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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#151 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

how to use spawn point ?

#152 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

please give me an answer !

#153 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Rodrimax10: Try posting this as a topic in the General Discussion forum //

Last edited by BillyP (Jan 11 2011 2:35:24 pm)

#154 Before February 2015

EE King

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I have an idea, if you bought beta with a credit card you should be able to have the chat for free, but if you earned it you still have to pay. Because knowing that you payed for beta with a credit card, you should earn the chat, and not have to pay again. And you should get like warnings or something along that line.

#155 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

or hey why dnt you do like most other online site and jut have a comfirmation ur 15 or how old you wnt them to be and a parent complains all you have to say is i put a comfirmation tht he was 15 so he abvisouly lied about his age so in short term its the childs fault not urs ex. ur not aloud to have an account on kong unless your older then 12 or something and people cus all the time and parents cnt do anything about it cuse they know kong is doing something atleast p.s. im not great at spellin so plz ignore tht i completly failed english my freshman year lol.

#156 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Error to all ideas -
Parents can lie if the child gets what they want. Spoiled brats.

#157 Before February 2015

EE King

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

my idea aint an error

#158 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I really understand the idea of parental control, in fact, I am supporting this. But, this isn't going to work, apparently paypal and my creditcard are having issues with each other, so I can't get the chat option.
I see that Paypal is an easy way to figure out who's an adult/got permission, but it isn't going to work for everyone. The only easy way to do this is asking for everyone's age, those who are younger than a certain age would not get acces on the chat, and the young kids who are pretending that they are old enough are risking a chat ban, or at least, its not your responseability anymore if they lie about their age.

#159 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

bloo47 wrote:
smilingnothing wrote:
RPGMaster2000 wrote:

Naturally, we'd have to include every possible variation in the database as well.

If you'll use SQL, there is a "like" function. This function is usually using on movie databases but you can use it on swear filter. That function works like if you search "select * from swear_db where swear = like "****"" that will returns "****" for like "", "phuck" etc. This will save time because you'll only enter swear words with no censors. Hope that it helps.
(p.s. if there isn't SQL functions in AS3, you can use PHP and AS3 asynchronous.)

what if you're saying the movie title "little fockers"?

I don't understand... There isn't any movie in EE.

#160 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Chris wrote:

So, naturally a lot of people are sad/mad about the new limitation to the chat. So here is your chance to help change it.

What you need to do is describe an alternative system that is at least as secure and easy to use as the current system. Basically the system must satisfy the following requirements.

1: It may not be possible for a child to keep this feature secret from their parents.
2: It must rely on a secure method of verifying age as people lie when simply asked.
3: It may not be possible for a child to cheat. Simple quizzes etc are not secure.
4: It must work in the free game as well, as I am merging them back together shortly.

In short the goal is to ensure that children must explicitly ask their parents for permission and that the parents have to make a conscious decision to allow chat for their child even though it's not appropriate for children.

Examples of systems that do not satisfy the above goals.
A: Password based system where parents can disable a chat and set a password to re-enable it.
- This solution does not satisfy point 1 and 2.
(More to come here I expect)

[Edit:] A secure method that does not require credit card would be amazing!

Did you stop working on this issue? //

#161 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

constantly amazed at how clever our children here are and as soon a puzzle has been solved by one, everyone will know the answer.

What if you make multiple different ones or change the words.

#162 Before February 2015

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,509

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

OKAY, I thought of a fantastic lame idea.
Okay, okay, Chris, this'll make you cringe because you're lazy, but OH WELL.

'Safe chat'
Too lazy [hahaha] to retype this so wall of text.
<%zoey2070> You can only say specific phrases
<%zoey2070> so like you'll type something like
<%zoey2070> for the little kids
<%zoey2070> like whoever pays could have free chat
<%zoey2070> but the kids can't see it or something
<%zoey2070> like you'll go to type "hi // i leik dis lvl"
<%zoey2070> and it'll change it to- as you type- Hi, I like this level.
<%zoey2070> or something
<%zoey2070> and if there's a word not in it you'll get an error or something
<%zoey2070> like autocorrect on phones
<%zoey2070> ok so it's like, you're typing something, and it'll auto correct it to match a preset phrase
<%zoey2070> and kids with 'safe chat' can't see the norm chat
<%zoey2070> or something
<%zoey2070> oh and plus chris sucks at spelling
<%zoey2070> so I vote cyclone check all the phrases or something LOL
<+Cody_K> you'd need a program to be able to disect sentences or something
<%zoey2070> or you could do something even more horrific
<%zoey2070> and have indian tech centers correct it manually LOL
<%AlexR> I think a list of things would work
<%zoey2070> or you could just do list of phrases like no flexibility
<%zoey2070> but those **** me off
Yeah, I cut most of the stuff that I didn't say out, someone asked me to explain it again so I did.
But only have it for little kids so like, there's normal chat and safe chat, and normal chatters see everything but safe only see safe. Any non-payers get safe chat.

