Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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It shouldn't be like that, it would be a disservice to the original story
I got this, they all died accidentally:
* MrShoe drowned (he can't swim)
* Stagecrew got hit by a rock
* Glenn got a heart attack
* Failgirl cut herself while trying to open the tap with a knife
* Reidolol tripped on the oven door, turned it on, set it on 900º, fell in it and passed out from hitting his head
* DC wore a Halloween hat while he was falling, had a head injury when he fell on the floor and died
* Theditor thought he was going to get killed and died from a heart attack when he heard the loud bang (probably some explosion or a thunder)
* Gka was on drugs and died of an overdose
so, clearly, this must be Final Destination EE version, they were all supposed to die from that lightning while on the boat, and now they are being killed one by one by Death, that's why Master1 said that he only had planned the order of the deaths and the murderer in the beginning, Death is killing everyone in the same order they should had died by the lightning
Last edited by P788 (Jun 18 2014 5:30:38 pm)
I got this, they all died accidentally:
* MrShoe drowned (he can't swim)* Stagecrew got hit by a rock
* Glenn got a heart attack
* Failgirl cut herself while trying to open the tap with a knife
* Reidolol tripped on the oven door, turned it on, set it on 900º, fell in it and passed out from hitting his head
* DC wore a Halloween hat while he was falling, had a head injury when he fell on the floor and died
* Theditor thought he was going to get killed and died from a heart attack when he heard the loud bang (probably some explosion or a thunder)
* Gka was on drugs and died of an overdose
so, clearly, this must be Final Destination EE version, they were all supposed to die from that lightning while on the boat, and now they are being killed one by one by Death, that's why Master1 said that he only had planned the order of the deaths and the murderer in the beginning, Death is killing everyone in the same order they should had died by the lightning
Wow... I so wish I had actually done that... Sequel time?
P788 wrote:I got this, they all died accidentally:
* MrShoe drowned (he can't swim)* Stagecrew got hit by a rock
* Glenn got a heart attack
* Failgirl cut herself while trying to open the tap with a knife
* Reidolol tripped on the oven door, turned it on, set it on 900º, fell in it and passed out from hitting his head
* DC wore a Halloween hat while he was falling, had a head injury when he fell on the floor and died
* Theditor thought he was going to get killed and died from a heart attack when he heard the loud bang (probably some explosion or a thunder)
* Gka was on drugs and died of an overdose
so, clearly, this must be Final Destination EE version, they were all supposed to die from that lightning while on the boat, and now they are being killed one by one by Death, that's why Master1 said that he only had planned the order of the deaths and the murderer in the beginning, Death is killing everyone in the same order they should had died by the lightningWow... I so wish I had actually done that... Sequel time?
Yes please!
K so this is my conspiricy theory that the killer is benje
"Nobody in the group of four got any sleep that night". The killer could sleep because he knew he is the killer!!!
“I’ve never even met someone! Is he a friendly person?” HE??? So its benje or another male from the group that 'has died' already???
“Enough with the jokes. Goodbye Gkabyss,” Thats what BENJE said to GKA at the beach!!!
Benje are killer!!!!
Last edited by theditor (Jun 19 2014 1:33:15 pm)
I like how some of your reasons make sense, but others make no sense at all. "Someone" was referring to an entirely different person. Also the killer could've slept, but it says nobody slept, so nobody slept.
Your last reason is pretty interesting though
P788 wrote:I got this, they all died accidentally:
* MrShoe drowned (he can't swim)* Stagecrew got hit by a rock
* Glenn got a heart attack
* Failgirl cut herself while trying to open the tap with a knife
* Reidolol tripped on the oven door, turned it on, set it on 900º, fell in it and passed out from hitting his head
* DC wore a Halloween hat while he was falling, had a head injury when he fell on the floor and died
* Theditor thought he was going to get killed and died from a heart attack when he heard the loud bang (probably some explosion or a thunder)
* Gka was on drugs and died of an overdose
so, clearly, this must be Final Destination EE version, they were all supposed to die from that lightning while on the boat, and now they are being killed one by one by Death, that's why Master1 said that he only had planned the order of the deaths and the murderer in the beginning, Death is killing everyone in the same order they should had died by the lightningWow... I so wish I had actually done that... Sequel time?
If you make a sequel, put me in it plz.
