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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#226 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

No one is understanding my point...
(lol filter works)

#227 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ECC wrote:

I have a perfect solution for this issue. To start, chat is enabled for ALL accounts. then if a parrent decided to disable it, they simply put in a code of their choice and it is turned off untill the code is entered. now, while the chat is disabled for an account the chat will still show up but no text other then admin/moderator messages(system) shows up. also, while disabled, a system message in bold red text will show up stating the following(but corrected spelling/grammar)

If no parent/guardian/adult enabled this parental control, then parents/guardians/adults are STRONGLY suggested to confront the user of this account to obtain the lock-out code

1: It may not be possible for a child to keep this feature secret from their parents.

How can you hide large red text? it's quite hard if you ask me. at least if you still want to operate the game properly

2: It must rely on a secure method of verifying age as people lie when simply asked.

It's not quite as secure as the current operation stile, BUT, a warning is included and because parents have the magical power called ''i ground you'' i am sure this will not be an issue

3: It may not be possible for a child to cheat. Simple quizzes etc are not secure.

sure a kid or two will cheat this. BUT, a kid will not get very far if the parent can read the large red text.

4: It must work in the free game as well, as I am merging them back together shortly.

the two are already merged and as i have not suggested to make this option beta only i feel safe with this option

This is good, the only bad thing is.. If the kid really wants it that badly, they could just make a new account and get it from there. I suggest, implimenting a thing that goes with the .sol that EE has, that way it prevents the kid whomever it may be from creating a new account and bypassing it. Since most kids do not know where .sol's are located, I think it would be very hard for them to figure out how to get rid of the parental control. Even if they did get rid of it, the parent's could just reset it.

Also, I think when Parental control is off it should have the letters in Red, and when it's on it should be the color Blue/White. That way, if a parent does see that their kid somehow disabled it, they could see it in Red and turn it back on with a different code.

My 3rd point, is that someone mentioned earlier that a kid has learned to swear at some time or another. My neighbor who is 10 learned how to swear in 4th grade from kids on the bus. Who taught those kids how to swear? No-one knows, but they learned and the bus driver/teachers don't do anything about it. Kids nowadays are learning how to swear earlier and younger in life. No matter what you do, you can't stop people from swearing. In trolled maps, you will see swears everywhere. You'll see people making **** you troll! Go die you ***hole! and a ton of other junk. I mean, there's no possible way to stop it. The best thing you could possibly do for chat is make it free for everyone so that people aren't mad about that, and put a filter in that disables swears. Heck, i'll even go out and make a list of every known swear if needed.


#228 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

You guys do realize that if chat was free for everyone not only would kids learn swears but there would be 8 year olds spamming the chat?

#229 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Yes Chewy, that's why room owners should be able to mute people who are in that room, and there should be an anti-spam feature (1 message per 2 seconds or something).

#230 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

How hard would it be to set up,

1. A mute button or kick user button.

2. Something that stops spam.

3. Something that stops swear.

Seems simple -_-

#231 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Now Spaaam?
Thats Hard...
Just got the idea of filter guyz but how spam can affect the childhood?

#232 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Hey! It is a very good idea for the Parental Control already. There already too many noobs asking for your account or asking for the code. Releasing chat for everyone would increase this tenfold. Good guys are outnumbered by noobs already. It'd be 10 noobs for every one good guy if they had it for everyone.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#233 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Hammyobob wrote:
ECC wrote:

I have a perfect solution...     QUOTE SHORTENED     ...with this option

This is good, the only bad thing is.. If the kid really wants it that badly, they could just make a new account and get it from there. I suggest, implimenting a thing that goes with the .sol that EE has, that way it prevents the kid whomever it may be from creating a new account and bypassing it. Since most kids do not know where .sol's are located, I think it would be very hard for them to figure out how to get rid of the parental control. Even if they did get rid of it, the parent's could just reset it.

Also, I think when Parental control is off it should have the letters in Red, and when it's on it should be the color Blue/White. That way, if a parent does see that their kid somehow disabled it, they could see it in Red and turn it back on with a different code.

My 3rd point, is that someone mentioned earlier that a kid has learned to swear at some time or another. My neighbor who is 10 learned how to swear in 4th grade from kids on the bus. Who taught those kids how to swear? No-one knows, but they learned and the bus driver/teachers don't do anything about it. Kids nowadays are learning how to swear earlier and younger in life. No matter what you do, you can't stop people from swearing. In trolled maps, you will see swears everywhere. You'll see people making **** you troll! Go die you ***hole! and a ton of other junk. I mean, there's no possible way to stop it. The best thing you could possibly do for chat is make it free for everyone so that people aren't mad about that, and put a filter in that disables swears. Heck, i'll even go out and make a list of every known swear if needed.


ok, a way to keep a child from just switching accounts would be to not only leave a bite on the server but a cookie on the users computer. or if assessable on the registry. that would further insure a child could not hide the chat. even i have trouble accessing both resources... and im the one who taught my household how to use them! now i KNOW you can easily clear the cookies, but the registry is a bit harder to do. it alot of times has to be done with extra programs or even manually.

