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#26 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

MIHB wrote:
TakoMan02 wrote:

I'm saying they shouldn't intentionally be the best.

Uh, are you trolling?   lol

Well, wrong word. Actually, wrong sentence.
Ugh, I can't rephrase it. Just read the first post.


D-rock, I'm getting the vibe you didn't really read my post thoroughly and take it into consideration.
From that post, let's see...

"Do you want Ex to make crappy maps and just see minigames in the lobby all the time? Even stepping down a bit would be stupid, they have fun by creating, we have fun by playing."


Missing the point entirely. We're talking about other crews in relation to EX Crew.

You claim you're making levels for fun, correct? It doesn't bother you in the least that EX will always make a level better then you, no matter how much you try? It's like 2 kids playing with blocks. The kid across the room makes a tower as tall as the ceiling, and here you are (having fun) making a pitiful little building. Are you competing? No. Is there a competition? Yes. For plays in your level.

And, honestly, building the level isn't the fun part to me. It's watching your level get to the top of the lobby, seeing your room filled with people and looking at a hard day's work is the better part.

This is strictly my opinion, too. You guys are like piranhas and I'm a little minnow //

Supadorf24 wrote:

No, you're right that popularity gives EX an advantage that other players don't have. But what can we or they do about that? Nothing really. Even celebrities that no longer do anything are still celebrated for some reason. What's you become famous, you can't really become un-famous. And why should they want to?

Ok, first, let me re-phrase my entire problem in one sentence:

EX Crew is the best, will always be the best, and spares no room for other crews to get attention.

They don't WANT to step down, of course they don't! Heck, if I was one of the leaders of EX, well, I would feel SOMEWHAT considerate for other crews, not to say MIHB, MFL, and mustang aren't.

MIHB wrote:

Here's the thing Takoman02: we didn't release a map for 3 months prior to lightspeed.   Think about that.   At some point, you can't blame us for being good at what we do, if you have months in which to build your own stuff without competition.

Lightspeed, and, Shift. Two extremely amazing levels that cannot be done by others.

And we're supposed to catch up in only 3 months?

MIHB, I was expecting you of all people to agree a little bit, or at least understand where I'm coming from.

Last edited by Tako (May 18 2011 8:31:29 pm)

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#27 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

And, honestly, building the level isn't the fun part to me. It's watching your level get to the top of the lobby, seeing your room filled with people and looking at a hard day's work is the better part.

Well, making easy minigames that hold   noobs really help. Along with art.
To me it isnt a competition, to me it's playing something, making a level, playing a level, enjoying it.

Again, you say that your comparing other crews in relation. Heck, I'm the MG Crew leader, and as I remember it, we were the second crew ever made. I've been putting up with it for the longest and I don't care. I even did it without saved levels. Come on man, pull yourself together, if you can't enjoy their maps because they are super epicly better than your level and your sad about it in relation to your own, then it's just not right.

I don't understand why your doing this. Guest bombing your levels help too, just gotta have some eye candy and easy minigames at the start to hold the noobs in, while being original. I guess cyph1e's program does help, but you could do that even without cyph1e's program, maybe in a great world. I thought about this and heck, I want to make it.

EDIT: This isn't my battle, and it's off topic. Go rant about it in Off topic or Gen discussion. I'll be leaving this to ex crew to resolve.

Extra Edit: I read more at what you posted:

And we're supposed to catch up in only 3 months?

A year ago, we made a level in 5 hours. See Deepsea and Tomb Raider. Those were quality levels.

They don't WANT to step down, of course they don't! Heck, if I was one of the leaders of EX, well, I would feel SOMEWHAT considerate for other crews, not to say MIHB, MFL, and mustang aren't.

IF I remember RIGHT, mustang was always trying to help me with levels, and I can always pull up level links. I don't know about mihb, he's kinda hard to understand but I think he tries to help. Not sure with MFL, hardly see him much.

Last edited by D-rock2308 (May 18 2011 8:31:36 pm)

#28 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

EDIT: This isn't my battle, and it's off topic. Go rant about it in Off topic or Gen discussion. I'll be leaving this to ex crew to resolve.

Yes, this is very off-topic, and I apologize. But I'm not the only one being off-topic here. MIHB, Nou, and supadorf didn't seem to have a problem with the off-topicness so I continued to debate.

And I hope you understand there's a polite way to ask someone to do something. I don't respond well to "Shut up and do this," which is basically what I just got out of your comment.

This is the end of the discussion as far as I'm concerned. If someone wishes to continue it, I will be glad to answer any questions in PM.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#29 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

TakoMan02 wrote:

This is strictly my opinion, too. You guys are like piranhas and I'm a little minnow //

It's a shame that on this forum one is no longer entitled to speak his mind without getting thoroughly used and abused. I think I mixed up a couple sayings in that sentence, but the point is there.

And yes, I'm purposely avoiding this argument. It would take waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long to type it all up.

