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#26 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

How is that cyberbullying.

Definition of cyberbullying pick on someone more then once over some kind of electrical device. At which other times on this forum have I picked on marks600? And I hardly see my comment as a threat I even ended up giving him my advice in my second comment...

#27 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

What part of,

Chewy wrote:

Now then, can we please get back on topic?

do you guys not understand?


How is that cyberbullying.

Definition of cyberbullying pick on someone more then once over some kind of electrical device. At which other times on this forum have I picked on marks600? And I hardly see my comment as a threat I even ended up giving him my advice in my second comment...

Oh, so by your definition, I can pick on some one once and it's not cyberbullying. It is. Also, off topic. Warning issued.

Wolf exile1 wrote:

Wow Who would have known that saying something will fail can cause a warning!

Is this like a new rule? Because its stupid.

*Prepares for warning for a stupid reason*


How about a warning for being off topic after I specifically said to get on topic?

#28 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,058

Re: TI:2

I personally agree with chewy, Never I find you guys this vicious to someone who doesn't deserve it.

On-Topic: But No, I'm too lazy to troll nor join, and if you want to make TI:2 make it in kong, lots of nub and troll are there.

P.S Chewy are you **** off or something?

Last edited by Aoitenshi (Oct 14 2011 8:53:05 am)


#29 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

i still waiting.........

#30 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

Wait i swear i've seen this name before....

FAKE EDIT: The name is a copy of TI:1, so if you want some success like TI:1, I suggest you change the name so people don't see you as a copy. But anyway most of the decent trolls are already in TI:1 so i wish you good luck with pulling them over.

And btw im not sure if you can consider them allies, since most of them disagree with the whole making of this group.

OFF-TOPIC: Whats with all the banning?

#31 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

The reason for all this banning is that Chewy is freaking out after he stated that no more "cyberbullying" comments will be made. MrBoogawesome and Wolf Exile both made comments that weren't at all cyberbullying and he decided to ban them for a stupid reason.

With that said, I don't think that you should tear TI:1 into two. Just only Ti:1.
(Go ahead Chewy, warn me even though I did nothing wrong.)

#32 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

i havn't been on the forums here for a hile so my advice might not be the best but heres what i think

TI:1 is a strong troll base, another would make it more confusing, because what will happen is:
guy one: "Hay dude whats been happing?"
guy two: "Nothing much, but ive moved back into TI:1 again though"
guy one: "why?"
guy two: "guy three trolled guy four's level (whos in TI:1)"
guy one: "so why dont we make TI:3!

and it gets more complicated there and in the end there will be a TI for every troll and they will all want to destroy each other.

but this is your group and thus, your decisions, you can do what ever you want withthis group.

but i personally think this group wont go far.
sorry if i have offended you within this post

EDIT: I wouldn't care if it was made because all TI:1 trolls hate each other but at the moment it looks ok in the TI:1 topic, but like i said im new to the forum

Last edited by ILoveBacon (Oct 15 2011 7:43:57 am)

#33 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: TI:2

Chewy wrote:

I can tell you now this group will fail, and if you don't give up now then I guess your gonna have to learn the hard way...

Yea, that's right. Threaten him. That's such a great idea. /sarcasm Warning issued.

I see no threat there. "Learning the hard way" isn't necessarily alluding to violence.

If I choose not to do my work because I think there will be no consequences, and then I get a bad grade, I've "learned the hard way" that if I don't do my work that I will get a bad grade.

Warning Mrboogawesome for your misinterpretation of a commonly used phrase isn't fair. *awaits warning for defending someone*

Last edited by Supadorf24 (Oct 16 2011 11:45:53 am)


#34 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

Wow, Chewy, I think you may have gone overboard... I see nothing wrong with any of the posts that I have read. Perhaps dishing out warnings for remaining off topic after you specifically stated otherwise is justifiable, but that could be argued either way. Personally, I think the only person here that could possibly deserve a warning Mark600, for making a second crew of trolls. I still wouldn't give him a warning, though. [/offtopic]

Okay, Mark600, what gave you the bright idea of making a copy of TI:1. The original was the most pointless crew in existence, but not anymore; now yours is.

