay. the chat enable would ask for the DD/MM/YY of the player and a terms and rules and they would have to agree to it also if a player swears once its a 5 minute ban to not chat player swears twice 20mins ban player swears 3 times its a ban for a hour 4th its ban for 24hours. it would be nice if this would happen x)

we have this already(i think). except the bans

#353 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ooo ok but it would be better if we could just not have to ask parents to use theyre credit cards cause my parents dont trust the internet // sad really

#354 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I have the REAL answer. Just change all the bad words to funny words. For example, if they used f***, change it too "I have no friends" or some other random funny statement xD. It helps. I've seen this used in lotsa popular games.

#355 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Please close this thread.
Chris isn't reading this, people are wasting their time.

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#356 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Stealth17 wrote:

I have the REAL answer. Just change all the bad words to funny words. For example, if they used f***, change it too "I have no friends" or some other random funny statement xD. It helps. I've seen this used in lotsa popular games.

People won't just say darn. They could say d4rn |)arn |)4r|\| |}???A????R????N

too many variations.

nlmdejonge: no.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#357 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Different55 wrote:

nlmdejonge: no.

Okay, you won't close it.

But here's how it has been going for weeks (months?)...

Let's say I have another idea. Check the player's country (with GeoIP) and give people chat if it's past 21.00 (9 pm) and before 06.00 (6 am) in their country.

Then some people think 'that could work'. And some other people say 'what about proxies'.

And Chris isn't anywhere near this thread, so the next suggestions comes up, and so on and so forth.

And the real problem is that Chris started off by asking us to "describe an alternative system that is at least as secure and easy to use as the current system". That is a problem, because the current system is not easy and absolutely not secure. And people have pointed that out for the last 15 pages.

People can ask any adult they know to transfer the money for them and this was mentioned weeks ago. Then people started talking about stealing credit cards. And so on. Everybody is just wasting their time.

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#358 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

a filter seems like the best option----18+ no filter----18 and below have a filter

#359 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

^ Asking age is a lost option.

#360 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

a filter is a good idea for all the ages because a kid can just say im 18 and can swear on 18 and over change the words to **** and u update th efilter everytime if we see people swearing like if somebody said f.uc.k then u can update it to your filter

#361 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

All you folks talking about filters seem to forget that swearing isn't the only 'problem'.
As I explained here..'s about 'stranger danger'.
The real problems are certain parents and Chris.
Anyways, my last post in this thread.

Last edited by nlmdejonge (May 21 2011 3:07:29 am)

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#362 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

1. I have 3 things to say.

2. If a person was using inappropriate words, offensive chat, or spam, someone could take a screenshot if they can, and report it to someone like Cyclone or RPGmaster. The moderator or administrator that sees the screenshot can give the person a personal warning or an hour or day silence. If they don't learn their lesson, they get longer silences until chat is permanently removed from them and they cannot get it again. (unless for a higher price :3)

3. If you want chat, just find a parent or older relative that has a PayPal that can spend a minimum of 1¢.

#363 Before February 2015

From: Hungary
Joined: 2015-06-12
Posts: 305

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

If there is no other way, I would like a free SafeChat too, even if other players don't. Why? Because It'll let the plyer communicate some way. And It can be improved by:

1. Drag-n-Drop sentence making (worse)
People can drag pre-made words together to create sentences. This will give more freedoom to players, but harder to program a little than the other version.

2. Vote for sentences to add (better)
People can add and/or vote for sentences, and If a sentence gets enough votes, It can be addad by a mod. to the game.

That's it. Thx for reading or whatevar you did.


#364 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

DJDavid98 wrote:

If there is no other way, I would like a free SafeChat too, even if other players don't. Why? Because It'll let the plyer communicate some way. And It can be improved by:

1. Drag-n-Drop sentence making (worse)
People can drag pre-made words together to create sentences. This will give more freedoom to players, but harder to program a little than the other version.

2. Vote for sentences to add (better)
People can add and/or vote for sentences, and If a sentence gets enough votes, It can be addad by a mod. to the game.

That's it. Thx for reading or whatevar you did.

I like the whole drag and drop thing. It will give kids more freedom.
And plus, this is better than no chat at all //

#365 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ok lets start it like this. during register ask for age. if they say they are under 18 send ask for parent email (manditory) and then ask for their email (if they have one) then use their email to verify (or parent if they do not have one) and you can send the parent a message notifying them that their child has signed up for EE ahd askes if their is any speacail rules they would like to place into effect (no chat, sign in times or time limits, ect.)     This is the first line of defence

next pop up a rule sheet the first time they log in stating the rules clearly and simply while placing a 60 second timer on the agree button that gives them a reseaon to read the rules until the agree button is clickable. (at the end of 60 seconds)     this is the second line of defence

The last and most prominant line of defence is that point system you guys have so brilliantly come up with to track down swearers and even trolls to a extent (although i would like to recomend making the troll protection an option that is left up to the original creator of the world). this would also be coupled with a censor that would blank out curse words to ensure that even though someone may try to "poisin the minds of the innocent" they would only recive an epic fail. lol!;)

I would also like to suggest making the warning cool down (time it takes for a warning to be lifted) only start after the ban has been lifted. :/

"If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing it?s a failure."

