Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015

St Cool

Club Cool

Hi, I was bored so I made a club in the form of a level. No, it does NOT involve a forum crew in any way.Twenty member limit. Don't worry, somone might get banned... You must be beta and have chat to join the club. Sorry. Here's the link to the level once you're a member:

Each player is assigned a rank in the order of which he/she joined. Each player gets their own personal box, athough most boxes will be shared to save room.
Now, if you're one rank higher than a player, you can make them build words and small shapes, make them delete small areas, and tell them what to say and where to go.
If you're two ranks higher than a player, you can do all of the above AND make them build and delete stuff.
If you're three ranks higher than a player, you can make them do anything that's not against the rules.
Now, moderators can do anything but troll in other people's boxes and have control over the admins. If a moderator is a higher rank than another moderator, the ranking system works the same way in that case.
Admins have control over everything and they can do anything BUT if the owner catches them trolling, he can still ban them. Unlike moderators, Admins CAN'T control lower ranked admins, making it easier for them.
The owner is... the owner. Does what he wants, when he wants. But at least he's not cruel. smile
There can be 3 mods and 3 admins at any one time but admin places will be given to people i trust and mod places are for people im close ee friends
1 No building in other people's boxes unless they're a higher rank than you and they tell you to do so.
2 You can ONLY insult people who are three ranks lower than you, unless you're an admin or mod.
3 No deleting anything made by the owner. This stuff includes the spawn, the spawn box, the code, the code box, and the information headers above the code box. Also, don't delete Dudley. PLEASE don't delete Dudley.
4 In your box, you're free to troll, and if you're a guest, please use the guest box once you have to code. No editing outside of your box, I worked hard to make this stuff.
6 No changing the name above your box or somone else's box unless you're an admin.
7 No passing the buck. If somone asks you to do something, DO IT.
8 If a box is locked, that means no one can edit it EXCEPT the owner of the level or the box. If only one user in the box's name is locked, that means only that person can edit it, or tell the other person in his box (if there is another person) to edit it.
9 Absolutley NO swearing! I don't care if you're a rank 2 admin with a locked box!
10 No abusing people. Don't keep them as pets, or annoy them just because they don't have to code.
11 When you edit your box, make sure it still has the same exits to other boxes, and it has the same number of coins as it did before, and all coins and exits can be accessed without God mode. If you wish to add a new coin or exit, please consult the owner. Please inform the guests of the level when you change the location of a coin.

You can get banned from the level   temporarily, possibly permanately, and lose your current rank or status by disobeying these rules, so be careful what you do. In the event of a noob trolling and disguising it well, all witenesses, the accused, one selected lawyer, the judge, and the jury will proceed to court in the lvl

1. Stcool (Owner)
2.   Siggihar (Mod)
3.   Wolfexile (admin)
4.   Cole (Mod)
5.   Coolperson23
6.   Galen
7.   Atilla
8.   DZ8003
9.   Maingi (Admin)
10. Jak (Mod)
11. Zakleo
12. Coolman09
13. Crastopher

I decided to make this list after certian annoying people who were NOT members trolled to the max.

The oposite of the ban list. These aren't members, but they get access to the code for the guest box. As soon as openings are avaidable, these people will become members.

Please note, the club might not always be called "Club Cool". Sometimes I change the name. I'll alert you here when I change the name. Right now, the name is "Club Cool".

I will edit this post whenever the level is up or down so that you always know when the club is up. Please note, when the club is down, there might still be people there so you can still join. Currently, the club is up

Last edited by St Cool (Nov 27 2011 9:38:15 am)

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Club Cool

May i join? As a mod?

#3 Before February 2015

St Cool

Re: Club Cool

no but you can join

#4 Before February 2015


Re: Club Cool

may i join plz?

proud member of soak crew and owner of sc crew

#5 Before February 2015

St Cool

Re: Club Cool

you have already

#6 Before February 2015


Re: Club Cool

So i am ?

#7 Before February 2015

St Cool

Re: Club Cool

are you what?

#8 Before February 2015


Re: Club Cool

Can i join ?

#9 Before February 2015


Re: Club Cool

i'd like to join this crew.
i also have a crew called the Marino Union.
no beta, but i'm great @ art.
so may i join? <('w'<)
please PM me if yes.
-hopes to join-

Last edited by Chatteno (Nov 29 2011 1:02:39 pm)

#10 Before February 2015

St Cool

Re: Club Cool

read the rules it clearly says in the first and second lines, "it does NOT involve a forum crew in any way" and" You must be beta and have chat to join the club". so both of you cant join

#11 Before February 2015


Re: Club Cool

May I join? I am good at art. I am respectful of people of higher command then me. I am hard-working. I will work a lot on levels. I could make a forum for you. I have many open worlds for making levels.

-Hopes to join-

#12 Before February 2015

St Cool

Re: Club Cool

as i said were not a crew its just a beta/chat only world that if youve joined you can do anything, its more of a hanging out thing than a crew

Last edited by St Cool (Nov 29 2011 3:20:47 pm)

#13 Before February 2015


Re: Club Cool

I have beta and chat.

#14 Before February 2015


Re: Club Cool

I showed up but no one is there. I want in pl0x. I have bata and chat, and I make pro art //

#15 Before February 2015

St Cool

Re: Club Cool

well im out for the day i will be back in about 3 hours come to the lvl then

St Cool 1423824295137137

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