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#163 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

my idea is to just reenable chat for every1. because where this is heading it's not going look pretty.Chris just reenable chat, youre losing players because of the chat problem. if u think this way will work rep+ me

#164 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

silverx37 wrote:

my idea is to just reenable chat for every1. because where this is heading it's not going look pretty.Chris just reenable chat, youre losing players because of the chat problem. if u think this way will work rep+ me

I want the chat back, too, but if Chris releases it without the parental control thing, then people who spent time on buying it will become very angry.

#165 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

my idea is to have preset phrases for ppl that dont pay for chat. nonchatters can only use and see those phrases.


#166 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I posted my idea a few pages back, click here to view it.

To sum it up: Simple Chat, you get some phrases that you can send, but both normal chatters and simple chatters can see it. Simple chatters can't see normal chatters' messages. Click the link for a more detailed explanation. //

#167 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

My dad thinks that the 1 cent thing is a scam for stealing money no matter what I tell him... //

However in the mean time while we don't have chat just yet, we can have some type of safe chat. Also add some of the other ideas like if you use the words the wrong way a ban or energy loss will happen. It can keep everyone happy and busy while we are planing a way for parental control. //

Last edited by YoshidudeEx (Jan 16 2011 9:58:10 pm)

#168 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think there should be a specific code for this:

If the letters of a curse word are spelt out in any order in the same message, they are consored.

Yeah this might cause some problems, but what kind of sentences can you make using each letter in a different word? They would seem silly and off-topic if you really try..

#169 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

what about via cellphone like you enter your number then you send a code and we enter the code
that would work right?

#170 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Someone just got a hold of my moms credit card number, we hevent lost any of our cards so we think we lost it from the internet somehow. There is no way my mom is going to buy something for 1 cent now.... I wouldent either! I can see why she might think this measly payment of 1 cent might be a scam.

I even asked her and she screamed out my Fkin ear drums lol!
Oh yes and by the way chris, you have your game on kongregate, im shure many people play from that site. Are you aware that there is a chat right next to your game? Im not trying to be mean or anything, just sayin that people will find a way to chat... I use tinychat, sometimes, xat, and kongregate. It would be nice if you just added back the chat and made it nice and convenient. //

Last edited by ivel236 (Jan 21 2011 5:44:10 pm)

#171 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

ok so completely disabling the chat wont really work,BUT keeping the chat has made ppl mad so lets try an idea i saw earlier (this is 4 the kids who have parents who wont participate in getting chat).u can have chat on BUT, for kids whos parents really care about them being safe from inappropiate exposure,they can disable chat for 1 cent, & after awhile, when the parent thinks the kid is going to be fine with chat they can reenable for another cent. the idea of this is to give parents the option to control their kids option to chat, while letting kids with parents that dont really care, able 2 chat if u think THIS way will work rep + me

Last edited by silverx37 (Jan 22 2011 1:32:13 pm)

#172 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think parental control is all fine and dandy except some people don't have credit cards to activate their paypals like me for instance. I am 18, and I do have a paypal with money in it. I can not get a credit card, and my parents won't allow me to use theirs as we've had our credit card numbers stolen somehow from a woman in Malaysia. How did she get it, no-one knows. We lost about 2-3k and the bank didn't pay anything so my mom doesn't allow me to buy anything or give out any numbers on the internet.

I would love to use my paypal money for something as simple as this matter but no credit card number = no paypal, which sucks. Also yes, there are a lot of kids playing (Expecially on Kongregate).

#173 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I have an idea.

Maybe, instead of a verification system, what if a Filter were to be put in chat? If someone swears, for example they say the s-word, it would come out as "****" and they would get a warning. This way, when someone swears they get punished, and children are also protected.

Also, to prevent children from giving out their personal details (as many children do not realize the dangers of giving out private information to stranger on the internet), when someone says for example, "Where do you live?" a warning pops up to everyone in the chat room saying something like "This person is asking for your personal details. Giving them out may be dangerous" or something.

Anyway thats just an idea, but i hope another system is created without the having the use of a credit card.

#174 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

What about ask for your parent's email?

#175 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

No way, they can lie.....

I don't understand why EE need this verify (I didn't read that text on EE game), all the games (MMORPG in the majority) have chats for free and just ask the age......

Ok, I will think on something to help you.

Chris 142393302928403

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