Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Welcome to the Army of trolls page!
This is not a group for trolls But its still a crew
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Last edited by Lividus (Sep 22 2011 12:13:17 am)
>Not a group.
>Posts topic in "Groups"
So... what is it then?
>Not a group.
>Posts topic in "Groups"
So... what is it then?
It is a group isn't it? lol im working on it
Ah, I misunderstood. I thought you said this was not a group when it is a group for trolls.
There's already a army of trolls, TI:1. Check it out, we do not need any group-beef amongst trolls.
I definetely did not understand what u said in the first post.
I need to work on this more
From what I currently understand, it's a normal crew and the "trolls" part in the name is just for the name.
What's your logo?
hi bob
Was that posts necessary? 3rd warning for spam cooldude26
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