Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
You are not logged in.
calc, that is kinda ridiculous... if you can come onto this forum, you should be able to get onto the other forum. if it's cause u dont have an email, make a hotmail. calc, also please dont start reporting like that... he was just wondering why... those aren't reportable right? and lopoi, nice job.
The "is that reportable?" was a joke.
Can I join please?
Read the first post.
You must have 300 posts to enter
See, this is why I get annoyed by 99% of people in this forum (not people like lopoi though). They don't even read the OP, just skip to the last page and post.
Ontopic: Can someone in MCRC test Keyfest when they have it guestbombed? I noticed it gives a lot of magic there.
I read it but I am like Raider188 I come on regularly but just don't post!
even then, raider may be kicked soon... hasnt contributed much. gogos, i'm sorry but half of your posts are forum games...
Am I staying in? Sorry I haven't gotten many magic coins.
well you have over 300 posts... you havent done anything bad. so you're still in. but i think raider's gonna get kicked since he's
1. inactive
2. non-contributing
3. not meeting the requirements to join crew.
and i dunno what i should do about calculusguy... he got banned. dunno if its perm
Jasomna can I still show you some screenies?
OK I have a theory OK? The type of blocks in a level somewhat change the magic results?
well you have over 300 posts... you havent done anything bad. so you're still in. but i think raider's gonna get kicked since he's
1. inactive
2. non-contributing
3. not meeting the requirements to join crew.and i dunno what i should do about calculusguy... he got banned. dunno if its perm
Its probably a week ban.
Jasonma wrote:well you have over 300 posts... you havent done anything bad. so you're still in. but i think raider's gonna get kicked since he's
1. inactive
2. non-contributing
3. not meeting the requirements to join crew.and i dunno what i should do about calculusguy... he got banned. dunno if its perm
Its probably a week ban.
Probably 2 days ban
gogosboy: anyone is welcome to contribute! do make sure you post it in the raw data section and READ THE FIRST POST BEFORE YOU POST!
also, i can add that theory to our list of theories. thanks for contributing!
well if calcguy isn't perm banned, i guess he's still in our crew
happy new years btw
I will join now? Sometimes i play EE everyday but i mostly spend most time on the forums
I are back.
well yeah why not. check out our forum at also, what position do you want?
Last edited by Jasonma (Jan 3 2012 9:51:32 pm)
Data collectors please
I are back.
see if you can find my coin rush topic. it works!
EDIT: This is my 299th post. one more!
Last edited by scienceguyz (Jan 5 2012 11:39:28 am)
OK... I may aswell join..
Online name: Thepuzzleguy
Alts: Th3pu55l3guy, Kwikkie, LollerKid, iatoaoRD, iatoao.
Energy: 269.
^might need to know that.
Am i data collector? And Is EE Beast Rly Quiting EE?
Last edited by haze123 (Jan 5 2012 4:22:33 pm)
I are back.
yay, I have 301 posts now. I got a magic coin in my level, magic coin theory testing.
Here is the screenie:
it is basically a coin farm.
Can I join?
I'll join! I've wanted to join, but I just got 300 posts. If possible, data collector position please.
well can I join or not?
ok look i wanna keep this crew a little small and limited to a few smart people... everyone is allowed to contribute to our forum:
to stay in the crew, im gonna kick it up a notch though.
1. 300 posts AND positive rep - i dont want members in my crew that are not going to listen or cause trouble. generally just people that are obedient and nice to talk to. They have to be able to know WHAT THE FIRST POST IS and KNOW HOW TO COMMUNICATE.
2. 250+ max energy - i want people who play enough ee to know about all the magics or at least have some experience with magics.
3. test... - sorry guys, but i'm going to set a recruitment test. you will see it on the first post soon. (i'll try to get it up by today, jan 6. i need people who really know what they're doing.
4. you get 1 warning per month - ok i need people who are smart enough not to touch the stove twice. if you're going to be in this crew, you are going to have to be logical. also, if i see you are just trying to use up all your warnings to deliberately annoy me or anyone else in this crew, you're out.
sorry i have to make these rules, but i think JUST the 300 post one is just too lenient.
+15 magics are extra-special. I have 2. I mostly get +1 and +2 and an occasional +10. Rarely +15. 289 max energy
4 rep.
219 posts? Does that about count?
299 max energy.
I LOVE tests! Someone said I had real skills yesterday!
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