Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Welcome to the Magic Coin Research Crew's official thread!
We will be collecting data from players to determine the causes and chances for obtaining magic coins while doing certain activities.
Current Focus
What server probably looks for:
These probably considerably reduce chances, but do not minimize the chances to zero. Remember, these have to apply to a large amount of levels and be repetable patterns but not limit chances in normal levels too much.
-Making sure you don't always go to same spots (prevents afk mazes with sideloops)
-Dont get same coin over and over (prevents /reset)
-Making sure many people dont get coin at same time (prevents giant coin farms)
-Coin collection rate
-Amount of coins in level
-More coming!
Some players have reported being lucky with certain smileys. Let's test this!
-(omg so many of them! too lazy to get them all right now.)
Collecting Data:
We will start collecting data for this research shortly.
1. Gold Coins only! Blues do NOT award magics!
2. Each sample must be on the same level and not random!
3. Screenie must be provided!
4. Please do not include your opinions on things unless you are suggesting we add another category to test.
Making more rules right now. Please wait!
Data will go through our crew in this order:
Credibility staff -> Data Collectors -> Admins/Operation Managers
Operation Managers:
Credibility Staff:
Data collectors:
Waiting/Need to pass test
If you would like to join, post below.
1. You must have 300 POSTS on this forum AND POSITIVE REP TO JOIN!
2. When joining, please specify a position. Admin qualifiers will be PMed so that they know they qualify.
3. 250+ max energy
4. recruitment test - SCROLL DOWN TO SEE.
5. know that you only get ONE warning per month - don't abuse this or push my limits... most people would allow one warning only...
Recruitment Test:
Ok guys, I'm only going to quiz you on the basics of this crew and magic coins. I'm keeping it very simple so please don't complain that "it's so hard" or "it's impossible" or "i cant do it because my computer won't let me". good luck!
1. What are the types of magic coins? Please tell me ALL of them: Select from following: (1,2,3,5,10,15,20,25,santa,wizard,fire wizard, grinch, witch, pumpkin, artist)
2. What coins refill energy?
a. Anything but +1s.
b. Anything but +1s, or the smiley magics.
c. Everything.
3. What is the limit of max energy a player can have?
a. 500.
b. 300.
c. 1000.
d. 250.
e. None.
4. How many warnings do you get before you're kicked?
a. 1.
b. 2.
c. 1 per month
d. 1 per year
e. unlimited
5. Where is data posted?
a. Crew Forum.
b. This thread.
c. Both.
6. Who gets to be admins?
a. Whoever asks.
b. Whoever gets PMed.
c. Voted in by other admins in crew.
7. How do you suggest a new idea?
a. Ask here
b. Post on forum
c. Both
To pm me, go to my picture, and under you will see a blue PM button. click that to write me a message with the answers!
Please don't post anything off-topic here. We will be using this thread to recruit members!
Visit out forum at <--------------ALL DATA GOES HERE IN "RAW DATA" FORUM!!!! -------
Last edited by Jasonma (Feb 1 2012 4:49:42 pm)
Why are you making so many groups?
Because each have different purpose I guess? And wow, MCR. Post the results for me!
addi, there isnt enough variety. i thought if i start something new, people would join... but some people just dont pay attention to the group section.
I am a magician so can I join and do some magic tricks with your magic coins?
i dont have 300 posts can i still join plz? P.S. Having magic in the name does not limit chances AT ALL! Example: TFG's lotsomagic 2.
I think knowedge of what magic IS should also be required to join.
Can i join i am hard working and commited and i play EE every day so i hope you let me in.
i can't join because i don't have 300 posts, however i have some really important data:
i was on my small saved world. I went there only to hopefully get a magic coin, and just by coincidence i got one first try! i thought this was such luck that i typed /reset (i guess that proves you wrong) and did it again. Unfortunately i did not get one then so i typed /reset. I did this repeatedly about 20 times until i got another magic coin! So i was amazed at this and told everyone about it, i went back to the game and typed /reset about 50 times and i got another magic coin! (fire wizard one this time). I didn't get one after that but my theory is nthat one magic triggers another. I think this because many populated worlds have one after the other. In my world when it had 40 players online i got 50 magics in one day!
i do not have any print screen proof because it is on paint and i would need to upload it in order for u to see it.
So what do you think of that eh? (please can i join if this impressed you).
Can i join ?
Im in Ltc and i want to join Mcr
I need to do something to enter
Um, is this just to like post how you got magics? Because I cant get on a lot, only once or twice a day. If its just to post magic info, then can I join?
Last edited by calculusguy (Oct 16 2011 6:49:30 pm)
uhh ok guys, surprised that i have so many join requests. yes if you dont have 300 posts on this forum you cant join. why? usually people with over 500 posts are more mature and know more about everybody edits. some people under 500 posts are also just simply too stubborn to realize that sometimes they are wrong :rolleyes: i know i may not be right, but im just putting out some theories to test. so please i know the name probably doesnt influence it, but let's just find out first.
EDIT: btw, what positions do you guys want to occupy? take a look at the first post and select one. i'll choose who can be the admins... please don't pester me if you don't qualify.
Last edited by Jasonma (Oct 17 2011 12:40:01 am)
So i can ? 385 posts
i may not have been on ee very long but i get on alot i already have 291 max energy. Please can there be some exceptions? i will give + reps.
You havent said much about me i have over 500 and 300 posts so can i join?
ok... look guys:
monster - in. now tell me what position. thats what i've been asking.
raider - MIGHT be in. problem is 80 posts doesnt indicate much forum activity (maybe you do get on to see things and dont post but i dont know.) and most people under 300 posts are not used to forums. not saying anyone is not used to forums here. so i'll let you in for now... i'm not interested in + reps. i have enough that i'm not going to go negative
dominator - yes. same as monster. what position?
edit: raider - also, if you are submitting data, you gotta know how to screenie things. data is NOT legitimate when there is no evidence! ok THIS GOES FOR EVERYONE ELSE AS WELL:
my way (a good way of screenieing, not sure if its the best)
print screen button when you wanna take a pic -> paste into microsoft paint -> upload to a picture website ( -> copy direct url into forum and put http:// tag on it.
Last edited by Jasonma (Oct 17 2011 5:09:14 pm)
Can i be admin?
Since this is magic crew, is the new magic item a witch?
uhh i've heard that it is. havent ever seen a screenie of someone getting it... but yes i hear its a witch. dominator, you can be admin for now.
ok... look guys:
raider - MIGHT be in. problem is 80 posts doesnt indicate much forum activity (maybe you do get on to see things and dont post but i dont know.) and most people under 300 posts are not used to forums. not saying anyone is not used to forums here. so i'll let you in for now... i'm not interested in + reps. i have enough that i'm not going to go negative
edit: raider - also, if you are submitting data, you gotta know how to screenie things. data is NOT legitimate when there is no evidence! ok THIS GOES FOR EVERYONE ELSE AS WELL:
i often visit this forum: and i have 365 posts. Exactly a year. I'm just saying that i am use to forums and on this forum: i am a mod, so i'll be alright with that. And now that you've told me how to upload my print screens, i can do that. I already have a jumble of magic screen shots.
ok, but remember to include level name, your profile name, and the thing that shows you got a magic. like this:
thats how i did it ^
Last edited by Jasonma (Oct 19 2011 3:45:35 pm)
Hey! Thats from AP crew forums!
LOL this could end up being very helpful if proven true. keep working!!
am i in the crew?
Can i be co-admin with dominator ?
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