Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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OverlyOmega CREW
Hi everyone!
do want to join OverlyOmega crew?? you found good place to join! its free!
Main leader or co-Main leader
Main leader -->MinecraftP (i dont have chat :/ )
-The Smirking Mage(i dont konw his username in everybody edits)
note please incloude your username please
And members of OverlyOmega crew get code also main leaders and co-leaders and testers,helpers and artists
since i dont have chat we can use tinychat
Last edited by MinecraftP (Nov 8 2011 2:57:36 pm)
Hey can i be the co-leader of this crew? I have chat and i'm good at art. My name on ee is 3355eros
Ok you Joined to Awsome crew!!
do u have 2 have better?
+ if i were u i would change its name to dubstep crew????
Last edited by little owl (Oct 31 2011 2:11:48 am)
I have two things to say:
1. There should be a rank named Tester(To test the levels to see if they are possible)
2. I want to join(I come everyday or every other day), and if I do, i want to be tester.
(I do not have chat or beta but a lot of ideas):|
Just a bump, but my EE user name is ScienceNotSoGeek. To the founder: do you think communicating by e-mail is OK? any way if so my address is <a class="__cf_email__" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" data-cfemail="8de7fde0ece9e8e4e3bfbdbcbccdeae0ece4e1a3eee2e0">[email protected]</a><script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */!function(){try{var t="currentScript"in document?document.currentScript:function(){for(var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute("cf-hash"))return t[e]}();if(t&&t.previousSibling){var e,r,n,i,c=t.previousSibling,a=c.getAttribute("data-cfemail");if(a){for(e="",r=parseInt(a.substr(0,2),16),n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)i=parseInt(a.substr(n,2),16)^r,e+=String.fromCharCode(i);e=document.createTextNode(e),c.parentNode.replaceChild(e,c)}}}catch(u){}}();/* ]]> */</script>
Last edited by The Smirking Mage (Nov 5 2011 1:33:09 am)
Ok i will add testers
And The Smirking Mage you joined the Awesome crew
there is one thing the awesome crew dont have is logo
if you have ideas for logo please tell me
I find it annoying that you picked the most unoriginal crew name ever.
Why not something better, like "OverlyOmega"(© for GadgetGeek to use only, unless allows person to use it).
Last edited by Tachyonic (Oct 31 2011 5:46:56 pm)
oh ok
i will change the name to OverlyOmega crew that will be better
...fine, I suppose you can use my example.
ill join but im not beta.
ee username- littleowl
i also have an idear for the logo.
like a taget board with an arrow on it with the crew name kinda hard to explain.
also i think it would be cool if it was called the trademark crew:D
Last edited by little owl (Nov 1 2011 2:00:33 am)
By the way, the logo. It looks like a 2 donuts seperated by 3 bricks, then the rest of the crew name underneath (lightly,1 block thick)
ThankS i will start drawing a Logo
ty. that is all.:)
I find it annoying that you picked the most unoriginal crew name ever.
Why not something better, like "OverlyOmega"(© for GadgetGeek to use only, unless allows person to use it).
It still is a newbie crew my crew the EW Crew i made yesterday and we are newbie as you make good levels you get more popular and so does your crew.
hey i would like to join im good at testing bossing and can make a mean mini. im not that good at art though....... anyway i am beta and i have chat plus my ee name is theboss12
ok you joined! also im making Magical Forest
When is it coming out?
Also, can you make a non beta version, because i will only get it next June.
By the way, I might be able to communicate via E-mail so include address
After Magical forest, why not make The Everybody Edits Grand Prix, a 400X200 level.
Also, if any one might want to join the crew as a tester, they need to complete a test level in a certain amount of time before getting their job. Link coming soon.
Last edited by The Smirking Mage (Nov 5 2011 1:26:29 am)
yo i couldnt find it and please get chat everythings easer with chat
heres it but it not finshed you can help me
hey i guess im not good at minis sooooo yeah
soz im leving:(
Can I join? My user name in game is coolguy286 and I'm beta. Im best at bossing and I'm very good at hold space games
There should be a artist rank I'm great at zombies vs. humans levels
Last edited by Coolguy89 (Nov 5 2011 6:11:54 pm)
yep coolguy89 you joined it! added artist rank
Oh and I made a level here it is!
Is OO short for overly omega?
Last edited by Coolguy89 (Nov 8 2011 4:36:47 pm)
Maybe in a few days this topic will be obsolete and we must move to a new topic, but with more group discussion.
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