...unless that fish is a sea monkey! //

EDIT: OMG I MISSED ALL THE OTHER PAGES!!!   T_T sry forum noob moment...

Last edited by Totalolness (Jun 11 2011 2:31:56 am)

#366 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

the chat should be free to use!! no matter what!!
heres how a game called "platform racing 3" is
guest, member, moderator, admin
this is how it should be on EE as well as the forums
also have swear filters.
F word= fooey
S word=suger
racisum to dark skinned players: N and P words= Nice person, Pretty person
(i couldn't think of anythin else for the P word)
there r might be ways to evade the filter   (if a filter is made)
i would say the possible evading options but i not aloud.
idk if there is alrdy a filter as i can't chat,
basicly: have chat ranks:
main admin (Chris, the creator of EE)
no negative comments plz

#367 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Totalolness wrote:

ok lets start it like this. during register ask for age. if they say they are under 18 send ask for parent email (manditory) and then ask for their email (if they have one) then use their email to verify (or parent if they do not have one) and you can send the parent a message notifying them that their child has signed up for EE ahd askes if their is any speacail rules they would like to place into effect (no chat, sign in times or time limits, ect.)     This is the first line of defence

next pop up a rule sheet the first time they log in stating the rules clearly and simply while placing a 60 second timer on the agree button that gives them a reseaon to read the rules until the agree button is clickable. (at the end of 60 seconds)     this is the second line of defence

The last and most prominant line of defence is that point system you guys have so brilliantly come up with to track down swearers and even trolls to a extent (although i would like to recomend making the troll protection an option that is left up to the original creator of the world). this would also be coupled with a censor that would blank out curse words to ensure that even though someone may try to "poisin the minds of the innocent" they would only recive an epic fail. lol!;)

I would also like to suggest making the warning cool down (time it takes for a warning to be lifted) only start after the ban has been lifted. :/

"If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing it?s a failure."

...unless that fish is a sea monkey! //

EDIT: OMG I MISSED ALL THE OTHER PAGES!!!   T_T sry forum noob moment...

or perhaps instead of 18 it could be 13 -,-
there ARE machure 13 yr olds in the world u know
.A.K.A. me

#368 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Totalolness wrote:

ok lets start it like this. during register ask for age. if they say they are under 18 send ask for parent email (manditory) and then ask for their email (if they have one) then use their email to verify (or parent if they do not have one) and you can send the parent a message notifying them that their child has signed up for EE ahd askes if their is any speacail rules they would like to place into effect (no chat, sign in times or time limits, ect.)     This is the first line of defence

next pop up a rule sheet the first time they log in stating the rules clearly and simply while placing a 60 second timer on the agree button that gives them a reseaon to read the rules until the agree button is clickable. (at the end of 60 seconds)     this is the second line of defence

The last and most prominant line of defence is that point system you guys have so brilliantly come up with to track down swearers and even trolls to a extent (although i would like to recomend making the troll protection an option that is left up to the original creator of the world). this would also be coupled with a censor that would blank out curse words to ensure that even though someone may try to "poisin the minds of the innocent" they would only recive an epic fail. lol!;)

I would also like to suggest making the warning cool down (time it takes for a warning to be lifted) only start after the ban has been lifted. :/

"If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing it?s a failure."

...unless that fish is a sea monkey! //

EDIT: OMG I MISSED ALL THE OTHER PAGES!!!   T_T sry forum noob moment...

Your first suggestion: Any 10 year age kid can say that theemself is 18 and type in thier own e-mail...
2: They can just drink cokacola so get the time go faster... (Thats what I would do lol)
3: I like it, but alot of noobs will just block all words for fun -.-'
4: I didnt understand :/

#369 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Don't double post. You have been warned.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#370 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ok lets start it like this. during register ask for age. if they say they are under 18 send ask for parent email (manditory) and then ask for their email (if they have one) then use their email to verify (or parent if they do not have one) and you can send the parent a message notifying them that their child has signed up for EE ahd askes if their is any speacail rules they would like to place into effect (no chat, sign in times or time limits, ect.)     This is the first line of defence.

