Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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We are a pretty new crew.
The current members are, in alphabetical order:
AZarlak, minigame-maker and second leader/manager. Also does some art.
Failgirl101, artist(I think, although I'm not 100% sure on that)
Kaskaaa, minigame-maker. [NOTE: Has not been on lately]
Also we have one more member, but I will not give this members username out until this member gets membership on forum, to make sure no one fakes to be this member.
Pyromaniac, artist. Makes awsome meteors and fire.
Ultimoz, leader/manager and maker of the crew. He is the one that makes everything work. Also, he is mapmaker.
WhiteMask, minigame-maker, and some art.
If I have forgot something or someone, or there is something I should change, please tell me.
Last edited by AZarlak (Nov 10 2010 6:51:37 am)
:O, nice
Hello Everybody! We are currently not making levels as we have not recruited enough people but we will soon. My Smiley is as i have beta. We have rules for Fx Crew and they are the following:
1. If you are not on for 1 week you will get a warning*.
2. Swearing is strictly forbidden if you use it in a certain way. Letting out anger is fine.
3. Trolling will get you banned and kicked from Fx Crew
Thats all! I hope i don't seem bossy but its just for safety. Thankyou!
*The warning system is a planned out system and if you get 4 warnings you are out of crew. Swearing grants 1 warning trolling is all 4. You can do something to get rid of the warnings but it takes time!
Last edited by Ultimoz (Sep 28 2010 10:35:35 am)
Levels will be created soon! We just need our members to get beta. 2/5 have beta (me and Whitemask).
Last edited by Ultimoz (Sep 29 2010 11:59:53 am)
Levels will be created soon! We just need our members to get beta. 2/5 have beta (me and Whitemask).
Not all members need to have beta, right Ultimoz?
Can I join the FX Crew? I can help build with instructions, I can make you guys a website, and have some okay minigames, but my weak point is art. Hope you answer soon!
Send me or Ultimoz a PM with some information please. I don't want to discuss that directly in the topic, where everyone can read it.
wait... I din't know we were making the reborn place...
Fx Crew are in need of 2 skilled map makers. If you want the job please pm Ultimoz. AZarlak is very busy and cant do any pms right now. Thank you!:D
AZarlak joined my crew and now he joined this crew? I might as well have to join this crew because AZarlak is in this crew.I will be a Map maker!
I can join. I have beta, and the saved level can always be available to the team (different from my signature level). I'm pretty good at writing and minigame-making, and wouldn't mind taking the time to plan out our maps.
AZarlak joined my crew and now he joined this crew? I might as well have to join this crew because AZarlak is in this crew.I will be a Map maker!
Well, I have been in this crew for much longer, also I did not even try to join your crew, you just said I was in your crew, for no appearent reason.
Those who wish to join, please PM Ultimoz.
AZarlak joined my crew and now he joined this crew? I might as well have to join this crew because AZarlak is in this crew.I will be a Map maker!
actually he joined this crew first.
Ultimoz, can you add me? AZarlak can fill you with the details about me. I'm a tester, an efficient builder with instructions, and I can make a web for you.
Actually,he joined this crew first
Then if he joined this crew first, can i still join this crew?
Ultimoz wrote:Actually,he joined this crew first
Blackboy1323 wrote:Then if he joined this crew first, can i still join this crew?
Maybe, we still need some map makers.
wanna get in the crew :/ :/ :/ :/
ok.. i'm sorry.. but WHAT IS GOING ON??:/
wanna get in the crew :/ :/ :/ :/
Then send a message to Ultimoz.
ok.. i'm sorry.. but WHAT IS GOING ON??:/
What do you mean?
Also I need to tell all of the FX Crew members that my computer broke, and I am using another computer at the moment. This will make it hard for me to get on the chat or forum. I will probably not be on very much before I get my computer fixed.
Last edited by AZarlak (Oct 8 2010 3:21:54 am)
No i mean, I saw all these FX levels.. were they us?
and like who is in our crew now?
ok.. i'm sorry.. but WHAT IS GOING ON??:/
please stop asking that! This is an Everybody edits blog page for Fx Crew. Its straightforward. Seriously you should know by now.
No i mean, I saw all these FX levels.. were they us?
and like who is in our crew now?
oh my god! it says everything on the blog. please read it and you will find out!
PYROMANIAC/MXCREW wrote:ok.. i'm sorry.. but WHAT IS GOING ON??:/
please stop asking that! This is an Everybody edits blog page for Fx Crew. Its straightforward. Seriously you should know by now.
OK ULTIMOZ! UGh.... you need to take a chill... I didn't know what was goin on cause nobody ever tells me anything.. so before you scold somebody think and chill dude!
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