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#1 Before February 2015


World download

Someone made an awesome level? And you want it too, in your own world slots? with this idea YOU can get it. (dun dun dumm, sounds like an advertisement =3 )

The level owner will have an extra link in the "share level" option. Which will be "World download". With this link another player can load the exactly same world in one of his/her own slots. This player will enter the world download link into a type area in "Modify level -> World link". When you enter the code of the world you want and click on enter, the world will be copied into your slot.

Addition: There could be an option that only shows the original onces. So they get hidden just like if you click on "only beta worlds".

This will be useful when:

- The level owner is on vacation, but still want others to be able to work on the level without giving out his/her pass and e-mail.

- If you want to show the level owner an idea for the world without destroying stuff in the original world.

Some extra explanation about the idea:

- The code won't be the same as the normal share world link.

- You cannot load a massive world into a great world. So only, small -> small, medium -> medium and so on.

- ONLY the owner of the world can see the World download link.

- There will be a tiny "c" behind your world name, to show that you didn't made it, but copied it.

Thanks for reading,
Please comment and suggest
Got questions? Please ask them and I'll try to answer them for you.

Last edited by Wezza (Jun 17 2011 8:56:35 am)

#2 Before February 2015


Re: World download

Nice idea //

#3 Before February 2015


Re: World download

cool idea. //

#4 Before February 2015


Re: World download

Thanks for the support Pandapo and Jj4.

Please comment and suggest
Got questions? Please ask them and I'll try to answer them for you.

#5 Before February 2015


Re: World download

Wezza,Your Awesome.That is all.

#6 Before February 2015


Re: World download

hmm. Lots of suggestions on here start sounding like ads... XD
I love the idea. My sis loves the lvl Jump Jump Jump, and then she's all sad when it's not there.
And I wanna see those levels that are popular when I'm asleep and at school //

#7 Before February 2015


Re: World download

we have links for a reason -.-

EDIT:Wait, I read it wrong. Good Idea

Last edited by tailschao (Jun 16 2011 2:05:48 pm)

#8 Before February 2015


Re: World download

Thanks Pawlowic, Coolio and Tailschao for the support! I really appreciate it.

#9 Before February 2015


Re: World download

What if all downloaded Jump Jump Jump for an example. Let's say, 10 players opens their downloaded Jump Jump Jump world. There would be 10 Jump Jump Jumps on the lobby?

#10 Before February 2015


Re: World download

Yes, but only the owner can give out the world download link. So if he/she (idk) doesn't want that to happen then he/she won't give it to you. Also as i said before, the downloaded worlds will have a little "c" behind it. So it's still able for others to pick out the original one.

Which brings me to an addition, there could be an option that only shows the original onces. So they get hidden just like if you click on "only beta worlds".

Thanks for you question.

Last edited by Wezza (Jun 17 2011 8:56:53 am)

#11 Before February 2015

From: Virgo Supercluster
Joined: 2015-05-26
Posts: 1,114

Re: World download

What if some idiot got a person's download code thingy to a good level, then spammed it everywhere?

Obligatory piece of text placed here forcing you to load an extra 100 bytes of data per post I make.


#12 Before February 2015


Re: World download

Responsibility of the owner of the level, it was his choice to tell the code.


#13 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: World download

This is 104% unnecessary.   If you want to play a level that's not online, copy its direct URL.   If you want to show the owner something new, either get the code and show them, PM them a link to a picture of it or a level with it, or tell them through chat. If the owner wants to move the level, they can just take a screenshot of the minimap & animate it into the new world.
I just trolled your idea...

Last edited by 32OrtonEdge32dh (Jun 29 2011 9:16:18 am)



#14 Before February 2015


Re: World download

How can you copy the direct LINK when it's not online o.0
You clearly didn't read my suggestion good. I said if you want to show the owner something new, without screwing up the regular lay-out.
AND this suggestion is also for having someone elses map in your slots, it's not only for showing something new.

kthxbai, I minus repped you for trolling on my idea. BTW, if you troll like this you fail at trolling.

#15 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: World download

Wow, you   It's not really trolling, it's just injecting some logic.   So, ya wanna go Point/Counterpoint?   SHOOT.
You can copy the direct URL (it's not a link) when the level is online.
You are showing the owner something new if you show them in a different level or through a PM or chat.
Why would you want someone else's map in your slot, other than to steal plays from them?   If you want it online, AFK in it.

kthxbai, I minus repped you for (badly) rebuking my points. BTW if you respond like this you fail at rebuttals.



