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#251 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Plet53 wrote:

You guys ever heard of a Visa gift card? Works just like a credit card...

Plet53, is this something you can just buy in a grocery store or something? And you probably need to be 18 to buy it, right?

There's the solution to all the kids who want chat, but who's parents are worried about the scam possibility. "What are you asking son? You want me to give some crazy website my credit card number for one cent??"

So here's what you kids do...

Do some chores, wash the car, clean the garage, mow the neighbors yard, pick up some garbage. Do whatever it takes to earn some money. Then ask your parents to buy you a visa gift card with your money so that you can get chat for one cent.

Then give your mom what's left on the card for Mother's day. Tell her to go out and get a burger and fries with your dad while you stay home and play EE.

#252 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ItsNoGood wrote:

There's the solution to all the kids who want chat, [...]

In the USA, maybe.
No Visa Gift Cards for sale here in The Netherlands...

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#253 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'll test the visa gift trick. i have one or two laying somewhere in my room. and because i really am 18, i can ensure that im not breaking any laws like the younger people would be if they even tried it. though for some reason i think there may be a few clauses i may have to look up....... in fact, if i remember correctly, the small ToS ON THE CARD states that the user is subject to being requested for ID to ensure that they are legitimately 18+. but again, i have to check. meh, anyways, continue with the ideas. HOPEFULLY, one of them will be used and we can finally have what we want.

#254 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

The 0.01 cent thing was a very good idea, and I have no problem with it, but why is this such a problem? I don't think any other website out there has any type of age verification other then "Year of Birth" when you sign up.

What makes EE different from another chat website, like tinychat?

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#255 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

EDJ wrote:

I don't really think the chat system will change anymore

Damn,chris i not even updating the game
And The N3DS Is launching in USA in 2 days!
I want the game to be updated before it or ill become mad.

#256 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I don't understand why you have to make an unpopular decision. I suggest that you make a test for DOB and make turning off chat cost 1 cent. Why? because if the kid is smart enough to bypass that then they will be smart enough to bypass your system. simple: steal the parent's credit card and enter the info. And it costs both sides money. Most games have chat enabled because games are social, ee is too. Also, by making a simple DOB test you will make it so that kids that are naive wont pass it, while kids that aren't naive and pass the system can go through, and if the parents have questions then all they have to do is pay a cent to get rid of chat. Remember that most people that play games like this play because its free and pay because they want to support the maker and the game. By making people pay for a simple feature, people are deterred.

#257 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

inkyvoyd wrote:

simple: steal the parent's credit card

They can ask an adult other than their parents, like an older friend, to help them out. (As someone wrote in 2010: "I got chat from another player"). No need to steal credit cards.

inkyvoyd wrote:

I don't understand why you have to make an unpopular decision.

Chris calls the chat "not particularly child-friendly". What he means by that can be deduced from his next sentences, where he mentions "concerned parents" and that children should be "safe". So, it's about 'stranger danger'.

TakoMan02 wrote:

What makes EE different from another chat website, like tinychat?

Basically, nothing. It is also one of the many places where minors can ask adults (strangers) to transfer 1 cent for them. Chris wrote it is "reasonable to assume that [...] kids will have to ask their parents for chat access", which was a misjudgement on his part. If anything, it may give parents a false sense of security regarding their children's online safety. Parents should teach their children to use the internet responsibly and discuss the possible hazards. Some of them picked the lazy 'solution': they asked Chris to spoil part of the other players' fun, probably by exaggerating the potential threat.

Also, there are adults who are unable to get chat access, because they can't get - or have serious concerns about getting - a credit card or a PayPal account. I'm one of these adults. However, I don't really mind not being able to use the in-game chat.

Last edited by nlmdejonge (Mar 26 2011 4:22:35 am)

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#258 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chris you want to say here that we half of players payed for chat and you want give it for free? The question method is not a good one. I can search on google.
I payed like 10 dollars for transfer and you tell me on free? You own me 10 bucks if you make it free.
Anyway if Everybody Edits is such a big community why dont you have a domain. Cyclone is the Founder of Forumify.

#259 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

EEmaster wrote:

I payed like 10 dollars for transfer [...]

If this is true, then this means the 1 cent method is a complete failure. You paid 10 dollars to transfer 1 cent? Was that with a credit card or with PayPal? Or neither, and if so, what did you use?

By the way, Chris would not at all owe you 10 dollars if he makes it free instead of 1 cent. It was your choice to pay 10 dollars, not his.

Last edited by nlmdejonge (Mar 27 2011 2:13:13 am)

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#260 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I actually kinda tricked my parents into buying chat for me xD
I didn't get in trouble for some reason :/

^And because of that, you need a better system

aka towwl


#261 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

nlmdejonge wrote:
inkyvoyd wrote:

simple: steal the parent's credit card

They can ask an adult other than their parents, like an older friend, to help them out. (As someone wrote in 2010: "I got chat from another player"). No need to steal credit cards.

inkyvoyd wrote:

I don't understand why you have to make an unpopular decision.

Chris calls the chat "not particularly child-friendly". What he means by that can be deduced from his next sentences, where he mentions "concerned parents" and that children should be "safe". So, it's about 'stranger danger'.

TakoMan02 wrote:

What makes EE different from another chat website, like tinychat?

Basically, nothing. It is also one of the many places where minors can ask adults (strangers) to transfer 1 cent for them. Chris wrote it is "reasonable to assume that [...] kids will have to ask their parents for chat access", which was a misjudgement on his part. If anything, it may give parents a false sense of security regarding their children's online safety. Parents should teach their children to use the internet responsibly and discuss the possible hazards. Some of them picked the lazy 'solution': they asked Chris to spoil part of the other players' fun, probably by exaggerating the potential threat.

