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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#26 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

I polished the last block:D here is the image:
blocklv.png comment and say what do you think about it
I think that is better than the rpgmasters2000's xD

#27 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

chidore wrote:

I polished the last block:D here is the image: comment and say what do you think about it
I think that is better than the rpgmasters2000's xD

That's very good! I should use this as a reference for the final product. //

#28 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

The only thing that needs polishing is the stone block. Everything else should stay the same.

#29 Before February 2015

From: Colorado, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,559

Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

I think that from the beginning (not taking into account the changes you made) the blocks needed to look more.... I can't even describe it. Kind of like the noise reduction..... lemme try to explain.

Sort of like plastic. It needs to look like there's a roll of plastic over it to give it the EE look. The noise reduction is doing good, but it's not enough. It just needs some more, and the edges need to seem rounder. How soon will the ingame graphics be updated?


I hate tall signatures.


#30 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

JadElClemens wrote:

I think that from the beginning (not taking into account the changes you made) the blocks needed to look more.... I can't even describe it. Kind of like the noise reduction..... lemme try to explain.

Sort of like plastic. It needs to look like there's a roll of plastic over it to give it the EE look. The noise reduction is doing good, but it's not enough. It just needs some more, and the edges need to seem rounder. How soon will the ingame graphics be updated?

Yeah, I think I can kind of see what you're getting at. The new updates have been made to look slightly more plastic, hopefully you guys will like them. No idea when the update is going live though, hopefully as soon as possible.

#31 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

I think that Factory Pack (New), is a little better than the 1st edition!

#32 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

correiajoao wrote:

I think that Factory Pack (New), is a little better than the 1st edition!

Yes, that's my opinion as well! It's always appreciated when I have an opportunity to improve. //

#33 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

I can't really tell the difference, but it looks great.

Last edited by TREE (Jan 22 2011 7:21:12 pm)

#34 Before February 2015

From: Colorado, USA
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,559

Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

RPGMaster2000 wrote:
JadElClemens wrote:

I think that from the beginning (not taking into account the changes you made) the blocks needed to look more.... I can't even describe it. Kind of like the noise reduction..... lemme try to explain.

Sort of like plastic. It needs to look like there's a roll of plastic over it to give it the EE look. The noise reduction is doing good, but it's not enough. It just needs some more, and the edges need to seem rounder. How soon will the ingame graphics be updated?

Yeah, I think I can kind of see what you're getting at. The new updates have been made to look slightly more plastic, hopefully you guys will like them. No idea when the update is going live though, hopefully as soon as possible.

Yeah, I like where the updates are going. I have noticed that they're less grainy and look more simple.


I hate tall signatures.


#35 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-13
Posts: 2,085

Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

Cool, you updated the more polished sprites! The only problem I have with it though is that the block that used to have a lot of noise looks too blurry.   :/

Last edited by SmittyW. (Jan 24 2011 7:24:08 am)


#36 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

SmittyW. wrote:

Cool, you updated the more polished sprites! The only problem I have with it though is that the block that used to have a lot of noise looks to blurry.   :/

Yeah, but that was also kind of the point. I wanted all the blocks to have that typical "EE plastic gloss" so too much grain looked out of place. I might have overdone it a bit though, will see if I have the time to update it later.

#37 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

Hey RPG. I'm glad you took notice to these inconsistencies and are trying to fix them as best you can. Here is some of my input:
The box block on the far left could do without the grey shadow effect that fills half of the block. The block itself does not look like a box, it looks like a square with an x in it.

The 2nd block, looks like fish scales. It doesn't seem to fit with the factory theme. But would nice a nice addition for an underwater block pack.

The middle box block is perfect now.

The wood block on the right also doesn't fit in with the factory theme.

The far right block is good now with less noise.

For testing purpose I tried to create a factory in EE out of the factory blocks. 2 blocks seemed to just not work anywhere.. The scales block and the wood block. These blocks could be replaced with something else. Just try to create a factory out of the blocks you have, and see which ones you can actually use.
Hope my input was helpful.

#38 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

starblinky wrote:

Hey RPG. I'm glad you took notice to these inconsistencies and are trying to fix them as best you can. Here is some of my input:
The box block on the far left could do without the grey shadow effect that fills half of the block. The block itself does not look like a box, it looks like a square with an x in it.

The 2nd block, looks like fish scales. It doesn't seem to fit with the factory theme. But would nice a nice addition for an underwater block pack.

The middle box block is perfect now.

The wood block on the right also doesn't fit in with the factory theme.

The far right block is good now with less noise.

For testing purpose I tried to create a factory in EE out of the factory blocks. 2 blocks seemed to just not work anywhere.. The scales block and the wood block. These blocks could be replaced with something else. Just try to create a factory out of the blocks you have, and see which ones you can actually use.
Hope my input was helpful.

Thanks for you input! I will try to respond to the best of my ability.

Regarding the 1st block: It was not intended to be like a wooden box like the 3rd block but more of a metallic box. (Think "dangerous materials" etc.)

2nd block: Good point, although that might have been the color correction that made you take notice of it that way. What I had in mind when designing that texture was an altered and more elaborate variation of this type of texture: … 659607.jpg Although, I can see why you think that it would be better suited for an "Underwater" pack. I'll see what I can do about that.

3rd block: Thank you!

4th block: That's not wood actually, those are bricks. That might be something some additional color correction could fix, perhaps?

5th: Thank you, glad it worked. //

Thanks for taking your time to write som feedback, I would appreciate a response!

#39 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

My thoughts:

1st block: Pretty good. It does look a bit like rusted metal, but now that it's been mentioned, I can sort of picture it as wood.

2nd block: I thought they looked like metal shingles. It seems you're trying to fit too much in a small space though. Maybe increasing the size of the texture will help.

3rd block: Perfect!

4th block: I definitely thought this was wood (think hardwood flooring). Again, seems to be the same problem as block 2.

5th block: Great. I'm not sure whether the polished or original version looks better.

#40 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

IMO, the 2nd to last one needs a darker border. I think it would make it feel more like a carton in a factory.

#41 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

I'll see what I can do to further polish them, but the ones in the game now will stay there for a little while. Thanks for your input everyone. //

#42 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

RPGMaster2000 wrote:
SmittyW. wrote:

Cool, you updated the more polished sprites! The only problem I have with it though is that the block that used to have a lot of noise looks to blurry.   :/

Yeah, but that was also kind of the point. I wanted all the blocks to have that typical "EE plastic gloss" so too much grain looked out of place. I might have overdone it a bit though, will see if I have the time to update it later.

What do you mean by the noise of the block? Does it have something to do with how clear the image is?

#43 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-13
Posts: 2,085

Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

There is a certain option on some graphic programs that allow you to control the noise. If more noise, it makes the whole object to have a rough/grainy texture and sort of pixely everywhere. An example of this is the last grey block of the factory package that RPG made.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.


#44 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

I think that the last block appears much more impressive. It looks like you "sharpened" it. //

#45 Before February 2015


Re: Polishing the Factory Pack!

mistahboi wrote:

I think that the last block appears much more impressive. It looks like you "sharpened" it. //

Strange, since certain people feel that it got slightly blurrier. // But glad you like it!

RPGMaster2000 1423716138245294

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