Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
You are not logged in.
All they wanna do is get to the bottom of the level, so if your a layer 4 or 5 digger you always get stalked until they can go further down.
I'm not gonna insta kick those non-chatters. They do no harm and can be funny sometimes.
Besides that. If the level gets too full, then they are being kicked
Can someone harden one of my pickaxes? You need 20 amethyst or 15 sapphire and...(edit) 28 for amethyst and 27 for sapphire.
Last edited by Bimps (Jun 8 2012 2:14:40 pm)
floddy i have donated $5 can i get my detonator great job on your work ill donate some more soon keep up the good work ill keep supporting you true fan by draw123
Last edited by Draw123 (Jun 8 2012 4:11:01 pm)
floddy i have donated $5 can i get my detonator great job on your work ill donate some more soon keep up the good work ill keep supporting you true fan by draw123
No bruh its more than 5 us dollars just so u know its like 6:38 so add a dollar 38 more. then you will get it...
Draw123 wrote:floddy i have donated $5 can i get my detonator great job on your work ill donate some more soon keep up the good work ill keep supporting you true fan by draw123
No bruh its more than 5 us dollars just so u know its like 6:38 so add a dollar 38 more. then you will get it...
its 6.25 cents
If you would like me to make a bot for you, go here.
Here is a suggestion:
Could you change the layer 6 color? When you get in the middle of it and you are alone,'s pretty depressing.
I suggest you put the purple brick with purple brick background.
Could we at least try ?
Last edited by killingpepper123 (Jun 8 2012 6:37:55 pm)
ysoserious1 wrote:Draw123 wrote:floddy i have donated $5 can i get my detonator great job on your work ill donate some more soon keep up the good work ill keep supporting you true fan by draw123
No bruh its more than 5 us dollars just so u know its like 6:38 so add a dollar 38 more. then you will get it...
its 6.25 cents
that what i ment lol when i click on the donate it went to erup auto i put 5.00
You know FloddyFosh,you could make this into a seperate game with different graphics and make money off of it,or even more!
i think the idea of group digging ins a great idea cause it would make the game more enjoyable also like every 30 minutes loadlevel cause its hard to find ore when the layer is destroyed
If you would like me to make a bot for you, go here.
i had 2 lamps and 1 chest and now there gone!! :O
Hey guys !
Because it's my Birthday today I won't be able to respond anymore after this message.
But I'm going to keep the bot on for the whole day.
AND! Surprise surprise surprise!
- Today to celebrate my birthday there will be 2x XP the whole day! (These can stack up with the Spells DOX and TRX)
- Also you will be able to find presents today! With spells in it! (!openpresent, also !give present works in case..)
Happy mining !
Happy Birthday Floddy !!
Happy birthday Floddyfosh! why not add !happybirthday <player>:P? I think I'll add it to my bot!
Edit: Floddy, come to my world!;)
Last edited by ostkaka (Jun 9 2012 5:28:55 am)
Happy Birthday Floddy, Have a great day and thank you for making double xp
Also hope you get lots of presents
... It's not on right now...
But 2 EXP?! PARTY!
Somebody without a SHO casted it and the bot crashed. Coincidence or should that be fixed?
aka towwl
It should be fixed.
Ores appear in random spots in the level. SHO allows all ores to be seen.The bot some how cannot handle this, so it crashes. If the person doesn't have SHO, the bot still processes SHO and once again, crashes.
Floddy, can you go to my world?;)
Edit: I made !happybirthday, but you don't go to my world.:(
Last edited by ostkaka (Jun 9 2012 9:50:46 am)
rll kills the world it crashes the bot and kills the snake plz fix also
If you would like me to make a bot for you, go here.
This has been the FUN-NEST day ive EVER had on digbot, ive found 4 presents, got an OTE spell, reached the bottom of the map for my first time, then when someone casted a rll spell the snake wouldn't come back on so we cleared out the WHOLE 4th layer and most of the 5th.
EDIT: you should like make it a snake-free day
Last edited by BossCreaterof2011 (Jun 9 2012 8:59:22 am)
floddyfosh: you need to add another command: !give floddyfosh the best birthday ever!!
Happy birthday Floddyfosh! Thanks for the update, too.
Edit: 160 000 xp so far today! I love 2x xp! Got lots of presents too
Last edited by 222hockey222 (Jun 9 2012 12:49:44 pm)
What the f*** are with my pick?
Broke in 15 minutes TOTAL:
-Emerald (Legendary)
-Ruby (Exquisite)
-Ruby (Fine) x3 or x4
-Diamond (Fine)
All of these broke in 15 minutes.
It is completely luck, which has been said many times. ^
An unlucky fifteen minutes.
[ Started around 1741669317.9955 - Generated in 0.070 seconds, 13 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.64 MiB (Peak: 1.87 MiB) ]