EDIT: the cookie or registry idea is universal and effects all accounts used on the computer. it only effects that computer however and not the information stored on the server.
Im all for parental control, but the kind we currently use is just too shady for today's society. chris, if you actually read this, then i say give a week trial out to some of us users utilizing one or two of our hard worked ideas. and please, not just betas, balance between both groups of users

Last edited by ECC (Mar 15 2011 10:26:39 pm)

#234 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ECC wrote:
Hammyobob wrote:
ECC wrote:

I have a perfect solution...     QUOTE SHORTENED     ...with this option

This is good, the only bad thing is.. If the kid really wants it that badly, they could just make a new account and get it from there. I suggest, implimenting a thing that goes with the .sol that EE has, that way it prevents the kid whomever it may be from creating a new account and bypassing it. Since most kids do not know where .sol's are located, I think it would be very hard for them to figure out how to get rid of the parental control. Even if they did get rid of it, the parent's could just reset it.


ok, a way to keep a child from just switching accounts would be to not only leave a bite on the server but a cookie on the users computer. or if assessable on the registry. that would further insure a child could not hide the chat. even i have trouble accessing both resources... and im the one who taught my household how to use them! now i KNOW you can easily clear the cookies, but the registry is a bit harder to do. it alot of times has to be done with extra programs or even manually.

EDIT: the cookie or registry idea is universal and effects all accounts used on the computer. it only effects that computer however and not the information stored on the server.
Im all for parental control, but the kind we currently use is just too shady for today's society. chris, if you actually read this, then i say give a week trial out to some of us users utilizing one or two of our hard worked ideas. and please, not just betas, balance between both groups of users

That's what I meant by placing a code or something in the game files that detects if parental control is on. I mean, it's not hard for parents to turn it off with a simple code like "Parentalcontrol11432" and implimenting that code into the game files, Since the game files are stored on your computer/your user, it will be hard for a child to try to crack it. Not only that, but if they do seem to make a new account, the file is still in the folder and is linked to your computer so no goes on the chat.

For instance, say I play a game on Kong and beat it. Well, I go to a new account and the save file is still there. The reason the save file is still there is because of a certain folder that holds all the files of that website. When you start up the game, it goes into those folders and locates the file that is designated with that game, which starts up a new game or a saved game. I think however, if you place something into the registry it might be hard for parents to remove it completely. (I mean, i'm 18, and I know all about the registry and everything about where these "folders" are located.) ""Decided not to give out the name of where the folders are as we don't want any kids tampering with them //""

LcKing wrote:

Now Spaaam?
Thats Hard...
Just got the idea of filter guyz but how spam can affect the childhood?

Spam? You seriously can't think of how spam can affect children? // Think if there was no filter, and there was no spam protection.. Troll: **** **** **** **** Every second (Stars are implimented, not the word).

@Different: Yes, but if there is Kick from a room, Mute from the room etc then you could just kick the person. 1 last suggestion, I think if a room says "Account/pass/email" it should be instantly removed from the servers as to not let kids come in and see that information.

Last edited by Hammyobob (Mar 16 2011 12:43:14 am)

#235 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

A Low Frequency Captya Saying A letter, Adult Types It Down, Child Can't Hear It Because It is Invisible To Their Ears.
This Is NOT going to work so why bother.:P

Last edited by Jacobn617 (Mar 16 2011 1:29:31 am)

#236 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Psst Jacob, it's the parents that can't hear it // Hearing diminishes with age.

#237 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chris, can you at least make sure that players who can chat see an "X" next to players who can't chat, when they start chatting? Right now, when people start to chat, all I see is a constant stream of nothing: (mirror)
And sometimes they just keep on trying. Maybe they think I can read what they write, but that I just cannot reply.
People don't know that those without chat can't read things either, because this used to be different.
Really, sometimes players just keep on chatting to me for minutes, and I can't tell them "I can't read your messages.", because I can't chat.
It is painful. I've suggested this before, it's not that hard to implement: if someone start chatting, just add "X"es to any other players who do not have chat capabilities.

Last edited by nlmdejonge (Mar 18 2011 8:44:39 pm)

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#238 Before February 2015

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Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Non-chatters are dark gray. Chatters are brighter.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#239 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Different55 wrote:

Non-chatters are dark gray. Chatters are brighter.

They are? Hum... I guess it's not clear enough to some people what the color difference means. //

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#240 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

It's pretty clear:
I think they are just talking to someone else somewhere in the level


#241 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

EDJ wrote:

It's pretty clear:
I think they are just talking to someone else somewhere in the level

I'm pretty sure he means when you're playing on the non-beta, witch has no chat bar. It might help if it was like this:D0N2n.png

#242 Before February 2015

Mel Mel

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'm 12 and I've been told that I was very mature for my age.I hate swearing and I like the idea of the room creator being able to mute whoever they want. I would really like to have Chat but my parents' credit card won't accept one penny. EOpYT.png


Last edited by Mel Mel (Mar 19 2011 4:56:38 am)

#243 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Gamer36 wrote:

I'm pretty sure he means when you're playing on the non-beta, witch has no chat bar. It might help if it was like this:

Yeah, exactly.

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#244 Before February 2015

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Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Gamer36 wrote:
EDJ wrote:

It's pretty clear:
I think they are just talking to someone else somewhere in the level

I'm pretty sure he means when you're playing on the non-beta, witch has no chat bar. It might help if it was like this:

non-beta has a chat bar.... anyone who has chat has a chat bar....

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#245 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chat without chatbar is pretty useless
But only on and the beta is there a sidebar


#246 Before February 2015

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Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Kong & FB don't deserve a chat bar //

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#247 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-12-29
Posts: 2,659

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I got my chat before I got Beta!


#248 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

So the other user's get free Chat? And we gave you $0,01 or ?0,01? .. sad :O

#249 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

How about players can get chat by proving they have a Facebook account. after all, You have to be 13 or older to create one.

#250 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Or owning a domain name?

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


Chris 142393302928403

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