Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I've got an XP smiley for you:.
And I've got an ^3^ smiley:
And I've got an XO smiley (this lets me think of rock)
Ninja worker
X| smiley
A basic smiley with a female smile:
Ninja with hat
Coy with hat smiley with hat
Santa ninja
Female coy:
I got beta so I can now make merged beta smileys
Demon with sunglasses:
Crying female:
Crying smiley with sunglasses:
EPIC FAIL! Please never add this smiley in-game:
Demon X-Mas:
The Female Ohhhh... smiley:
Female smiley:
Female smiley:
Demon ninja:
Devilterminator winking (my avatar):
0_o with coy eyes:
Bird with hat:
My version of the bird smiley:
Requests please, gimme 2 or more smileys and ill merge them!
Last edited by Gamer1120 (May 1 2011 6:09:11 am)
Last edited by Krazyman50 (Jan 30 2011 5:40:17 pm)
I like Santa ninja xD
tnx 2 all
A lol from me to OMG THOSE ARE SO FUNNY! I love the santa ninja and X. smileys.
Give me that coy green hat smiley.
So cute. :DD
Cool smileys!
I added the demon sunglasses () to my list. Stay tuned, because today I'll add more beta faces
I know how to make it, it's very easy , but they look very cool!
And I added the crying female. Bytheway, thanks Fir3Fli3
Edit: Added the sunglasses crying smiley
Edit2: Added a failed smiley
Edit3: Added a Demon smiley with X-Mas head.
Last edited by Gamer1120 (Feb 13 2011 6:48:40 am)
Gamer1120, where did you make those? Because darkday has a program that can make custom smileys, and all of those are possible to make using that. I'm just wondering.
Always remember when Everybody Edits used to average over 1,000 players a day...
Those were the days...
The epic fail smiley is scaring me. o.o
It looks like It's planning on killing me...
girl ninja
Like the santa ninja.. cuz if you thin about it, santa is really a ninja.. sneaking around houses in one night? He might just even be Chuck norris!
Bytheway. this isn't made with DarkLord's smiley designer.
girl ninja
Uhhh, thats impossible, the normal Ninja can be a male or a female...
The epic fail smiley is scaring me. o.o
It looks like It's planning on killing me...
Tonight, together with Santa Ninja, it will go in your house and kill you MUHAHA
Oops srry for double post, but there was like 5 hours between each post, so please don't mind that...
Last edited by Gamer1120 (Feb 17 2011 1:28:51 pm)
Cool Gamer1120!
Last edited by Zerda (Feb 19 2011 2:12:42 pm)
I realy want the epic fail smiley!:D
normally I don't like copied smileys, but I like the worker ninja.
1. Suggestions:
+ Wizard (Hat)
All [Except New Years, Santa, and Worker]
+ Female (Eyes)
+ Female (Mouth)
~More Coming Soon~
2. How do you/Where do you/What do you use when merging smilies?
the XO could be a D'oh! smiley!
PS if u add this smiley, call it the D'oh! smiley and give it first to everybodyedits1 (me!)
Hmm, i love that santa ninja
make a demon ninja
I suggest...
Crying smiley + Sad mouth = Real crying smiley without like-a-":/" mouth.
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