Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I know this is suggested a 1000 times before, but no one ever made a graphic suggestion so i thought this would be okay
So i just made a sketch of how i would like the friend lists (if it ever gets released)
1.) First the Add Friend future.
You can add friends when clicking the + next to profile.
2.) Then this message will pop up.
3.) The other user will receive this message
Then he clicks YES.
4.) When he clicked YES.
You get an Email that says that superbaas accepted you're friendship request.
Then you click the button with Friends List.
Then you will get this.
The orange dot next to superbaas means he is you're friend
I hope it will be released someday, now i gave this sketch of the looks (if its gonna look like this)
Leave you're comments below and tell me if you like the un-original idea but original graphics tell me please.
P.S. Sorry for the bad quality of the images, i couldn't get it any better!
Last edited by Yoge (Feb 28 2012 8:33:55 am)
Wow... This is the best graphic for Friendlist I ever saw
I hope it will be so.
Although these are good ideas the pop-ups could get very annoying while play a level. Such as Ex Crew Shift. Say you are in the finals and you are very close to finishing; then right before you exit noob137173315 adds you, the pop-up comes up and the other guy finishes before you.
Maybe the friend add notification could come in the lobby in a little mail icon.
Other than that the ideas are great; I hope they will add friends soon.
Last edited by Benje00 (Feb 28 2012 7:55:10 am)
Say you are in the finals and you are very close to finishing; then right before you exit noob137173315 adds you and the other guy finishes before you.
Thats true, but if you receive the messages after you leave a level *thats a good one maybe*
it will be much better yeah.
*edit, its maybe a good thing that you see a small thing next to Friendlist *down, right
and if you click that its pop upping?
Last edited by Superbaas (Feb 28 2012 7:58:08 am)
Benje00 wrote:Say you are in the finals and you are very close to finishing; then right before you exit noob137173315 adds you and the other guy finishes before you.
*edit, its maybe a good thing that you see a small thing next to Friendlist *down, right
and if you click that its pop upping?
no because you may forget that there is a button with requests
*Edit i made something!
Lobby means: only requests in lobby
Level means: only requests in level
Nice! Really! I hope this come soon!
Solved the request problem
look at the mail box
Mmm... Yeah but if you receive a friend request you should get a Green thingy and if u click it will pop up?
Mmm... Yeah but if you receive a friend request you should get a Green thingy and if u click it will pop up?
or a BOING! sound
Yeah but a Message too (some peoples dont have sound in theire computer)
Yeah but a Message too (some peoples dont have sound in theire computer)
maybe a flash on the screen or people dont want anything to distract them from there game
I mean a green thing next too The Friend List thing so you do not forget it
I mean a green thing next too The Friend List thing so you do not forget it
or a 1 next to friends list
Yeah good
perfect sketch.
keep making cool stuff.
I'm gonna start a career as a graphics designer, i'm not THAT good in designing yet, but i would appreciate if you have a job for me
Greetz Yoge
B.T.W. now i still only use paint to create graphic things but i'm gonna buy a creative suit from Adobe. So expect some really good stuff in the future
Last edited by Yoge (Feb 28 2012 3:17:05 pm)
Looks great, I love it!
+1 rep
Thanks all
Awesome, just onnnne problem. The grammar. You spelt it 'sended' 2 times, and "you're" not 'your'. Otherwise, great graphic of it.
I really like this idea they really need to add this to everybody edits. They should of put some thing like this on the game already.
I love this idea. This will attract more people to play ee as well.
Thias is pretty cool.
OFF-TOPIC: Good to see you superbaas,havent seen you in a while.
too bad chris isnt here
btw its sent not sended
He updated the game so maybe we are lucky
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