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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015, last edited by Different55 (2020-12-25 00:26:35)


New And Improved Smilies Oct.2012


Last edited by snip (Oct 8 2012 2:22:42 pm)

#2 Before February 2015


Re: New And Improved Smilies Oct.2012

The presentation/ border around the smileys is nice, except the graphics need to be centered and the bright white needs to be darker, such as a medium gray. Your smileys are a bit too simple in my opinion. That can be fixed by adding more color/ detail to them. For example, If you look at my zombie smiley in my signature currently, you will notice 50+ different colors, all placed to correspond to one another. It takes lots and lots of time and color logic to reach perfection, so keep on making more and experiment new ideas and techniques!! Smiley graphics can be very difficult, persistence is key to successful graphics!!!

Really good start, you need more unique ideas and what I stated above. +Rep.

#3 Before February 2015


Re: New And Improved Smilies Oct.2012

Brushfire wrote:

The presentation/ border around the smileys is nice, except the graphics need to be centered and the bright white needs to be darker, such as a medium gray. Your smileys are a bit too simple in my opinion. That can be fixed by adding more color/ detail to them. For example, If you look at my zombie smiley in my signature currently, you will notice 50+ different colors, all placed to correspond to one another. It takes lots and lots of time and color logic to reach perfection, so keep on making more and experiment new ideas and techniques!! Smiley graphics can be very difficult, persistence is key to successful graphics!!!

Really good start, you need more unique ideas and what I stated above. +Rep.

I've been spriting for years and looking at many games, you should not go that high with colors.   Especially if it's just a yellow circle.   I've been able to draw over an existing smiley, replacing it with about 12 colors and it looks the same.   It's better to do this because games don't have to spend as much time loading unneeded colors.   Of course, you want enough colors to make it blend some, but 50 is far too much, doesn't do the game any good with loading faster, and takes a much longer time to make.   I guess the only good thing about it is it makes it harder for people to edit/recolor as it becomes obvious what's been edited if the colors look bad.

Depends on the sprite, but lately I've been aiming for 12 to 18 colors per sprite.   A good spriter also knows how and when to recycle colors, if possible.

#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 6,699

Re: New And Improved Smilies Oct.2012

I agree that it needs to blend more but not the yellow circle itself, the actual detail which you have added in, such as the 4th smiley in the 4th row, the eyes don't seem to blend.


thx for sig bobithan


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