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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#126 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Okay let's see. Have parents email you verifying that the kid can have the chat?
Anything that does not require payment and filling out forms[my mom would never do that].
Or maybe ask a college-level question that kids can't answer.[Lol, make the parents do the work? XD]
Idk. Something on those lines, but work off of it if needed.
Good idea I think.

#127 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Questions aren't a good idea, because people can just Google the answer. :/

#128 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

questions in skype could be a good idea, no time to google them.

#129 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

TrappedTime said:
Questions aren't a good idea, because people can just Google the answer.

Yeah... :O

#130 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I have an idea...Instead of censoring words, it just doesnt let them say it and they lose points and it says "Please do not use inappropriate language." //

#131 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

That could be a thought, but put // at the end of it.

#132 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Why the question's. It's for me impossible to ask my parents because they mostly don't know what the question mean's. Then can only very smart people answer the question and when i get the agree for chat. I can't have that because for the stupid question.

#133 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Maybe you just shouldn't get chat at all, looking at your amazing English skills.

It's not because some people are too dumb to know the answers, that nobody should get any.

#134 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I think that to make sure people are the appropriate age, you should make questions that only people of the right age could answer, but have a medium time limit that gives them enough time to answer, but not enough time to Google it. College level questions are not a good idea, because I can tell you that most adults are even less skilled them their children. Something from a class around middle-school level Geometry should be right, because anyone who could even understand the problem should be the right age, and geometry isn't just something that can be Googled most of the time. Also, at that age, most children should be mature enough to be able to handle the chat, and most parents of those children should understand that their children aren't 5 anymore.

#135 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Good idea cheezburger, thats a good idea. to reinforce it though there should be a filter and a point system.

Edit: Minor typo

Last edited by DarkFire (Jan 6 2011 2:34:22 pm)

#136 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

DarkFire wrote:

Good idea cheezburger, thats a good idea. to reinforce it though there should be a filter and a point system.

Edit: Minor typo

Well maybe, but at this age people should be able to handle it.

#137 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

I'm started to get really annoyed with this thing, people have been talking about getting CHAT for 6 pages. Why can't you just make a lot of different options to get it, keep the one that's now active, but also make some so eg people with skype can prove their over 13/15.
I'm in EE right now, I see chat bubbles everywhere and I can't talk, while I know people are discussing about this in such a lame way, no offense, but stop saying QUESTIONS, because questions suck, they could ask their brother or anyone to solve them.
I don't see why chat for everyone and a few mods who can mute wouldn't solve everything?
I'd even help myself, if you want, I'll even donate 15 Euros or more (for mod).
Everything everyone wants is just a clean chat, and mods can help with that, trust me.
I'm an admin and a server owner on 2 entirely different games from this one, both FPS's, which are known for immature people in it, with free chat for everyone, as soon as someone micspams or -floods, types or says offensive stuff or TK'ing, he gets banned/kicked/muted/gagged/silenced/... , it's as simple as that!
Every game creator knows admins and mods fix everything, but you indeed need people who can be trusted to do the job.

#138 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Cheezburger wrote:

but have a medium time limit that gives them enough time to answer, but not enough time to Google it.

Unless you have a really bad connection, you should be able to google anything in 5 minutes, even your mother's maiden name (IP-adress>location>residents>females>age>name).

#139 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

"I just want the ******* chat!!!"

See, that's how good censorship is, I mean c'mon everyone knows what's behind those stars, even a kid, it's just annoying if you want to write a word in your language that looks like it, and it gets censored.

#140 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

No actually I revise my opinion. I don't want everyone to have chat, looking at how crowded some boss levels are, it would be uncontrollable for just 1 or even 5 mods to keep 30 or more flooding persons under control. Make it that they have to fill in their parents adress if they're under 13, some of them will just write their own, but that doesn't matter, because a lot of them won't, and it will just reduce the amount of players chatting. So the persons who are even unable to make an e-mail adress and act as if it's their parent's, don't get chat. I know this won't fix the problem at all and it's far too easy to bypass it, but that's where the mods come in.

Like this there would be less people talking, and the mods would be able to keep the crowd that is talking under control.

#141 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

RPGMaster2000 wrote:
musuki wrote:
EDJ wrote:

Ontopic pls

Anyway I like Alex' idea the most, some sort of bar which fills at every swear word.
This will require no need of extra "mods"

What if type in fack/fak/fook/fok/****/f*ck/phuck/f.uck etc?

Naturally, we'd have to include every possible variation in the database as well.

If you'll use SQL, there is a "like" function. This function is usually using on movie databases but you can use it on swear filter. That function works like if you search "select * from swear_db where swear = like "****"" that will returns "****" for like "", "phuck" etc. This will save time because you'll only enter swear words with no censors. Hope that it helps.
(p.s. if there isn't SQL functions in AS3, you can use PHP and AS3 asynchronous.)

#142 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

i propose a noise system some high noises can only be herd by children so if a child can hear the noise they turn it off,if a person turns off the backround noise you wil be asked to use the one cent method but we can assume that otherwise they are adults

#143 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

@ adridude: Make a much shorter time limit; if the problem is something like basic algebra, anyone in at least middle school should be able to solve it almost instantly. By that age, people should be able to handle the chat, and parents should understand that their children are mature. EDIT: Plus, algebra problems are very hard to Google, because instead of finding some sort of list of every possible algebra problem, you get a program that will solve a problem- if you enter what kind of information, use the correct spacing and symbols, etc. If any person under-age managed to figure that out, the limit would certainly be up.
@ surfad: There isn't any guarantee that someone would turn it off, and anyway I don't think there is any way for Chris to make it so that the game can tell if you have turned your sound off.

Last edited by Cheezburger (Jan 8 2011 1:53:34 pm)

#144 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

A toggle-able mute button, but you could also just turn off your speakers lol?

#145 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

But what if the user doesn't go to school, but is over 13? Or if they have a disability?

#146 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

smilingnothing wrote:
RPGMaster2000 wrote:
musuki wrote:

What if type in fack/fak/fook/fok/****/f*ck/phuck/f.uck etc?

Naturally, we'd have to include every possible variation in the database as well.

If you'll use SQL, there is a "like" function. This function is usually using on movie databases but you can use it on swear filter. That function works like if you search "select * from swear_db where swear = like "****"" that will returns "****" for like "", "phuck" etc. This will save time because you'll only enter swear words with no censors. Hope that it helps.
(p.s. if there isn't SQL functions in AS3, you can use PHP and AS3 asynchronous.)

what if you're saying the movie title "little fockers"?

#147 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-05
Posts: 411

Re: Let's fix Parental Control

make it so you can use gems to get it i frankly don't care if i have to pay 30$ on my phone.. seriously do use understand how annoying it is not having chat while making maps with friends.

im 19, i've e-mailed chris twice. he won't reply ..

Last edited by Bliske (Jan 9 2011 1:11:35 am)


#148 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

Bliske wrote:

make it so you can use gems to get it i frankly don't care if i have to pay 30$ on my phone.. seriously do use understand how annoying it is not having chat while making maps with friends.

im 19, i've e-mailed chris twice. he won't reply ..

I like this. You could make it the one cent method OR 1 gem, or some other amount of gems.

#149 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

erm surveys??? //

#150 Before February 2015


Re: Let's fix Parental Control

This has been discussed for 6 pages. None of the admins or Chris have answered. i doubt Chris is looking at this. all of these posts are meaningless.

Chris 142393302928403

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