#35 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

@shift: Y U say my organization is the most pointless!?!!? //

marks600, you are of course always welcome to the TI:1. If you continue with your TI:2, I wont be your foe, but creating rivalry between trolls isn't necessary.

Last edited by TheGreenTroll (Oct 16 2011 12:50:16 pm)

#36 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

hey good for you green troll to say some thing nice to this guy

#37 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

EDIT: sry, off topic...

Last edited by TheGreenTroll (Oct 16 2011 1:58:47 pm)

#38 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: TI:2

Trolls..troll trolls O o
Sign me up //

Last edited by Helvi (Oct 16 2011 2:46:31 pm)



#39 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

ok helvi your in!

EDIT: thegreentroll, you can be in more then one troll groop and your always welcome here. 1smile1 1bigsmile1

Last edited by marks600 (Oct 16 2011 7:31:23 pm)

#40 Before February 2015

Wolf exile1

Re: TI:2

Wait, Can't topics be locked for being almost exact copys of another thread?

*insert trollface here*

And also, Marks. I suggest you stop the madness and join TI:1... Having another Trolling group will just Make Things awful.

Last edited by Wolf exile1 (Oct 17 2011 11:23:53 am)

#41 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

chewy where are you??? wolf exile1 is off topic.

#42 Before February 2015

Wolf exile1

Re: TI:2


I was talking about the Crew wasn't I?

Also, Stop trying to Seperate us trolls. We already have a troll group.

#43 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: TI:2

Wolf exile1 wrote:


I was talking about the Crew wasn't I?

Also, Stop trying to Seperate us trolls. We already have a troll group.

You requested to lock a crew thread which might be comsidered trolling and offtopic.
Please leave this thread if you do not contribute to the crew TI:2

Last edited by Helvi (Oct 18 2011 12:49:50 am)



#44 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

waining for ore people.................
TRAvR.png DPffn.png

Last edited by marks600 (Oct 19 2011 2:31:09 pm)

#45 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

Chewy wrote:

Wow, you guys are vicious. Technically all crews are a copy of EX Crew so don't even start that argument. Let him have his crew. It's not affecting you in any way.

Offtopic: No, not all crews are a copy of EX crew. FE clan existed before I even knew about this game. It just didn't include this game yet. It includes almost every good online game that I've played since it started. So no, not EVERYTHING copies The first thing.

P.S. I'm probably gonna get - rep for this post, aren't I?

#46 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

Furreal dude you mine as well delete this post. I have been loyal to TI:1 for a while now, and this group, to me, is just stupid. No group, not even TI:2, will never be as good as TI:1.

Stop being a troll poseur and just go back to TI:1. No need to split up the trolls, we should be one not many.

#47 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

Failgirl101 wrote:

Furreal dude you mine as well delete this post. I have been loyal to TI:1 for a while now, and this group, to me, is just stupid. No group, not even TI:2, will never be as good as TI:1.

Stop being a troll poseur and just go back to TI:1. No need to split up the trolls, we should be one not many.

I've always liked your style, Failgirl //

#48 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

Why thank you TGT. I think the problem is people are getting to organized with trolling. It's not about who is better than who, or who can troll the most, it's about pure noob rage. You can troll a hundred levels, but if no one cares then it's kinda pointless. Real trolls are the ones that both troll and make noobs angry. //

Last edited by Calicara (Oct 30 2011 5:23:30 pm)

#49 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

You've got that right. //

#50 Before February 2015


Re: TI:2

marks600 wrote:

chewy where are you??? wolf exile1 is off topic.

Actually wolfexile1 was on-topic because he is speaking about this group
and anyways there's no problem making another group
but dont make the just like someone else's.

im pretty sure you can troll whenever you want,
but don't make the name the same as others.
I always wondered why some1 makes a topic,
then, eventually people start complaining about
and a moderator has to come and fix it.
i guess that;s what they're for.

p.s. this forum needs more moderators
but that's for a different topic
anyways good luck with this and hope all works out.

marks600 1423823510137922

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