Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Welcome to the LTC (Level Testing Crew's) official thread!
About This Crew:
I thought I might as well make a crew that TESTS worlds instead of making worlds. It makes things more interesting for those who don't want a normal crew or just want to take a break from creating levels. Also, if you want to make a contest later on where you judge levels, joining this crew is a good start
Judging Levels:
Status: Accepting
To have your level judged, post below or PM me so that I can assign the level to 3 members.
Levels will be judged for things that you want us to judge! (Minigames, Art, Appearance, Originality, Difficulty, Other)
Judging Requests:
Score: | Judging areas: | Name of World:
Status: Recruiting
If you are interested in joining, post below. I will accept 3 people as admins of the crew and everyone will be given a test to judge skill. (I am building the test right now. It will be done soon.) The test will separate people into 10 levels in certain categories which I will average to produce a final score.
Since the official test isn't available, this temporary test will be replacing it.
You need to be able to finish these levels and screenie them. then send a pm to me regarding recruitment.
1. non-beta beta
2. non-beta beta
Tested and Approved Section:
Tests Done: | Name/Position:
3 - Jasonma - Leader
1 - Oturan - Admin
0 - Monsterenergy - Admin
Trying to get in:
WRGReBeLV2 - Member
pehesieu - Member
bgic - Member
Aoitenshi - Member
supercalibrookie - Member
editman2323 - Member
jeffsy - Member
gio500 - Member
klmaster - Member
gamer1120 - Member
garfield2436 - Member
Level 1: Member - Starting rank.
Level 2: Tester - Tested 5 maps and gave acceptable/good results.
Level 3: Experienced - Tested 10 maps and gave good results.
Level 4: Master - Tested 25 maps and gave good results.
Level 5: Admin - Appointed by leader. Must be a tester with a good record. 3 maximum!
Level 6: Leader/Coleader - One of the admins is a coleader and coleader replaces leader when gone. When leader leaves the crew, coleader becomes leader. Admins will vote on each other to determine coleader.
Communication for this crew will mostly depend on this thread.
When I need some specific person to chat with at some particular time, I will tell that person to come to our IRC Channel
When I want to leave a message, I will use PMs on this forum.
Date: |News:
09-26-11 There is now no time limit on recruitment test. Just finish it to be accepted into the crew.
09-11-11 Ranks system finished. It is based on testing completions.
09-11-11 I added deadline to recruitment test as well as the test.
09-09-11 I will be making a rank system soon. It will be based on max energy or score on recruitment test.
09-09-11 Level judging requests are now being accepted! Submit one if you need it judged.
09-09-11 As of now, we have 6 members! Welcome to the crew! I need to test you guys though.
Last edited by Jasonma (Oct 2 2011 11:20:28 am)
i can join , it look good
I would like to applie for this, the link You posted in your other post didn't work, and now I see that You gotta post here.
Yeah it is still linked to the old topic. I'm going to change it right now. Welcome to the crew you guys! and click on the recruitment test to start your first assignment! Finish it and send a pm with screenie. Thank u.
Hmm only got to the last level in the first one, will try again soon
yeah these levels are made to prepare you for the upcoming challenges as a tester. some will be like this, some will be harder, and some will be downright easy. If you've played EX Crew's levels or Addi's and I'm sure you have they're just plain hard and epic!
you know what i mean. gl on the first level for the recruitment test.
Did the second one,
or Addi's
I dont think addis levels are hard
huh? then you must be real good at minigames cause i just haven't beaten a single addi level... but i guess im playing addi's contest levels. lol. oh and gj on the 2nd test
Ive played basically all of addis levels, and I dont find them very hard. :/
But I quit on the first test cause I dont like the last mini
Last edited by Oturan (Sep 14 2011 9:24:23 am)
lol ok. then what u think about ex crew's difficulty?
Thats another thing, but I have beaten almost every map of theirs exept for AYAG. Those are some of the few levels that can entertain me.
well you're very good then! I don't have much time for beating EX Crew's maps so... I just did the vault and bootysnatch. Those are my favs anyways, oturan, gl on the 2nd level. I gtg to school right now. Be back in about... 6 7 hours.
So I won the other one as well
You forgot to change the chat link
I'd love to try out for this crew.
demango, u just have to pass the 2 recruitment tests. go to my first post and look at "recruitment" section. and what chat link calculusguy? nvrmind changed it.
Last edited by Jasonma (Sep 14 2011 6:16:45 pm)
That chat link?
yeah i changed it to the correct one... lol thanks for pointing it out earlier.
So I got in, this will be great to train my skills.
Yep. You are the first member to pass the recruitment test besides me. I dunno... wanna be the co-leader? lol. either way, we're still waiting for level applications.
can i join without win
not finish last minigame in 2X2
and not finish 2 minigames in 3X3
Hmm no Coleader will take to much time for me.
Ok then would you like to be an admin? I mean seriously, I should offer good positions to good players and the first ones that join and pass test...
monsterenergy, you have a choice. If you want a challenge and join, go ahead, but from then on, you have a month to pass the test. That's the deal. Because if you can't pass this test within a week, I don't think you can pass a deadline for a tough level in 3 days. But that's the offer I'll make you.
What would an admin do?
It's just a high rank in the crew. And should you ever tell others about the LTC, you could say "I'm an admin!" And also, if you see players doing bad stuff in the crew, you could give me a pm and I'll make up a punishment for them.
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