Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#201 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Maybe a math test and introduce parents email.NOT THE ONE FROM GAME.Like a parental control that if the parents put the code in the chat code box (the code is emailed IN A DIFFERENT EMAIL THAN THE ACCOUNT).
If they put the code the kid can talk 1 day and then he remains without chat.

#202 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

blacker123456 and all the other people who suggested this, your ideas are good, however they would not work because:

1) If someone with a learning disability wanted to enable chat and was over 13, they may not be able to complete a maths test. Also, people under 13 could just Google the answers to the questions in the test.

2) Parent emails won't work as a child could just make a new account and pretend that it is the parents account.

#203 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

99% of people don't care about swearing and what not, the 1% who's parents freak out about it, should just be able to block their child's account if they care that much, kids now a days have a terrible vocabulary at the age of 9, you can't change it, its just society, so really, just make it so anyone can chat.

#204 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Don't treat Everybody Edits as the only game on the Internet with chat. There's no reason this site specifically should be treated with this kind of verification. There are much worse things out there. Heck, you know about Maplestory? It's an online game filled with people from age 10 and beyond, and if you do know about it, then you know how bad its community is. Yet, is it really THAT bad? People are mean, yeah, but does it really influence children THAT much? Maplestory is only one example, there's countless online games in the world.

It's as if it's assumed children have never, in their entire lives, heard a curse word. It's ridiculous. Everyone's heard one before. There's no reason why we should be concerned about swearing, and it's being treated as if it's a mandatory law. We have enough censorship as is already. I mean, whose parents really really really care? If they're this concerned they wouldn't allow their kids on the Internet anyway.

#205 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

i enjoyed reading this

#206 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

There are not enough in game mods in everybody edits, so we definatley need parental controls.... Paying a penny is a little bit strange.   We need to comprimise, find a solution that everybody will agree on. I think that everybody should have chat, and to make sure nobody spams we just have more in game mods. The in game mods would NOT have the same freedoms that administrators (such as Chris, RPG, Cyclone, Toby) have. They would only have the power to ban people. This would get rid of most of the bad language and spamming.

Last edited by Tree (Feb 22 2011 10:36:33 pm)

#207 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Im fine with the 1 cent but can you put   mobile as an option? Much more people could get chat if there were different payment options. the only point this wouldn't solve is making sure kids couldn't tell there parents, but if they have a phone, im quite sure their aloud to chat on the internet.

Also, im sorry if this has been said already, but it really needs to be added.

EDIT: meh grammarz

Last edited by contomman (Feb 23 2011 8:53:40 pm)

#208 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

can't chat just be free again cuz my parent don't want to pay chat for me and i want chat!:(

#209 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

benjamin9696 wrote:

can't chat just be free again cuz my parent don't want to pay chat for me and i want chat!:(

You clearly don't understand the point of parental control.

#210 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Duh; ben you are being clueless (no offense).

#211 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

charizard wrote:

Don't treat Everybody Edits as the only game on the Internet with chat. There's no reason this site specifically should be treated with this kind of verification. There are much worse things out there. Heck, you know about Maplestory? It's an online game filled with people from age 10 and beyond, and if you do know about it, then you know how bad its community is. Yet, is it really THAT bad? People are mean, yeah, but does it really influence children THAT much? Maplestory is only one example, there's countless online games in the world.

It's as if it's assumed children have never, in their entire lives, heard a curse word. It's ridiculous. Everyone's heard one before. There's no reason why we should be concerned about swearing, and it's being treated as if it's a mandatory law. We have enough censorship as is already. I mean, whose parents really really really care? If they're this concerned they wouldn't allow their kids on the Internet anyway.

Exactly my point.
They should have a quiz that no kid could answer.
If you got 2 q's wrong you're OUT!
'Zat good?
I think it shouldn't be like PayPerView.
Fix it, LOL....
Also, cookies are tasty!

#212 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

My mom doesn't care.

#213 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

VERY bad idea, Chris.   I'm almost 16 years old, I'm among the 99% of the people on the internet who could care less about other people swearing.   My parents think that paying just a single cent over the internet seems a tad suspicious, and I can't do the ****ing /reset in my saved worlds, just because I don't have chat access!   So now, my worlds are completely defenseless against trolls, and I can't communicate with other players, just because my parents refuse to pay a cent over the internet! And even if I did have chat, about 90% of the other players wouldn't be able to see my messages! How come I'm able to talk here on these forums, but I can't send or receive messages in game?   Lots of other games have chat systems.   Have you considered putting in a language filter?   Or making a report system for people who swear?   This completely flawed decision of yours is killing the ratings on this masterpiece of a game!

#214 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Jman15 wrote:

VERY bad idea, Chris.   I'm almost 16 years old, I'm among the 99% of the people on the internet who could care less about other people swearing.   My parents think that paying just a single cent over the internet seems a tad suspicious, and I can't do the ****ing /reset in my saved worlds, just because I don't have chat access!   So now, my worlds are completely defenseless against trolls, and I can't communicate with other players, just because my parents refuse to pay a cent over the internet! And even if I did have chat, about 90% of the other players wouldn't be able to see my messages! How come I'm able to talk here on these forums, but I can't send or receive messages in game?   Lots of other games have chat systems.   Have you considered putting in a language filter?   Or making a report system for people who swear?   This completely flawed decision of yours is killing the ratings on this masterpiece of a game!