EDIT: I would predict this would only be effective about 40% of them if you dont tell them why you are asking for thier age.

next pop up a rule sheet the first time they log in stating the rules clearly and simply while placing a 60 second timer on the agree button that gives them a reseaon to read the rules until the agree button is clickable. (at the end of 60 seconds)     this is the second line of defence

EDIT:If you explian the rules a short and sweet manner they might actually read these. Although some will, in fact, sit back and guzzle a cola but what is the alternative?

The last and most prominant line of defence is that point system you guys have so brilliantly come up with to track down swearers and even trolls to a extent (although i would like to recomend making the troll protection an option that is left up to the original creator of the world). this would also be coupled with a censor that would blank out curse words to ensure that even though someone may try to "poisin the minds of the innocent" they would only recive an epic fail. lol!

EDIT: With the added thing below there is very little need for reporting such cases as cursing becuase im comfedent that it would handle it to the point where only the person cursing and the system would even know about it.

I would also like to suggest making the warning cool down (time it takes for a warning to be lifted) only start after the ban has been lifted.

EDIT:#4 was based off a suggestion on the first page that a warning induced ban would take up to a month if they got eight warnings it was just that it was also suggested the a warning level would be removed each day once per day, but if they were to get a warning that lasted more than a day the warnings would start expiring before the bans did so i made that suggestion.   (plz keep in mind i messed up and missed 14 pages of posts before i made one so i ended up going of that page and my own veiws alone.)

I thought something else to simplfy the filter and make it catch most variations without adding them all: make the filter ignore non-letter characters (spaces, commas, periods, ect.) and then make certain character/letter/number combos count as letters ( l), l}, l] = D ; l3, 13, i3 = B ; more maye be added)

Last edited by Totalolness (Jun 12 2011 10:14:18 am)

#371 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Hmm... as previously stated, Chris is most likely not reading these, that is, if he remembers this thread. Perhaps his helper may look into this? (I hope so)

#372 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

133 wrote:

I'm 20, yet I do not have a personal credit card or PayPal account, while there are many people under 18 who do.
So you can guess I'm not very fond of this system.
I'l give it a shot:
Ask for the birth date first. If the person is under 15 (or whatever age you want it to be), they'll have to enable chat with the 1 cent method.

If they say they're older, give a simple mathematical equation that should be common sense for people over 15, but which looks like gibberish to kids. If they can't solve it, they'll have to enable with the 1 cent method again.
This isn't really the same as a simple quiz, as the answer is impossible to look up on the internet. And to be able to solve it, they'd need to learn the basics first.

Also, make clear on the page with the equation it's to verify age / enable chat, in case they ask the parents to solve it.

i agree except i also think that there should be something that sorta makes kids think they have to get their parents that way they wont and cant lie about there age becuz ther PARENTS have to tell their age. fool proof //

#373 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'm not too sure, but how about a number game? It will be at the registration screen. For example,

EE:Lets play a simple number game to get you registered.
EE:To start remember your age.
EE:Multiply it by 3.
EE:Subtract 6.
EE:Divide by 3.
EE:Add 5.
EE:Now please type this number in the box below.
*Displays a box*
*Waits for you to enter a number*
EE:Great! Now pick a username...

The formula to find his age for this case is subtract 3 from the number in the box. The numbers of course could be randomized, but the person's intermediate number should be no more than ~20 or 30 if the starting age is about 10. Little kids won't be able to solve this equation, which in this case was
(3*age-6)/3+5. The game should only display only one line at once so 11 or 12 year-olds don't try to remember the equation and solve it.

Also, there should be a button saying, "Click me if you mess up or forget your number". This should be clicked when you mess up or forget your number(lol). Everytime you click it, the equation should change. If you clicked it 3 times, a message pops up saying "You needed to restart 3 times; please ask your parent for help". on the 5th time, it will say "Even with your parent you cannot do this; chat has been disabled." (to prevent people who still guess).

If the age is less than 18 (or whatever), you should have to pay 1 cent.
If it is greater than 18, chat should be enabled with a warning system from this thread.
If age cannot be determined (by restarting 5 times), 1 cent for chat should also be enabled.

P.S. I did some number tricks like this when I was in 4th grade.

I might add on later so i don't lose this post //

Last edited by calculusguy (Jun 23 2011 6:15:42 pm)

#374 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

^no. I have a 5 words.

I have a 6 year old sister. She's amazing at math. She would change the number and do the math, no problem.
This is why I offer the safechat method...
Preset phrases until they pay the 1 cent. People who have not paid are known as SafeChatters, and those who have paid are known as FullChatters. SafeChatters may not see things by FullChatters, but FullChatters can either choose to show or hide SafeChatters' messages.

// How's that?

#375 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

But safechat is complicated, you need 100s of words like all from the following;
"Can I have the code?"
"No, you can't."
"How do you do this part/minigame?"
"No, I need red/blue/green/... blocks/gates/doors... over here, not there."
and so on...

Chris 142393302928403

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