Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Back Story
So recently, I visited some levels such as "200 Minigames" and "Boss to Code" and I was having some very good conversations with the owners. I asked them questions like Don't you see hook-jumps in every level? Why do you still use them? Why don't you try to create something so original and amazing? Their answers shocked me. It's too hard or I don't feel like it were some of the answers. I even showed one person the steps to creating minigames. He was so happy when he completed it!
I believe that in every noob, there is a hidden flower of creativity and originality just waiting to bloom. I know I started out as a noob; creating elevators and dot trails were my FAVORITE thing to do. But I tried something new, and though I'm definitely not as amazing as some people--I'm far from that--I know that I have grew so much from my noob days. Some noobs, however, are trapped in an endless cycle of Stairs and 200 Boxed Minigames levels, and it's our job to fix that.
Our Mission
We aspire to create a bridge between the world of the noobs and the world of the professionals. To seal the gaps, and mend the pieces that have broken off. We will strive to create a better image of noobs, and a better image of how the pros look to the noobs. We will never give up until one by one, the two worlds collide.
Pros in the Making:
We are recruiting!
?Must be at BuzzerBee's skill level or above (Which isn't saying much)
?Must be willing to contribute and help
?Must be an overall generous person who is willing to sacrifice their time for others
?Would be best if recruitee lives in the United States, as there is little time difference (Not a requirement)
How to apply:
Show proof of something that you consider makes yourself pro, also make sure you tell me your IGN.
Also, if you would like for the Pros to come help you with anything, we will try our best!
Last edited by BuzzerBee (Nov 26 2011 1:26:53 am)
Can I join this group and i can be great boss i can make awesome hooks and build stair levels
i am pro i LOVE making Stairs they are my faviorite
i also like making dot trails.
i also made a world Called "201 Minigames" it is really fun and you should play it.
so can i join? :D:D
Last edited by Netro (Nov 24 2011 10:14:08 pm)
Buzzerbee~ I would love to join so that I can gain more experience in creating minigames and such. I am mostly an artist but I want to and am willing to learn other things.
Are you applying to be a pro? Or are you asking for help with creating minis?
applying please
How to apply:
Show proof of something that you consider makes yourself pro.
application=art, minis?
I wish to help the EE community and make it a better place.
Here is the difference
Noob - A lost player stuck with no creativity yet.
Pro - A generous person willing to help with a "Noob's" work and make it better
Stuck-Up Jerk - A "Pro" calling others noobs and making everyone feel like they have nothing great accomplished making them turn into trolls
Trolls - Insulted "Noobs" or "Pros" moving up to "stuck-up jerk"
I am bored alot so i wish to help the community. I want to make EE a better place and even if it means that i have to miss events to do that so please consider me as an option at all times
The is a very inspiring group BuzzerBee. I you can help many noobs.
I'd like to apply as well.
What I'd consider I'm good at: Art.
If you want I can give you a link to and old art test world I made a while back. If you need more proof that I have what it takes, I can make some art. I will tell you I am not the best at art, but I am good at it.
nothingishere2: I looked at your profile, and I'm not impressed with the minis, and I see no art.
moundsy: What are you good at?
MS43: IGN? And please do give me the link (:
Old level link:
I could probably do better now.
LOL Buzzerbee! My profile doesn't show anything but small! There is a glitch on it I think.
Here is an art world I'm currently making(Not done yet so please be nice ) and i did those mins the first week i started playing so lol.
Last edited by nothingishere2 (Nov 24 2011 11:07:51 pm)
haidere buzzerfish looks like i found you on the forums. can i join as the member who is really inacive but tries to help when he/she can? ill even include a link like customary:
made most of that level by myself including the tower, clouds, bg, and minis below the clouds.
P.S. i may be able to do better now compared to then
You thought I was dead?
So did I.
But I still exist.
haidere buzzerfish
looks like i found you on the forums. can i join as the member who is really inacive but tries to help when he/she can? ill even include a link like customary:
made most of that level by myself including the tower, clouds, bg, and minis below the clouds.
P.S. i may be able to do better now compared to then
Lol also may i join also?
Here my profile/level!
Best level:
Monstar, Nothingishere, I'm going to have to work with you guys together to make sure...
If you guys can, come to right now so I can see
Hey Buzzerbee you can put me as noob trainee if you wish I'm willing to learn from the pros
Looking at the test world, do I HAVE to be good at minigames? Cause I'd rather teach noobs the basics of shading and good art. Making/playing "pro" minis isn't really my strong point. :/
me wan join add me pls
Question. How will you train noobs with no chat?
I am good at minigaming and bossing
i can make noob minis into pro minis in a matter of minutes unfortunately i deleted my pro mini level
and i can make noob bosses become more like MFL bosses too
Thanks Buzzerbee! That's more of what I was applying for in the first place, because I'm more of a starting artist, so THANK YOU!!!
if you want i can help you out whenever you need it although im not registered yet i'm still willing to help you
I'm not really interested to join, just came to say here the name sounds incredibly wrong
Yeah I just realized that too. Buzzerbee maybe there is a way to make the group name not so... because you might attract the wrong types of people.
I'm not really interested to join, just came to say here the name sounds incredibly wrong
lol ^
i could help out i guess
Profile:" " (might be privated)
my world choice:" "
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