Last edited by NikK (Feb 27 2011 12:05:52 pm)

#215 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Ok, when you sign up for EE make the child put there parents e-mail address. Then e-mail the parent all the rules of the game, and tell them there child has chat. Then let the parents decide whether the child should have chat. If they say no, just take the chat away. Then if a child mis-uses chat take the chat away, and notify the parents of their behavior. It should then be the parents decision of whether the child should be able to use chat. If they mis-use again after being allowed chat, ban them from chatting for good.

#216 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I have a perfect solution for this issue. To start, chat is enabled for ALL accounts. then if a parrent decided to disable it, they simply put in a code of their choice and it is turned off untill the code is entered. now, while the chat is disabled for an account the chat will still show up but no text other then admin/moderator messages(system) shows up. also, while disabled, a system message in bold red text will show up stating the following(but corrected spelling/grammar)

If no parent/guardian/adult enabled this parental control, then parents/guardians/adults are STRONGLY suggested to confront the user of this account to obtain the lock-out code

1: It may not be possible for a child to keep this feature secret from their parents.

How can you hide large red text? it's quite hard if you ask me. at least if you still want to operate the game properly

2: It must rely on a secure method of verifying age as people lie when simply asked.

It's not quite as secure as the current operation stile, BUT, a warning is included and because parents have the magical power called ''i ground you'' i am sure this will not be an issue

3: It may not be possible for a child to cheat. Simple quizzes etc are not secure.

sure a kid or two will cheat this. BUT, a kid will not get very far if the parent can read the large red text.

4: It must work in the free game as well, as I am merging them back together shortly.

the two are already merged and as i have not suggested to make this option beta only i feel safe with this option

Last edited by ECC (Feb 28 2011 9:08:48 pm)

#217 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Conary wrote:
RPGMaster2000 wrote:
alex wrote:

I think a point system could work, where 100 points disabled chat, and you lose 1 point a day some works like crap or damn could be 1-2 points, more offensive ones like **** and such would be 5-10, and racial and otherwise 'offensive' words could be 20-50 points.
This could even work on an honers system, people report it swears, then the mods can gauge how many points the person should get('oh, ****, I fell' would get less warning than 'you ***ing loser!!!').

Also, restrict use of god mode while banned, give ~50 warning for trolling, and you'll get rid of most trolls simultaneously.

I like this idea. Though it world require a very extensive library of swear words and all variations of it.

Not to mention in other languages.

Then again our world has brought us google translate.

#218 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think that you should just have to have an Email.

Most kids that are 'to young' or 'immature' don't have there own email adress, they have to use thier parents.

Anyway most parents are to busy or can;t be bothered giving up thier time (and credit card) to get something that might not even be secure for thier child.

I think the best way is just to let it role. If the parents have a problem with it they will stop thier kid from playing it won't they?

#219 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I agree with the safe-chat system. Then, people can only say what the boxes say.
Or at least take the time to fix up a code saying that if all the required letters to create a curse word are together or seperate by only one space/other character(either all letters or varying) then they are censored. Yeah this could create SOME problems, but i think it could work.[Okay maybe not just one space, but something of that sort]

#220 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I don't really think the chat system will change anymore


#221 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Well...i seriously tired of have to give the code to some one to chat but
And i realy see some good ideas like sky eye's idea,a filter wold solve everything!Check on Epic Duel!Check on AQW!Great filters!And not just that,it would be good that it has a mute button!Like ShellShock!IT DON'T SUCK!
However even if that are all great ideas to solve the parental control i don't know why some admin or even chris haven't taked the idea of whoever is the lucky guy who solved it!
God!There are active mod or admins,and chris is busy,but to come to USA,and come back to densmark is lot of pray to catch and he even update EE!Chris is not SEEING the forum,he knows that a lot of people are trying to have chat,but he forgot to read the posts!
If i am wrong?IDK but that's just a probability why is taking too long to have free chat with
Some mod or admin can tell me if chris is seeing the post.
Anybody!Please!There are great ideas and the parental control sould be fixed NOW!

Last edited by LcKing (Mar 9 2011 11:13:20 am)

#222 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Hum...... I think a filter will be good.

Like if someone say onde bar word it appears like:"*****". And if the player insists saying it he get mutted for an hour..

and of course if the player use space to say the word it need to count as a bad word too.

#223 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Conary wrote:

I say:
1 day
1 week
2 weeks
1 month

how about when you get to forever, you can buy it back for like, say, either 100 gems or minus 20 max energy?

also, maybe banning "What's you're password" could help

#224 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

c1231 wrote:
Conary wrote:

I say:
1 day
1 week
2 weeks
1 month

how about when you get to forever, you can buy it back for like, say, either 100 gems or minus 20 max energy?

also, maybe banning "What's you're password" could help

It can be an other idea but at least if Chris see that...

#225 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

To ECC: It's posible to hide. Some parents(like mine) don't often look at child's monitor.

Chris 142393302928403

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