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#276 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Wait... Can't we send a penny through the mail via the card we send to also get the ultimate fan smiley? I mean, that would work, but then again I heard he DOESN'T ACCEPT CASH PAYMENTS, SCREW H3LL WTF.

#277 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Why is this system even in place anyways? If you goal is to shelter kids from such bad words like "hell" and "damn" then this is not going to do a damn thing. IT just makes it hard for people who can't pay online so readily, and for children whose parents just don't feel like paying a cent because they don't see it as something important.

Why not have chat free for everyone, and have it automatically censor words with *'s, and you can turn this off if you want (for older people who don't really care). If a kid wants to see those words he'll know what the words are already.

Lets be serious, these words are not physically or mentally affecting the kids in any way. That's why I think the whole chat limiting thing should just be removed.

#278 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

wezza wrote:

you're so wrong...

How so?

#279 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Every above-average EE player I know has chat


#280 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

So...This was to be a protest to the fact of chat not enabled and my angry cuz i sended a message to Ultimate fan smiley...But now i understand!
He went in london half bussines half vacation so thats why he didn't respond me with the smiley.
So thats my last talk on the topic and i shall not write again on the topic untill parental control is FIXED!
Obs:Chris you coud have telled that after the back from EUA.

Last edited by LcKing (Apr 12 2011 3:44:34 am)

#281 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

EDJ wrote:

Every above-average EE player I know has chat

First of all, i bet so. If you define every above average player as a player with chat. Second of all, there aren't just above average people in this game. WHAT ABOUT THE AVERAGE PEOPLE? Yea, I mean, was it 80% of the people? Actually, tell them to go to (insert word), because there are only 80/100 of them and obviously the 20/100 are the ones who matter. And if you define it as beta, people in beta probably give Chris less money than the ad revenue of people who aren't. Locking chat up doesn't lock up hurt feelings. You can get trolled and it hurts just as bad as mean words if not worse.

#282 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-24
Posts: 2,762

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think you guys keep missing the point of the whole chat system.
The reason a creditcard is required is because Chris wants the people with chat to be 18+ or to have permission from their parents.

So, go ask your parents to get chat for you. Being all angry about it only shows some of you shouldn't have chat because you would just flame everyone.

No u.


#283 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Conary wrote:
Xpo20 wrote:

If you go above 1 week, its a month, then forever, I'd say.

I think 8 chances is too much though, if they break the rules 8 times, then they obviously have not learned their lesson.

yeah but thats the point! :rolleyes:
if they cant learn the lesson over the 8 times, just take away the chat until they pay for it again

#284 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Nou wrote:

I think you guys keep missing the point of the whole chat system.
The reason a creditcard is required is because Chris wants the people with chat to be 18+ or to have permission from their parents.

So, go ask your parents to get chat for you. Being all angry about it only shows some of you shouldn't have chat because you would just flame everyone.

I think you aren't getting the points. This thread was suggestions, alternatives to what Chris has implemented. None of us are angry about it (and if we are, we certainly aren't flaming), and I'll mention again that this thread is named Lets fix Parental Control. Nou not every adult uses paypal, and some kids' parents don't give a (insert word), and others parent's are suspicious. Not only that, but going through all that red tape for chat is not worth it. Name a mmo game that doesn't have chat, and if it doesn't, it probably is kid friendly. BUT:CHAT MAY NOT BE KID FRIENDLY, BUT THE GAME ISN'T EITHER. TROLLED WORLDS HURT FEELINGS MORE.

#285 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

inkyvoyd wrote:
Nou wrote:

I think you guys keep missing the point of the whole chat system.
The reason a creditcard is required is because Chris wants the people with chat to be 18+ or to have permission from their parents.

So, go ask your parents to get chat for you. Being all angry about it only shows some of you shouldn't have chat because you would just flame everyone.

I think you aren't getting the points. This thread was suggestions, alternatives to what Chris has implemented. None of us are angry about it (and if we are, we certainly aren't flaming), and I'll mention again that this thread is named Lets fix Parental Control. Nou not every adult uses paypal, and some kids' parents don't give a (insert word), and others parent's are suspicious. Not only that, but going through all that red tape for chat is not worth it. Name a mmo game that doesn't have chat, and if it doesn't, it probably is kid friendly. BUT:CHAT MAY NOT BE KID FRIENDLY, BUT THE GAME ISN'T EITHER. TROLLED WORLDS HURT FEELINGS MORE.

