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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015



Making a level and suddenly someone comes in who you didn't want to come in? With this you will be able to block him/her out.

There will be a list where you can type the names of the people who you want to have access to the room. If you're name is not on the whitelist, you simple can't get in.

Ofcourse you can just share the link of the world and change the room name to something offensive, but with < this some people can still get in due people sharing links in open chats or anything else.

There will also be a whitelist for all commands, which includes save level, change name, loadlevel and all the rest. This will be come in handy if you're making in huge world with your mate, but don't live in the same timezone. This all comes with trust, so if you don't trust someone enough, don't set them on the whitelist.

Thanks for reading,
Got any questions just ask me (:

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Whitelist

Sounds good wezza and maybe you could also ad about letting other people save the world and reset,load change name and so forth like making them admin.

#3 Before February 2015


Re: Whitelist

surferboy09 wrote:

Sounds good wezza and maybe you could also ad about letting other people save the world and reset,load change name and so forth like making them admin.

Isn't that what he said?
I kinda like this, but as I have said about similar ideas, if someone doesn't realize the danger of giving people this power or if they type the wrong name by mistake, then their level could die within the hour.

Last edited by SquidMan338 (Feb 10 2012 9:05:19 pm)

#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,708

Re: Whitelist

Good idea is good.



#5 Before February 2015


Re: Whitelist

SquidMan, sometimes you have to trust people, it's hard, but possible. There will still be a big difference between god and member of the whitelist, so if you don't trust someone enough just give this person god, instead of a place on the whitelist.

Thanks for the positive reactions (;

#6 Before February 2015


Re: Whitelist

I agree with the Idea of the whitelist, though you might want to give them a little less power.

#7 Before February 2015


Re: Whitelist

It's not about power, it's about the ability for the owner to be away and be offline, enjoying life. Also it can be used as backup, if one person suddenly gets kicked by the system the other one can still save the level.

#8 Before February 2015


Re: Whitelist

This is the most beautiful idea I've ever heard ;(

#9 Before February 2015


Re: Whitelist

Thanks Chat //

Wezza 1423738108223324

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