#16 Before February 2015


Re: World download

*cough* Animator -> Problem solved.

#17 Before February 2015


Re: World download

- You can copy the direct URL (it's not a link) when the level is online. - This is to play it when it's offline, so you can't copy it.

- You are showing the owner something new if you show them in a different level or through a PM or chat. - Read the suggestion again... i said "If you want to show the level owner an idea for the world without destroying stuff in the original world." Yes, you can do it in a different level, but then you have to rebuild stuff that might be hard to make an take up alot of work.

- Why would you want someone else's map in your slot, other than to steal plays from them? - And again.. read the suggestion. I said "- The level owner is on vacation, but still want others to be able to work on the level without giving out his/her pass and e-mail."

*cough* Animator -> Problem solved. - Not everyone can either use it, or don't know how to use it. And if you can, try rebuilding the whole map and then animating it in a world.

and 32OrtonEdge32dh you said when you minus reped me "You are so dumb.   I DIDN'T TROLL ANYTHING." Tell me why I'm dumb, when you said

I just trolled your idea...

#18 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: World download

So we are doing Point/Counterpoint?   Sweet, I'm gonna win.
If you copy the URL when it IS online, you can play it when it's offline by going to the link.
They can just autobuild (see below).
You don't have to rebuild the level, just copy the minimap from the original level.   And if you don't know how to use EE Animator, just learn or ask someone who can be trusted (like a3person).
It was something called A JOKE.   Learn about it here.   GAWD JOO BEE SO STOOPID!



#19 Before February 2015


Re: World download

I'm fine with you not willing this idea. Now answer this:   you said when you minus reped me "You are so dumb.   I DIDN'T TROLL ANYTHING." Tell me why I'm dumb, when you said

I just trolled your idea...

my minus rep for you was acceptable cause you trolled my idea. Your minus rep for me isn't acceptable cause
1) You insult me with saying that I'm dumb.
2) You lie about trolling my idea, cause you clearly did and you also said you did.

#20 Before February 2015

From: Dream Realm
Joined: 2015-10-31
Posts: 1,765

Re: World download

Can't we all get along!   Besides EE animator doesn't have all the blocks in it.

I'm in love with a dragon <3



#21 Before February 2015


Re: World download

Idk bout that cause I don't use it. But if so, yet another reason for this suggestion to be added.

#22 Before February 2015

From: Dream Realm
Joined: 2015-10-31
Posts: 1,765

Re: World download

At times I use EE animator to save some worlds I just got to place the teleporters, glass bricks, factory package, and secret bricks back because EE animator doesn't have those bricks, or at least the one I'm using.   I think I saw on the blog that direct link to level is on the Peter's to-do list

I'm in love with a dragon <3



#23 Before February 2015


Re: World download

I can see this being misused... Say if someone just guest bombs 10 of exact same worlds except in different accounts... i feel like trolls like linus would do something like that.

#24 Before February 2015

From: DMV
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,166

Re: World download

Wezza, you did see that I said that I WAS JOKING!!!!!!!!!!   Take a joke and shut up already.   I definitely can see misuse of this, like Zoidy said, which is ANOTHER reason that this isn't a good idea.   Well thought out, but not good for EE.



#25 Before February 2015


Re: World download

If it was a joke tell me in the post it self, then I wouldn't have had to - rep you and you didn't had to - rep me.

zoidy - It's the responsibility of the owner of the room to not give the world download to people like linus. If he does, I got a solution for it. A simple "V" and "X" behind the world download link, when clicking on the "V" people will be able to use the link. But when the owner sets it on "X" the rooms won't be shown online, or can't even be entered.

Ok ok, wait... 32OrtonEdge32dh you just minus repped me again -.-? Maybe for you it sounds as a joke, but not for other people. You think that this is just a suggestion, but I work the hell out of me to help this game with suggestions. I'm not waiting for someone to say "I just trolled your idea" or "YOUR SO DUMB" ok!? I get **** off by people like that. Hopefully you go to a mod and ask them to delete the reps, cause your minus reps weren't right.

Last edited by Wezza (Jun 28 2011 12:44:36 am)

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