Yeah, look:
Wednesday - Chapter 9 released
Friday - Chapter 10 released - End of story
Chapter 10 is supposed to be today, not chapter 9 :/
thx for sig bobithan
Everyone in this thread right now:
P788 wrote:I got this, they all died accidentally:
* MrShoe drowned (he can't swim)* Stagecrew got hit by a rock
* Glenn got a heart attack
* Failgirl cut herself while trying to open the tap with a knife
* Reidolol tripped on the oven door, turned it on, set it on 900º, fell in it and passed out from hitting his head
* DC wore a Halloween hat while he was falling, had a head injury when he fell on the floor and died
* Theditor thought he was going to get killed and died from a heart attack when he heard the loud bang (probably some explosion or a thunder)
* Gka was on drugs and died of an overdose
so, clearly, this must be Final Destination EE version, they were all supposed to die from that lightning while on the boat, and now they are being killed one by one by Death, that's why Master1 said that he only had planned the order of the deaths and the murderer in the beginning, Death is killing everyone in the same order they should had died by the lightningWow... I so wish I had actually done that... Sequel time?
do it
Last edited by P788 (Jun 20 2014 2:39:02 pm)
Alright guys, chapter 9 is out, and we are now down to the final 2!!!!! Who is it?
So either Benje knows Boh is the murderer and is trying to kill Boh first, or Benje is the murderer and will finish it.
Post number 300.
Last edited by 222hockey222 (Jun 20 2014 11:06:30 pm)
So either Benje knows Boh is the murderer and is trying to kill Boh first, or Benje is the murderer and will finish it.
Post number 300.
There are two possible options
So is Chapter 10 going to be a bunch of paragraphs of story or credits? Because Its pretty clear the Benje is going to kill Boh. Unless the gun's outta ammo.
I are back.
The gun itself is actually just a hologram.
Honeybuckles44 committed suicide.
After Benje00 tries to kill Boh, Boh will think Benje00 is the murderer.
Boh will then stab Benje00 in the heart with a sofa.
Can't wait for next chapter. This story 9001/10
thanks zoey aaaaaaaaaaaand thanks latif for the avatar
I believe thats someone witch we think is dead... Perfect cover.
Master1 after finish this story please show as the killer motive.
Last edited by The Doctor (Jun 21 2014 12:54:01 am)
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
Its obvious the murderer is someone "dead", especially as its off "and then there were none", and they were together the whole time, unless someone set a trap, although the gun wouldnt work... However my main complaint is you didn't talk about everyone at the start in detail like the book, where theres a seperate section for each person. It's a good piece, but could definitely be improved with formatting and more detail about what is happening for EVERYONE. Like you could have given a bit of view for whoever died in the shower. Also, shoulda had something like the dolls, so it was easier to signpost the ending. And having the full poem at the start like in the book wouldve been nice
Actually isn't because most have died in a pool of blood. Isn't that simple to say "it was ketchup", actually is simple but then it will become a "children crime story" witch actually it is.... In rest google translate seems to throw words without in sentence to have sense. So I can't understand what you totally mean but I think it's something wrong with my crime motive.
Last edited by The Doctor (Jun 21 2014 5:57:45 am)
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
Now that we're done to the final 2, would it be appropriate to ship BenjeXBoh as OTP?
Also, I'd love to see a sequel to this in the future. I've been thoroughly entertained by each chapter. Great job!
Chapter 10: Another Bloody Love Story
Benje, holding the gun, takes the aim off of Boh and shoots directly upwards. He beings to laugh, and soon after, Boh starts to laugh with him. "We did it, Boh," Benje says blissfully, "now we finally have this island all to ourselves." Boh runs and hugs Benje and kisses him on the neck. "Now, let's get to what we came here for," says Boh as she and Benje walk into a bedroom holding hands and smiling.
Last edited by BuzzerBee (Jun 21 2014 8:36:04 am)
Well, buzzerbee finished it for me. Now I don't have to write anymore. Thanks buzz!!!!!
(Your ending is much better than the one I had planned)
Now that we're done to the final 2, would it be appropriate to ship BenjeXBoh as OTP?
Oh no not another ship. Will that one get caught in a storm too? And then leave them stranded on another island? Or are we just shipping them back home?
Last edited by Master1 (Jun 21 2014 9:24:24 am)
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