I agree, there are worse problems in this game than chat, like trolls.

#286 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Option 1: (may not work) a low frequency noise saying a word/letter, like those sound buttons on the captcha but with this noise instead.
Option 2: show the whole movie of paranormal activity or the excorscizim of emily rose JKS! (btw those movies are FREAKING scary, seriously.)
Option 3: (may not work) having the adults address, they email you with a picture of you and adult doing somthing 13+ like filling the car with fuel ETC. if we do a negative thing if you see the same picture twice, like remove max energy, etc. or make a bot to do the recognizing work for you.
Option 4: (again may not work, may give some of your ownership percentage )   Since you can't make a no swearing system that is perfect, ask some good programer like the ppl from blizzard // to help you
Option 5: let them go to your house. XD

Yeah.. all of these questions wont work but thx for reading //

[Edit] Put colors

Last edited by Jacobn617 (Apr 12 2011 10:52:25 pm)

#287 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think the system is fine on how it is. Although, I have kinda tricked my parents into buying me chat xD
I'm pretty sure someday, there will be this huge online database where it will know who you are and it will know if you are "over 13" so you can get chat. But that's not going to happen in our lifetimes so right now we're stuck with chat for 1 cent.

aka towwl


#288 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

My parents think that it's a scam though, so they won't pay.   I'm 16 years old for pete's sake.   :/

#289 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Yeah, when I wanted beta we went to the paypal and it was in some other language, didn't help the whole scam situation..

Then when I told her there was chat for $0.01 she said: They're just trying to get my credit card number!" But luckily she trusted paypal.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#290 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I have an idea: Why don't you make us pay to play the game? That way it wouldn't be a scam, and people that paid an extra cent could get chat? That way Chris gets money, parents happy, and chat system still works. (I know that that was a comment that really sounded like trolling, but it's a parody that I just wanted to say to point stuff out.)

#291 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

no one is reading my post. :rolleyes:

#292 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'm reading it? Isn't that a bit off topic?

#293 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

im 10 and my older brother got chat for me and beta. so i dont worry. and i dont even like chat.

#294 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'll post my alternatives.
Alternative 1. Automatically take a photo of the person and see if the person is under 18, with scanning the picture.
2. Tell the person to say a word and if it sounds like a child is saying it, don't allow chat.
3. [I hope you do this] The player says a very hard-to-spell word, and the person has to spell it out correctly for chat.

Atleast one of them will work.
P.S. Make the word on 3 different every time.

#295 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Do something like a test, like high-school grade questions, maybe an anatomical test on the reproductive organs, or some adult-themed test, that would have coded into it, to be able to sense if that person opened up a new window/tab to cheat at it.   It would work as an alternative to paying 1 cent.

EDIT: I just thought of a new idea, how about making chat free-for-all, but make it so that it is very strict on censoring, and can be updated when the need arises.   Then, you can pay 1 cent, to get the censor-free chat.   That-way, everyone can still comunicate, it will protect young kids from being exposed to things, and you can have a less strict chat, for those who prove that they are 18+, or their parents say so.   That way, everyone will be happy!

Last edited by KingOfTheOzone (Apr 16 2011 1:22:03 pm)



#296 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

what if chat was free and just like alex you have warnings
and each time you swear you get points on your record if you have past 100 points
you lose chat for 1 week or more
if you have past 50 points you lose chat for 5 or more days
if you have 0-10 points you have free chat and is not banned
i can understand a sudden swear cause the chatter is agitated or being harrasted
but chat report button NO DEAL! there will be abunch of people saying someone sweared
cause there mad at them just have a mod check each chat message like example: #### [add points] [allow] if you press allow the message is in public if you press add points you pick a   scale of 1-100 points for the user but if you pay for chat (not free chat) you get banned for less amount of time and can only be given 1-50 points and   if you can add a chat smiley that looks like its chatting sorry for this being so long. press [+] if you agree press [-] if you dont agree

Last edited by EEFAN10 (Apr 16 2011 8:38:08 pm)

#297 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

People swear on the chat ALL THE TIME. I think that will totally not work out.

#298 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

why don't you make it so we can fax you a permission slip or soemthing? A child that can forge a signature is most likely able to steal a credit card.

#299 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

could you at least put the one cent chat by phone, i got Beta and people are laughing at me because i dont have chat -_-

#300 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

^ He Will not,Because most 8 year olds have phones.

Last edited by Echo! (May 8 2011 1:25:34 am)

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