Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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called gx crew members:cooldude26,qwertyuiop7
come to levels:
Last edited by cooldude26 (Sep 17 2011 12:35:36 am)
We need more information.
Make a website and start from there.
Such as my crew website.
i know
GX crew
menmbers cooldude26,qwertyuiop7,qwertylewis
need two engineers and 3 builders
greymond01 may join soon but if he trolls hes out
Last edited by cooldude26 (Sep 18 2011 1:45:19 am)
i wanna sign up be a builder
Cwan i joinn this cru sunds ok!
I cwan mwake howks and stars and smilys faces
Last edited by MRBOOGAWESOME (Sep 25 2011 6:38:07 am)
Pwease let me join, im good at everything!!!! I can do anything you wantz!!:cool::D
Can I join cru? I make smile art!11!!
And hook!11
Cna i jion plz??///?
Last edited by Pyromaniac (Sep 25 2011 6:35:33 am)
oo me wan join 2 me mak god levalz
Yoo dude me want to getDown with Dis cruE
Last edited by NaztyRushz (Sep 26 2011 5:32:37 pm)
DIs lookz liek a fun creww. Id like 2 join!! I cna mak e hook jumps and box minizzz!!
Can I plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz join?
I maek gud smily arts an stairz, I alsooo leik mmakin hukjuumpz and boxy minehs.
Last edited by kingpooultra (Sep 26 2011 6:05:20 pm)
AMG sees ware all mwake hwookzzz!!!
LOL I LOVE how everybody is jocking of me nd oturan nd mrbooga!
Letzz all meake boxz!
I think we should stop now It's going a little overboard. Cooldude we were just joking with you. Hope that we didn't offend you in any way.
yeah it was supposed to just be three.. Idk where all dem jockers came..
We srsly were just joking tho ^^
I mean im not a joker lol
jocker, not joker
can i join
all can join if no troll
omg u guys forgt me can i
U guys are so childish. if you were to join this crew you would haf to maek smileys arts andz 50 hooks jumpz in a rowe. Oh. und Evn Stairz to cod plus magic coine levls wit only coins andz sae magic winz here
Last edited by Yankeestar180 (Sep 30 2011 9:39:08 am)
I thought we stopped doing that....
Anyways cooldude, good luck with the crew and please don't make nubwad levels like stairs and 1000 minigames 2 code, and junk like that.
Yeah this went overboard as soon as other people than Me Pyro and Mrbooga started. Well goodluck with the crew Cooldude.
I wanna join!!!!!
If someone wants to join make stairs and hooks and even smileys they are good for this crew.
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