Also, there are adults who are unable to get chat access, because they can't get - or have serious concerns about getting - a credit card or a PayPal account. I'm one of these adults. However, I don't really mind not being able to use the in-game chat.

Of course they could get help. But they could also just steal their parents' credit cards. They will be the ones deciding which one is a better choice for them. Besides, I also want to point out (again, probably) that 1. Most people don't have chat and an inability to communicate quickly enough can make people impatient and angry. 2. We do have chat with bricks. Anyone can spell out any series of bad words with the bricks; they aren't even blocked.   3. The system is bypassable. It isn't completely secure, as Chris may think. Stealing happens. And now nlmdejonge please read all of my post. I meant to say that if you just ask for the date of birth, the people that need to be blocked will not cheat the system, and the people that can cheat the system probably would just (ahem, *steal*). And finally, I agree with TakoMan: if some parents are so foolish to think that if they keep their children from using chat that they will be protected, they are really doing some bad parenting. We all have to learn that the world isn't only full of nice people; the older you are when you learn it the more it hurts. Parental concerns will always exist, but not all of them are completely rational. If you want your child to play a social game then be prepared for everything that comes with it. I believe that only the parents are fully satisfied with this decision, and that means only the parents that have asked. There are other parents out there that don't want to give a credit card number for a flash game their children are playing, and there are other children that want to be able to chat without the red tape. I believe that the vast majority of people do not truly want chat locked. Remember that although there is no chat enabled for some of us, our feelings can still be hurt just as bad as a couple of mean words by actions in-game.

#262 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Today my parents agreed to get me chat if i did some work //

So i worked for 3 hours, then when we finally came around to it they decided not to get it because it is NOT recomended for under 13 //

Personaly I feel ripped off. They had once already agreeded to it when they got me beta :O

PLEASE fix this system!

#263 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

inkyvoyd wrote:


I agree, my mother doesn't have a credit card and doesn't want to get one any soon, my father will never pay for a suspect-looking online game he's never heard of, my brother won't.. well he just won't, and that's about it.

And I agree with a post said before: WHAT DOES MAKE EE SO SPECIAL? Why do they have to be the red water drop in the ocean? Just implement the 'If-you-don't-like-it-then-remove-it' system instead of the 'If-you-like-it-then-pay-1-cent-to-get-it' one.

Last edited by Tudoreleuu (Mar 31 2011 9:42:44 am)

#264 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

stevethepirahnaplant wrote:

Ya want to know how to keep chat free of cussing? Every time you cuss the chat box dissapears and the verification price doubles. eventually you will have to pay this much:
Times cussing                       1         2         3           4         5         6           7            8            9            10            11           12            13
New verification price      2c      4c        8c      16c     32c     64c   $1.28     2.56     5.12      10.24     20.48     40.96      81.92

I'm quoting myself...
Anyway, after posting this i realized that it would not solve the initial problem (1-cent verification) so new plan:

Chat starts free... after cussing then you must pay verification price. //
please respond.

#265 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

How about this; everybody has chat, but there would be something built into the client that disables chat when you say a swear/insulting word in the chat. And it would not only delete chat for the person who was insulting or swearing, but that chat message would not be said. Like you could list every swearing/insulting word on a censor in the client. There would basically be a list of swearing and insulting words in the client that you could update, then the client would monitor every chat message before said. And once it monitors, if it has one of the listed words it will tell you on the client, disable chat for the user and delete the message with the word so it won't be said. Who likes this idea?

#266 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Clever but the parents still might not wnat their children to chat, and sometimes people slip a word, an example; "SH*T I FELL!!!!" But I see where your coming from, like if they are calling eachother names.

#267 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Not me. The main reason I don't want chat for everybody is the constant "Code? PLZ IS MY BIRTHDAY. RLY. I NO TROL. GIMME CODE PLZ. CODE? CODE? CODE?" It is already non-stop in every level you go to. Anyway... you said the censor/swear detector was in the client. Use WPE to get around that. Or just mod the client.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#268 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Yeah the idea has some issues.

#269 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

As I suggested before; make a code that prevents the letters in a curse word to be x spaces from each other; disable overuse of a single character(used to space the letters); disable more than two comments in a row; and disable one character messages(that's right, you have to spell out numbers... or at least do '#' first). ADDED onto what eg1 said(filtering out misspelled curse words, spelled with asterisk, etc.) *This should NEVER be case-sensitive*

You can just create your own secret language for cursing anyways, so I don't see what the big deal is.

EDIT: Well then like WoW does, make a program that detects people who use WPE for that reason and ban them for x days.

Last edited by TrappedTime (Apr 4 2011 6:03:52 pm)

#270 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

To tell you the truth maybe poeple shoul'd be able to us foul language. I'm assuming parents relize what internet chatting is like and it there desision to provide the children with the chat function, such as people with their own credit card, they'er adults. So maybe having general cuss words looking like: **** is alright but we don't need to go over that.

#271 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

CHRIS, you just made sure that nobody could talk. I mean really. No one that has chat uses it after they realize that nobody else has it.

#272 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

you're so wrong...

#273 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I like the idea about a password
but i cant think of anything else //

#274 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Hmm... What about you must have a parent account that can enables and disables chat?

#275 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

How about you have to pay but you don't need a credit card, just a bank account?

Chris 142393302928403

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