Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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New Level:We have one
Meeting Time:none, Friday 8;00pm,search for Seek Meet on EE!
S.E.E.K. is a group of specialized players of Everybody Edits. We protect EE from trolls and hackers.Pros may only join,the criteria will be shown down in the topic.We also make art and minis,basically we make pro original worlds.Our goal is to to get rid of noobs,hackers and trolls,But we also make great worlds and come up with original ideas.Motto:"If you want to perfect something,you must work for it!"-Muffinator
Must have Templar Knight[optional]
Played EE for enough,to understand most things of EE
Encouraged to help EE and its community
MUST have chat so we can communicate
Beta would be nice
10 years or older(im 12)
Please be in the US(so we can work on things at the same time,optional,would be appreciated if you were)
If you are a troll,please don't do it anymore,once your in the crew
If you hate trolls hackers or noobs,join this crew,and become a Seeker
No Trolling in worlds
No Hacking codes or accounts,anykind of hacking
Respect others,we all are equal
Do not boss each other around,epecially if you are not higher rank than another person
Application Form:
Username in game,and Forum:
Profile Link:
Position to fill:
Levels: _ [Dreaming Meadow] Easy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hard
Hope You join The Seekers!!!
Last edited by Muffinator99 (Feb 20 2012 5:20:07 am)
Ya muff stop making crews theres too many of dem
What evs,do you want to be an admin Alexa,btw I'm only in two crews SK and this,
I think this is another smiley group
I are back.
This is not a smiley crew,a real pro player crew,but we do have fun,can wait for people to join.:cool::cool:
Last edited by Muffinator99 (Jan 28 2012 3:35:20 am)
About the motto:
There is another quite well known motto about the same to that
"Practice makes perfect"
ohh,well i didnt try to copy that one,please people,join this crew,and prosper!
I will join! I have beta and chat! But i am not the best at art or minigames...
What doess mod and admin? Just wondering...
I will be a member!
I will join! I have beta and chat! But i am not the best at art or minigames...
What doess mod and admin? Just wondering...
I will be a member!
Alright,since you ight be new,youll be a member,your in
Thanks! I have a Teacher Crew that teaches art and minis and things like that so if someone will be willing on being a teacher so that other people and I could know how to do art so hopefully I will be good at it soon!
Username in game,and Forum: Cheatsman99, both the same
Profile Link:
Position to fill: Admin. If not, artist.
Chat: Yes.
Beta: Yes.
Username in game,and Forum: Cheatsman99, both the same
Profile Link:
Position to fill: Admin. If not, artist.
Chat: Yes.
Beta: Yes.
Ummm.profile not the best but youll be in,You are now the admin but if a better player comes around,you mght becom artist instead,and for iganigaishanishka,no ads in here and please give me a profile link,thanks join SEKK Crew today!!!And be victorious.
Sorry about my profile, All my levels were messed up because of an incident in which my info was given away. I changed my password so it's now all set and the real me. My levels were all destroyed, but I am going to rebuild them soon.
Sorry about my profile, All my levels were messed up because of an incident in which my info was given away. I changed my password so it's now all set and the real me. My levels were all destroyed, but I am going to rebuild them soon.
Its ok,no problem.
We will have a meeting soon.
Annoucment:Members please be on EE forumity and the game on Saturday,4 2012 for a meeting,more info will be posted,thanks:D
Last edited by Muffinator99 (Feb 2 2012 10:04:41 pm)
I would like to be a member. But do you want us to excel in a particular thing like boss-building, etc?
i want something more original,not like bosses or stairs or hooks,or even boring minis[pro hard core ones would be ok,but mixed within the map]and your in ;D
hard core minis like the ones in Crash Landing. That one is an awsome world with sweet minis. I know the person (Cousin) so I could try and get him to make minis and maybe join.
hard core minis like the ones in Crash Landing. That one is an awsome world with sweet minis. I know the person (Cousin) so I could try and get him to make minis and maybe join.
That would be cool i you can get him to join,i probably know hi too,thanks.
i will join forum acc same as ee acc hav chat and beta im 13 but i dnt hav knight
i will join forum acc same as ee acc hav chat and beta im 13 but i dnt hav knight
cool,but please fill out the application form
I still havn't asked him (the ouner that made Crash Landing)... I will soon though...
Stormboy25,please fill out the application form , thank you
Application Form:
Username in game,and Forum: ecfc07 in game and Kane07 on the forum
Profile Link:
Position to fill: Artist, if not, Minimaker
Chat: Yes
Beta: Yes
cheers ecfc07
bumped ^
all requests r now in,yeppy
Should we have a meeting at one of my worlds? :/
To get started making one???
Last edited by iganigaishanishka (Feb 17 2012 1:52:02 pm)
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