Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
You are not logged in.
We look good now we need a pic of HQ and were working on our secret project
i'll go take a pic of that one too ohkay
Realese dates: for following levels
GTcrew hidden HQ: undecided
GT Crew Hell:
GT Crew veterans day: Veterans day
GT Crew armagedon: Undecided
GT crew 911: Undecided
GT Crew Halloween: October 31
GT Crew Thanksgiving: November 24
GT Crew Christmas: December 25
*Member Update*
Leader: Narutox3
Co-Leader: junit123
Assistant/Updater: BLindZ0R
Members Active*
Thanks for Supporting GT Crew
Assistant/Updater Out
Last edited by BLindZ0R (Aug 12 2011 8:33:00 pm)
ah man I'm not active. how can I be helping out? pm me
Edit: is there a why I can become a tester?
Last edited by Aedan (Aug 14 2011 2:52:09 pm)
Thank you for the update blinz0r and yes, I'll PM you the ways you can help out
1. In-Game Name: Sk8erboi108
2. Your main skill or ability: Art
3. Other Talents You Are Good At: Some minis
Your Best Work: Tsunami Level (Not Finished)
1. In-Game Name: Sk8erboi108
2. Your main skill or ability: Art
3. Other Talents You Are Good At: Some minis
Your Best Work: Tsunami Level (Not Finished)
I really like the wave of the water and how you shaded it and I also like the minis
there's isn't much to say about the rest of the level, I'll speak with my co-leaders
this crew rocks best crew i now:)
1. In-Game Name: Fuzzyguy132
2. Your main skill or ability: Minigames
3. Other Talents You Are Good At: Random Art (cool art that makes no sense)
Your Best Work: Awesomeness (Minigames)
Last edited by Fuzzyguy132 (Aug 27 2011 3:20:21 pm)
i join
this crew rocks best crew i now:)
Ok thats just sad.
examples of better crews:
Ex crew
Mx crew
Ko crew
are you still attacking me with nagative reps? dude, wtf?
you need to stop being childish and grow up
Last edited by _narutox3_ (Sep 1 2011 12:10:33 pm)
are you still attacking me with nagative reps? dude, wtf?
you need to stop being childish and grow up
What? Who said that was me? You sound like a total nub on the forums. Anyone would -rep you. I only did it once.
you know what, that's enough, you the proof is on my reputation, once again, grow up.
I wanna join Im good at making art ( I once created one of those landscape/ Mini levels, but it got trolled) Im good at hard minis and i'd be glad to give a sample of one of them
. My EE name is the same name as my forum name. See ya soon. OHHHH and i wanna be a admin too.
For now on, we'll be testing LIVE so if people want to join, they must come to any world called 'GT Crew Recruiting' of 'GT Crew Try Outs'.
Can i be a tester?
sure, you can be our official tester.
In-game Name:Jeffsy00
My Main Skill:Minigames
Other Skill:A little noob art and quite nice animation(currently training my art)
My Best Work:Game Pack 2000 (still under construction)
Finished another 2 maps! woot!
EDIT: you have to be invited to join, sos you can ask to be put on the waiting list if you want.
Last edited by _narutox3_ (Sep 11 2011 1:18:53 am)
woah my screen is glitching i cant c words only smilehs and links o.O
^Same here... only on the first page though, wierd...
we're starting to progress really well with the maps we just have to put minis in most of them and we've finished up another one of the worlds
On a side note: yeah most of the first page is glitching
Last edited by Aedan (Sep 11 2011 1:19:22 pm)
Unfortunately, I can't take screenshots with the type of computer I have
However, like Aedan said, we progress really fast with only 3-4 people at a time, the only set back is that the amount of energy you get max and how much time it takes to get 1 energy.
Overall: this crew is doing well and I'm glad to be leading it.
Can I get added to the member list?
And what level are we going to work on tomorrow?
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