#30 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

How is it that I always lose shift, but I continue to play?

Hypnosis. See that giant logo in the background? It's what's forcing you to continue playing. DON'T LOOK INTO THE LIGHT, NOOO!

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#31 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

Mods, could you please move all the posts not directly related to the map into a new thread? They're off-topic here, but I don't want TakoMan02 to feel like we're ignoring his posts. Thanks.

Back on-topic, we now have a thread where you can post your own room for use in Shift. If you are interested in seeing one of your creations make it into our map, then please go to the thread by clicking HERE. Make sure to read all of the rules listed in the first post before submitting your room.

#32 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

this is like a boss and it is the best boss ever!

and i got a magic coin there!

#33 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-05
Posts: 411

Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

For Mustang, Or Mihb, try it, i know yous probably aint doing player maps for shift yet, but when use do, //

and tell me anything wrong with it //


#34 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

Bliske wrote:

For Mustang, Or Mihb, try it, i know yous probably aint doing player maps for shift yet, but when use do, //

and tell me anything wrong with it //

Do you want them to implement it into Shift? It's hard to read your English //

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#35 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

mustang wrote:

Mods, could you please move all the posts not directly related to the map into a new thread? They're off-topic here, but I don't want TakoMan02 to feel like we're ignoring his posts. Thanks.

Sorry, // but you can't just move posts. You have to move the whole topic.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#36 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

Delete them, then. People are obviously not seeking to reason, so it's a very one-sided point.

I'll help you: Everything on this page except MRBOOGAWESOME and Bliske

Last edited by Tako (May 19 2011 6:17:18 am)

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#37 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-05
Posts: 411

Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

TakoMan02 wrote:
Bliske wrote:

For Mustang, Or Mihb, try it, i know yous probably aint doing player maps for shift yet, but when use do, //

and tell me anything wrong with it //

Do you want them to implement it into Shift? It's hard to read your English //

yes Tako, i do want them put into shift, that's if they can both be put into shift,
but i thought MIHB & MUSTANG weren't taking player-made maps just yet.


#38 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

I stayed for about 10 minutes and won 3 levels because they were bugged. I'd fix those.

#39 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

^ Those were new rooms that have been fixed. Thanks for pointing out the problems.

We now have 115 rooms and counting for Shift, so even if you played this before, make sure to check back for new additions. We've also added the first batch of fan submissions, so you might see your own creation if your name was mentioned in the level submission or EX Crew thread.

#40 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

small suggestion how about timing people? and records?

#41 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

This Level is awesome man, I really want to design a level that is almost impossible 10/10.
But no ideas:/ So yeah Atm just saying awesome job with the level.

#42 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

Rhythm wrote:

Love it.

Daniel loves me, and meredith hates me.

Lol daniel is like "**** YOU RYAN!!"

#43 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

Is there a place where we can look over the existing Shift rooms?

#44 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

guwa wrote:

Is there a place where we can look over the existing Shift rooms?

Not at the moment I'm afraid.

#45 Before February 2015

The Red Troll

Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

HOLY ****!!! I NEED TO TALK WITH CYTH1E A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I DONT CARE WHERE!!! LETS SAY HERE: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY NEED TO TALK TO HIM!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by The Red Troll (May 22 2011 8:09:46 am)

#46 Before February 2015

From: Brazil
Joined: 2021-09-05
Posts: 3,174

Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

daniel12354 is a freakin' beast at this level.


#47 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-24
Posts: 2,762

Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

MIHB wrote:
guwa wrote:

Is there a place where we can look over the existing Shift rooms?

Not at the moment I'm afraid.

There is now.

Because some of the later rooms are very difficult and it's hard to get a chance to practise them, I've made (currently) all difficulty 5, 6 and 7 levels available to practise:

Keep in mind there might be some minor differences. I've replaced the exits and entrances with keys (green=entrance red=exit) so you don't get the arrow boost you would normally get on entry.

No u.


#48 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

Nou wrote:
MIHB wrote:
guwa wrote:

Is there a place where we can look over the existing Shift rooms?

Not at the moment I'm afraid.

There is now.

Because some of the later rooms are very difficult and it's hard to get a chance to practise them, I've made (currently) all difficulty 5, 6 and 7 levels available to practise:

Keep in mind there might be some minor differences. I've replaced the exits and entrances with keys (green=entrance red=exit) so you don't get the arrow boost you would normally get on entry.

Wooohoo, now Im set out to beat all of these.

And wow, has the tank ever shown up?

#49 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

I've played it a lot lately. It's almost perfect!!

#50 Before February 2015


Re: EX Crew Shift ON/OFF

That level is amazing.

I just got inside and when I took the first coin, pham, magic.....

wow, but now I can't enter on EE anymore.... What happened?


Ok I'm back

Last edited by Lopoi2 (May 25 2011 7:14:49 pm)


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